Hydraulic Properties Card (HYDT-KE)

This card is used to assign values to the intrinsic permeability of each defined rock/soil type. Every rock/soil type defined on the Rock/Soil Zonation Card must be referenced. With the IJK Indexing option, node dependent parameters are entered via external files and node independent parameters are entered directly on the card. Intrinsic permeability can be declared directly or through entering the hydraulic conductivity at reference conditions, where reference conditions refer to atmospheric pressure and 20°C. By default, the simulator reads the permeability values on this card as intrinsic permeabilities, unless the character string hc is included in the associated units. Default units of m2 are applied to null entries for the units associated with permeability values. A primary assumption of the simulator is that principal components of the intrinsic permeability tensor are aligned with the principal coordinate directions. For cylindrical coordinate systems the radial, azimuthal, and vertical permeabilities correspond with the x-, y-, and z-direction values, respectively. Refer to the STOMP Theory Guide (White and Oostrom 2000) for a description of the conversion of hydraulic conductivity at reference conditions to intrinsic permeability. The key words 'dp,' 'dual porosity,' or 'fractured' in the rock/soil name indicate a dual porosity medium, which triggers the reading of both matrix and fracture properties (e.g., Fracture and Matrix Intrinsic Permeability).

  • Hydraulic property models, model options and model parameters are described on the Card Options page.
  • Formatting instructions for specifying the hydraulic property models and parameters are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Hydraulic Properties Cards for STOMP-HYDT-KE are provided on the Card Examples page.


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