Saturation Function Card (HYDT-KE)

Saturation functions relate the gas-aqueous, gas-NAPL, and NAPL-aqueous capillary pressures to aqueous, nonaqueous-liquid, and gas phase saturations. Model options and parameters for these functions are specified through the Saturation Function Card. Every rock/soil type defined on the Rock/Soil Zonation Card must be referenced. With the IJK Indexing option, node dependent parameters are entered via external files and node independent parameters are entered directly on the card.  A hybrid form of the Rock/Soil Zonation and IJK Indexing can be invoked on the Saturation Function Card. Under this hybrid form the IJK Indexing option is used, but the key words Rock/Soil Zonation, indicate that an indexing file will be read to associate functions and parameters with node numbers.  A series of conventional Rock/Soil Zonation input lines are then used to associate the indices in the indexing file with the inputs. Rock/Soil Zonation names, however, are not included at the start of the input line.  Instead of using Rock/Soil Zonation names to associate functions and parameters with nodes, the sequencing order and the indexing file creates this association.  The first line of function and parameter data is associated with index  1, the second line with index 2, and so on.   

Functional models in STOMP-HYDT-KE include the van Genuchten model (1980), the Brooks and Corey model (1966).

  • Saturation function models, model options and model parameters are described on the Card Options page.
  • Formatting instructions for specifying the saturation function models and parameters are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Saturation Function Cards for STOMP-HYDT-KE are provided on the Card Examples page.

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