Output Control Card (HYDT-KE)

This card allows the user to control output written to the output file, plot.n file, and screen (i.e., standard input/output device (STDIO)). The output file contains an interpreted and reformatted version of the input and simulation results for selected variables at selected reference nodes over the simulation period. The plot.n file contains values of geometric parameters and selected variables for the entire computational domain (both active and inactive nodes) at selected simulation times. A plot.n file will always be generated at the conclusion of an execution. The output to the STDIO primarily comprises the reference node variable results versus simulation time and/or time step. It is recommended that the user request screen output, because well chosen output may be invaluable in tracking the simulation progress and identifying possible input errors. If a suite of repetitive simulations is being performed, then screen output can be reduced to minimum values.

  • Descriptions of the various classes of surface flux options for STOMP-HYDT-KE are provided on the Card Options page.

  • Formatting instructions for specifying surface fluxes for STOMP-HYDT-KE are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Surface Flux Cards for STOMP-HYDT-KE with and without solutes and geochemistry are provided on the Card Examples page.

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