Saturation Function Card (CO2E)

Functional models in STOMP-CO2 and -CO2E include the van Genuchten model (1980), the Brooks and Corey model (1966), and the Haverkamp model (1977). These van Genuchten and Brooks and Corey models can be used in association with the dual-porosity model (Klavetter and Peters 1986; Nitao 1988). The van Genuchten and Brooks and Corey models can also be implemented with gas entrapment by using the keyword, Entrapment. The entrapment model requires one additional input parameter Actual Maximum Trapped Gas Saturation. To extend the saturation function below the aqueous residual saturation, functional extensions are required. STOMP-CO2 and -CO2E recognize two extension functions: Fayer and Simmons (1995) and Webb (2000). Both of these extension functions work with both the van Genuchten and Brooks and Corey characteristics functions, without requiring additional input as the oven-dried head is assumed to be equal to a capillary pressure of 109 Pa (~105 m).

  • Saturation function models, model options and model parameters are described on the Card Options page.
  • Formatting instructions for specifying the saturation function models and parameters are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Saturation Function Cards for STOMP-CO2E are provided on the Card Examples page.

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