Aqueous Relative Permeability Card (CO2E)

 The aqueous relative permeability functions relate phase saturations with aqueous relative permeability. The Aqueous Relative Permeability Card is used to specify model options and parameters. Every rock/soil type defined on the Rock/Soil Zonation Card must be referenced. With the IJK Indexing option, node dependent parameters are entered via external files and node independent parameters are entered directly on the card. The Mualem and Burdine aqueous relative permeability functions are also dependent on the saturation function type and are strictly applicable to the van Genuchten (1980) and Brooks and Corey (1966) functions. For these functions, either the van Genuchten ‘m’ parameter or the Brooks and Corey ‘λ’ parameter can be defaulted to the values entered or defaulted with the saturation function. Functional forms for the aqueous relative permeability-saturation functions are preferred, but tabular input is acceptable. By default, tabular data will be interpolated using linear interpolation, whereas values beyond the table limits will be assigned either the table minimum or maximum values appropriately.

  • Aqueous relative permeability models, model options and model parameters are described on the Card Options page.
  • Formatting instructions for specifying the aqueous phase relative permeability models and parameters are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Aqueous Phase Relative Permeability Cards for STOMP-CO2e are provided on the Card Examples page.



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