Equilibrium Equations Card (-R)

This card is used to specify (fast) reactions assumed to be at equilibrium. The species exponents can be positive or negative. Required inputs include the number of species in the equilibrium equation (including the equilibrium species), the species names, the equilibrium reaction name, and the species exponents. The equilibrium species (indicated with the subscript i ) is distinguished from the other species in the equilibrium equation (indicated with the subscript j ) by being the first species listed for the equilibrium equation. Equilibrium reaction constants are specified via the Equilibrium Reactions Card.

  • General concepts for specifying equilibrium equations are provided on the Card Description page.

  • Formatting instructions for specifying equilibrium equations are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Equilibrium Equations Cards are provided on the Card Examples page.


It is strongly recommended that the pre-processor, toECKE, distributed with STOMP, be used to create the reactive transport cards used by the ECKEChem Module. This ensures that proper syntax is adhered to and that consistency among cards is maintained.

ECKEChem Input Cards

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