Solid Species Card (-R)

This card is required when there are immobile species present in the reaction system. The immobile species can include both sorbed and mineral species. Required input includes the species name, the species mass density, and the species molecular weight. The species name must be unique and distinct from aqueous and gas species names (e.g., FeCO3(s), FeCO3_solid, solid FeCO3, FeCO3s).

  • Formatting instructions for specifying solid species are provided on the Card Syntax page.
  • Examples of Solid Species Cards are provided on the Card Examples page.

It is strongly recommended that the pre-processor, toECKE, distributed with STOMP, be used to create the reactive transport cards used by the ECKEChem Module. This ensures that proper syntax is adhered to and that consistency among cards is maintained.

ECKEChem Input Cards

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