Simulation Title Card Examples (CO2E)

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~Simulation Title Card
STOMP Example Problem,
John Doe,
June 03,
With 10 lines of notes
~Simulation Title Card
Problem 4,
M.D. White,
Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
26 August 2002,
14:45 AM PST,
Intercomparison of simulation models for CO2 disposal in
underground storage reservoirs.
Test Problem 4: CO2 Discharge Along a Fault Zone
This problem explores CO2 loss from storage through a leaky fault,
using a highly simplified 1-D linear flow geometry. It is envisioned
that an aquifer into which CO2 disposal is made is intersected by a
vertical fault, which establishes a connection through an otherwise
impermeable caprock to another aquifer 500 m above the storage aquifer.
This situation is idealized by assuming 1-D flow geometry and constant
pressure boundary conditions (Pruess and Garcia, 2000).
With 8 lines of notes
~Simulation Title Card
Stuttgart 1.1,
Mark White,
Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
01 June 2011,
09:37 PDT,
2.1 Definition of benchmark problem 1: CO2 plume evolution and
leakage through an abandoned well
2.1.1 Formulated by A. Ebigbo, J. Nordbotten and H. Class
Problem description CO2 is injected into an aquifer; spreads within the
aquifer and, upon reaching a leaky well, rises up to a shallower
aquifer. A quantification of the leakage rate which depends on the
pressure build- up in the aquifer due to injection and on the plume
evolution is the goal of the simulation.
With 2 lines of notes
~Simulation Title Card
STOMP Example Problem CO2E-2: Exercise 2,
M.D. White,
Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
02 December 2011,
15:07 PST,
Estimation of the CO2 Storage Capacity of
a Geological Formation.




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