STOMP User Guide
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases

STOMP User Guide
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases
List of STOMP Variables
Variables | Description |
ACNM | Air Component Name |
Air Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
(17,:) Mole Fraction | |
ACTVC | Constant Activity Coefficient for ECKEChem |
AFX | X-Direction Node Area, m2 |
AFY | Y-Direction Node Area, m2 |
AFZ | Z-Direction Node Area, m2 |
AFZSP | Areal Node Surface Area for Spill Modeling, m2 |
AGLF | Interfacial Area between Free Gas and Aqueous, m2 |
AGLT | Interfacial Area between Trapped Gas and Aqueous, m2 |
ALAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ALBEDO | Soil Albedo Function Parameters |
(1,:) Dry Soil Albedo | |
(2,:) Wet Soil Albedo | |
(3,:) Albedo Attenuation Factor | |
(4,:) Albedo @ Solar Zenith = 60° | |
(5,:) Briegleb Albedo Model Parameter C | |
ALU | Jacobian Coefficient Matrix |
ANLF | Specific Aqueous-Free NAPL Interfacial Area, 1/m |
ANLT | Specific Aqueous-Trapped NAPL Interfacial Area, 1/m |
AOPF_FC | Air Orifice Plate Frequency, 1/m |
ARAI_FC | Area of Air Inlet Chimney, m2 |
ARAO_FC | Area of Air Outlet Chimney, m2 |
ARCAI_FC | Arc of Air Inlet Chimney, rads |
ARCAO_FC | Arc of Air Outlet Chimney, rads |
ARCAP_FC | Arc of Air Inlet Plenum, rads |
ARCFI_FC | Arc of Fuel Inlet Chimney, rads |
ARCFO_FC | Arc of Fuel Outlet Chimney, rads |
ARCFP_FC | Arc of Fuel Inlet Plenum, rads |
ARFI_FC | Area of Fuel Inlet Chimney, m2 |
ARFO_FC | Area of Fuel Outlet Chimney, m2 |
AROA_FC | Air Chimney-to-Plenum Orifice Area, m2 |
AROF_FC | Fuel Chimney-to-Plenum Orifice Area, m2 |
ASGT | Apparent Trapped Gas Saturation |
ASGTL | Apparent Trapped Gas Saturation, Aqueous |
ASGTN | Apparent Trapped Gas Saturation, NAPL |
ASL | Apparent Aqueous Saturation |
ASLMIN | Minimum Apparent Aqueous Saturation |
ASLMIN_VE | Minimum Apparent Aqueous Saturation for Vertical Equilibrium |
ASLMIN_VEQ | Minimum Apparent Aqueous Saturation for Vertical Equilibrium |
ASLSC | Apparent Aqueous Saturation at Reversal Point |
ASNMIN | Minimum Apparent NAPL Saturation |
ASNR | Apparent Residual NAPL Saturation |
ASNT | Apparent Trapped NAPL Saturation |
AST | Apparent Total-Liquid Saturation |
ASTMAX | Maximum Apparent Total-Liquid Saturation |
ASTMIN | Minimum Apparent Total-Liquid Saturation |
ATALAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATB0 | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATB1 | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATB2 | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATCLAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATCMX | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATHLAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATMC | Atmospheric Condition Measurement Parameters |
(1) Wind Speed Measurement Height, m | |
(2) Air Temp./Relative Humidity Measurement Height, m | |
(3) Local Longitude, deg | |
(4) Local Latitude, deg | |
(5) Local Meridian, deg | |
ATMOS | Atmospheric Condition Parameters |
(1,:) Time, s | |
(2,:) Temperature, C | |
(3,:) Pressure, Pa | |
(4,:) Relative Humidity, % | |
(5,:) Incident Solar Radiation, W/m2 | |
(6,:) Wind Speed, m/s | |
ATMST | Atmospheric Conditions Data Start Time, s |
ATNLAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATPA | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATPC | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATTA | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATTC | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
AVPVG | Average Pore Gas Velocity, m/s |
AVPVL | Average Pore Aqueous Velocity, m/s |
B0 | Binary interaction parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
B1 | Binary interaction parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
B2 | Binary interaction parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
B2P_HT | Table of 2 Phase Beta Values |
BC | Boundary Condition Variables |
BC_GM | Geomechanics Boundary Conditions |
BCXYZG | XYZ Gradient Base Pressure, Pa |
BGL | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BGN | Gas-NAPL Scaling Factor |
BHL | NAPL-Aqueous Scaling |
BIG | Constant, 1E20 |
BIJNA | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BIJTD | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BIL | Ice-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BIPC | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BIPF | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BLU | Solution Vector |
BMMX | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BNL | NAPL-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BPHI | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BPPR | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BPR | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BTGL | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BTGL_VEQ | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor for Vertical Equilibrium |
BTGLB | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor at Boundary |
C | Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
C_OBDT | Field-Observation Output Units* (64 characters) |
CA_GL | Gas-Aqueous Contact Angle, deg |
CA_GN | Gas-NAPL Contact Angle, deg |
CA_NL | NAPL-Aqueous Contact Angle, deg |
CARD | Card Name* (64 characters) |
CB | Boundary Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
CBO | Old Time Step Boundary Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
CCL_CRN | Aqueous Cut-Off Concentration for Courant Limit Control |
CDLSF_FC | Stack Frame Limiting Current Density, A/cm2 |
CFMX | Pore-scale to Macro-Scale Factor |
CH_VRSN | User's Guide Version Number |
CHDATE | Date* (10 characters) |
CHDF | Solute Chain Decay Fraction |
CHKN | Characteristic Matrix Length, m |
CHML | Matrix Characteristic Length, m |
CHMSG | Error Message* (132 characters) |
CHREF | Reference Node Variable Abbreviation* (4 characters) |
CHSF | Surface Flux Variable Abbreviation* (4 characters) |
CHTIME | Time* (8 characters) |
CIMTC | Oil Interphase Mass Transfer Coefficients |
CINH | Gas Hydrate Inhibitor Coefficient |
CL_GM | Direction Cosines for Geomechanics |
CLAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
CLKMX | Maximum Clock Time, s |
CLKSEC | Clock Time, s |
CLU | Solution Vector |
CMIN | Minimum Species Concentration, 1/m3 |
CMP | Rock/Soil Compressibility Parameters |
(1,:) Matrix Compressibility, 1/Pa | |
(2,:) Fracture Compressibility, 1/Pa | |
(3,:) Compressibility Reference Pressure, Pa | |
CMPNY | Company Name* |
CMTLN | NAPL-Aqueous Interphase Mass Transfer Coefficients |
CMXX | Binary Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
CNL | Solute Concentration in NAPL, 1/m3 |
CNLO | Old Time Step Solute Concentration in NAPL, 1/m3 |
CNM_OS | Component Name for Oil Shales |
CO | Old Time Step Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
CPAC | Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Constants |
(1) Constant a | |
(2) Constant b | |
(3) Constant c | |
(4) Constant d | |
CPAI_SP | Specific Heat of Air Inlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPAO_SP | Specific Heat of Air Outlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPFI_SP | Specific Heat of Fuel Inlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPFO_SP | Specific Heat of Fuel Outlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPIC_FC | Specific Heat of Inner Casing - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPIC_SP | Specific Heat of Inner Casing Wall - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPIN_FC | Specific Heat of Inner Casing Insulation - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPIN_SP | Specific Heat of Inner Casing Insulation - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPLY_RL | Aqueous Relative Permeability Polynomial Coefficients |
CPLY_SL | Aqueous Saturation Polynomial Coefficients |
CPOC | Oil Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Constants |
CPOC_FC | Specific Heat of Outer Casing - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPOC_SP | Specific Heat of Outer Casing - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPS | Rock/Soil Specific Heat, J/kg K |
CPSF_FC | Specific Heat of Spacer Rings and Frame Plates - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPSP_FC | Specific Heat of Separator Rings and Frame Plates - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPUMX | Maximum CPU Time, s |
CPUSEC | CPU Time, s |
CRMSIT | SAC Destination Site Name |
CRNTG | Gas Courant Number |
CRNTL | Aqueous Courant Number |
CRNTMXC | Maximum Courant Number for Oil Transport |
CRNTMXT | Maximum Courant Number for Solute or Species Transport |
CRNTN | NAPL Courant Number |
CTA | Higher Order Mixing Term for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTAPH | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTAPPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTAPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTC | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTCPH | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTCPPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTCPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
D2B2P_HT | Table of 2 Phase Second Derivative Beta Values |
D2FK2P_HT | Table of 2 Phase Second Derivative K-Factor Values |
D2FKLE_HT | Table of Lower Phase Envelope Second Derivative K-Factor Values |
D2FKUE_HT | Table of Upper Phase Envelope Second Derivative K-Factor Values |
D2PLE_HT | Table of Lower Phase Envelope Second Derivative Pressures |
D2PUE_HT | Table of Upper Phase Envelope Second Derivative Pressures |
D50 | Mean Particle Diameter (d50), m |
DBH_FC | Diameter of Borehole - Fuel Cell, m |
DBH_SP | Diameter of Borehole - Supply Pipe, m |
DBLTIM | Mass Balance Times, s |
DFEF | Water Vapor Enhanced Diffusion Function Coefficients |
(1,:) Parameter A | |
(2,:) Parameter B | |
(3,:) Parameter C | |
(4,:) Parameter D | |
(5,:) Parameter E | |
DFGA | Gas CO2 or Air Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGAB | Gas CO2 or Air Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGAC | Gas CO2 Diffusion Coefficient Constant , m2/s |
DFGC | Gas Component Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFGCB | Gas Component Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGN | Gas Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGNB | Gas Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGNC | Gas Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGO | Gas Oil Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGOB | Gas Oil Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGOC | Gas Oil Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFGW | Gas Water Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGWB | Gas Water Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGWC | Gas Water Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGWW | Gas Water Well Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGWWB | Gas Water Well Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLA | Aqueous Air Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLAB | Aqueous Air Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLAC | Aqueous Air Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFLAW | Aqueous Air Well Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLAWB | Aqueous Air Well Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLC | Aqueous Component Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLCB | Aqueous Component Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLN | Aqueous Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLNB | Aqueous Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLNC | Aqueous Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFLO | Aqueous Oil Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLOB | Aqueous Oil Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLOC | Aqueous Oil Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFLOW | Aqueous Oil Well Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLOWB | Aqueous Oil Well Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLS | Aqueous Salt Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLSB | Aqueous Salt Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLSC | Aqueous Salt Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNA | NAPL Alcohol Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNAB | NAPL Alcohol Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNAC | NAPL Diffusion CO2 Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNC | NAPL Component Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNCB | NAPL Diffusion Component Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNN | NAPL N2 Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNNB | NAPL N2 Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNNC | NAPL N2 Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNO | NAPL Oil Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNOB | NAPL Oil Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNOC | NAPL Oil Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNW | NAPL Water Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNWB | NAPL Water Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNWC | NAPL Water Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DHR_FC | Reaction Energy Released per Mass of Fuel, J/kg |
DIAI_SP | Inner Diameter of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIAO_SP | Outer Diameter of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIFI_SP | Inner Diameter of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIFO_SP | Outer Diameter of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIIC_FC | Inner Diameter of Inner Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DIIC_SP | Inner Diameter of Inner Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DIIN_SP | Inner Diameter of Inner Casing Insulation of Supply Pipe, m |
DIOC_FC | Inner Diameter of Outer Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DIOC_SP | Inner Diameter of Outer Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DISPL | Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DISPL_GM | (1,:) X-Direction Geomechanical Displacement, m |
(2,:) Y-Direction Geomechanical Displacement, m | |
(3,:) Z-Direction Geomechanical Displacement, m | |
DISPT | Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DLU | Jacobian Coefficients Matrix for SPLIB |
DNR | Primary Variable Increments |
DNR_CW | Primary Variable Increments for Coupled Well |
DNR_VE | Primary Variable Increments for Vertical Equilibrium |
DNRSP | Primary Variable Increments for Surface Spill |
DNRW | Primary Variable Increments for Well |
DOAI_SP | Outer Diameter of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOAO_SP | Outer Diameter of Air Outlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOFI_SP | Outer Diameter of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOFO_SP | Outer Diameter of Fuel Outlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOHF_SP | Outer Diameter of Heater Fuel of Supply Pipe, m |
DOIC_FC | Outer Diameter of Inner Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DOIC_SP | Outer Diameter of Inner Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DOOC_FC | Outer Diameter of Outer Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DOOC_SP | Outer Diameter of Outer Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DP_FC | Pressure Primary Variable Increment of Fuel Cell, Pa |
DP_SP | Pressure Primary Variable Increment of Supply Pipe, Pa |
DPLD | Dissolved Oil Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPLGA | Gas CO2 Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPLGS | Salt Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPLLA | Aqueous CO2 Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPMA | Alcohol Dipole Moment, Debye |
DPMO | Oil Dipole Moment, Debye |
DPMW | Water Dipole Moment, Debye |
DPTD | Dissolved Oil Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DPTGA | Gas CO2 Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DPTLA | Aqueous CO2 Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DPTRS | Salt Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DRLTIM | Release Plane Times, s |
DRMEFF | Remediation Efficiency |
DRMTIM | Remediation Time, s |
DT | Time Step, s |
DT_CRN | Courant-Limit Time Step, s |
DT_FC | Temperature Primary Variable Increment of Fuel Cell, C |
DT_RST | Temporary Time Step, s |
DT_SP | Temperature Primary Variable Increment of Supply Pipe, C |
DTAF | Time Step Acceleration Factor |
DTCF | Time Step Cut Factor |
DTI | Inverse Time Step, 1/s |
DTI_CRN | Courant-Limit Inverse Time Step, 1/s |
DTI_RST | Temporary Inverse Time Step, 1/s |
DTMN | Minimum Time Step, s |
DTMX | Maximum Time Step, s |
DTO | Old Time Step, s |
DTSO | Old Time Step for 2nd Order Time Differencing, s |
DXGF | X-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DXGP | X-Direction Internodal Dimension, m |
DXSP | X-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DYGF | Y-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DYGP | Y-Direction Internodal Dimension, m |
DYSP | Y-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DZGF | Z-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DZGP | Z-Direction Internodal Dimension, m |
DZHC_HT | Mole Fraction Spacing for Hydrate Equilibria Data |
DZPC_HT | Mole Fraction Spacing for Phase Equilibria Data |
ECKE_ER | ECKEChem Error Logical |
ECNM | Exhaust Component Name |
ECPP | Exhaust Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
ELAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ELC_DCF | Electrolyte Density Function Parameters |
ELC_DUN | Electrolyte Density Function Parameter |
ELC_SCF | Electrolyte Surface Tension without Surfactant, N/m |
ELC_SOL | Electrolyte Name* (64 characters) |
ELC_VCF | Electrolyte Viscosity Function Parameters |
ELC_VUN | Electrolyte Viscosity Function Parameter |
EPSL | Machine Precision, 10-14 |
EQ_C | Stoichometric Coefficient for the Conservation Equation |
EQ_E | Stoichometric Coefficient for the Equilibrium Equation |
EQ_K | Stoichometric Coefficient for the Kinetic Equation |
ETH | Electrostatic function parameter |
ETHP | Electrostatic function parameter |
ETHP2 | Electrostatic function parameter |
FACTV | Fixed Species Activity |
FCNM | Fuel Component Name |
FCPP | Fuel Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
FCS_OS | Fractional Kerogen Source, kg |
FF_CW | Fraction Factor for Couple Well |
(1,:) X-Direction | |
(2,:) Y-Direction | |
(3,:) Z-Direction | |
FK | Equilibrium K Factors |
FK2P_HT | Equilibrium K Factor Table for 2 Phase Region |
FKLE_HT | Equilibrium K Factor Table for Lower Phase Envelope |
FKUE_HT | Equilibrium K Factor Table for Upper Phase Envelope |
FLG_EXT | Logical Flag for Creating an ".ext" File for UCODE |
FLG_UNI | Logical Flag for Creating an ".uni" File for UCODE |
FNBL | Balance File Name* (64 characters) |
FNPL | Plot File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRC | Recharge File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRD | Input File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRL | Release File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRS | Restart File Name* (64 characters) |
FNSF | Surface Flux File Name* (64 characters) |
FNSR | Screen Unit Name* (64 characters) |
FNVD | Remediate File Name* (64 characters) |
FNWR | Output File Name* (64 characters) |
FOPF_FC | Fuel Orifice Plate Frequency for Fuel Cell, 1/m |
FSFLA | Fractional Solubility Factor for Aqueous CO2 |
FUG_LV | Fugacity on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, Pa |
FUG_ST | CO2 Fugacity Coefficient Table |
FUG_TA | CO2 Fugacity Coefficient Table |
FX_CW | CO2 Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
FXA_CW | CO2 Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
FXC_CW | Component Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
FXE_CW | Energy Flux for Couple Well, W |
FXW_CW | Water Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
GAMMA | Scaling Factor Parameters |
(1,:) Matrix Permeability | |
(2,:) Matrix Porosity | |
(3,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(4,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(5,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(6,:) Fracture Permeability | |
(7,:) Fracture Porosity | |
(8,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(9,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(10,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(11,:) Mualem Anisotropy Parameter | |
(12,:) Mualem Anisotropy Parameter | |
(13,:) Mualem Anisotropy Parameter | |
GC_MMP | Gas Composition for Minimum Miscibility Pressure |
GCNM | Gas Component Name |
GCPP | Gas Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
(23,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, a | |
(24,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, b | |
(25,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, c | |
(26,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, d | |
(27,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, e | |
GPI | Constant, 3.1415926536 |
GRAV | Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRAVX | X-Direction Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRAVY | Y-Direction Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRAVZ | Z-Direction Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVPX | X-Dir. Internodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVPY | Y-Dir. Internodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVPZ | Z-Dir. Internodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVX | X-Dir. Nodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVY | Y-Dir. Nodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVZ | Z-Dir. Nodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
Water Component Property Parameters |
(1) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6) Critical Compressibility | |
(7) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8) Epsilon over Boltzmann Constant | |
(9) Liquid Molar Volume, m3/kmol | |
(10) Characteristic Length Parameter, m | |
(13) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(14) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(15) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
(16) Triple Point Temperature, K | |
(17) Triple Point Pressure, Pa | |
(18) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K | |
(19) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient B, J/kmol K2 | |
(20) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient C, J/kmol K3 | |
(21) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient D, J/kmol K4 | |
(23) Peneloux Shift Parameter | |
H_ST | CO2 Enthalpy Table, J/kg |
H_TA | CO2 Enthalpy Table, J/kg |
HAI_FC | Enthalpy of Air Inlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HAI_SP | Enthalpy of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HAI_WH | Enthalpy of Air Inlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HAO_FC | Enthalpy of Air Outlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HAO_SP | Enthalpy of Air Outlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HAO_WH | Enthalpy of Air Outlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HAS_FC | Enthalpy of Air on Surface of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HCAW | Henry’s Constant Air-Water, Pa |
HCMWE | Capillary Pressure Head for Water Entry (Triple-Curve), m |
HCNM | Hydrate Component Name |
HCOW | Henry’s Constant Oil-Water, Pa |
Hydrate Component Properties 1-CO2, 2-CH4, 3-N2, 4-Water |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole Moment, debyes | |
(9,:) Liquid Molar Volume, m3/kmol | |
(13,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component Parameter a | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component Parameter b | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component Parameter fw | |
(16,:) Triple Point Temperature, K | |
(17,:) Triple Point Pressure, Pa | |
(18,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K | |
(19,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K2 | |
(20,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K3 | |
(21,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K4 | |
HDOD | Oven-dried Capillary Head, m |
HDSC | Apparent Capillary Head at Reversal Point, m |
HFI_FC | Enthalpy of Fuel Inlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HFI_SP | Enthalpy of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HFI_WH | Enthalpy of Fuel Inlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HFO_FC | Enthalpy of Fuel Outlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HFO_SP | Enthalpy of Fuel Outlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HFO_WH | Enthalpy of Fuel Outlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HFS_FC | Enthalpy of Fuel on Surface of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HG | Gas Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGA | Air Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGAB | Air Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HGB | Gas Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HGC | Gas Component Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGCB | Gas Component Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HGD | Dry Gas Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGO | Oil Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGOB | Boundary Oil Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGW | Water Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGWB | Boundary Water Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HH | Hydrate Enthalpy, J/kg |
HH_O | Old Hydrate Enthalpy, J/kg |
HHB | Boundary Hydrate Enthalpy, J/kg |
HI | Ice Enthalpy, J/kg |
HI_O | Old Ice Enthalpy, J/kg |
HIB | Boundary Ice Enthalpy, J/kg |
HK | Kerogen Enthalpy, J/kg |
HKL | Interfacial Mass Transfer Coefficient in Aqueous Phase, m2/s |
HKNF | Interfacial Mass Transfer Coefficient in Free NAPL, m2/s |
HKNT | Interfacial Mass Transfer Coefficient in Trapped NAPL, m2/s |
HL | Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
HL_LV | Liquid Enthalpy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, Pa |
HL_O | Old Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLA | Aqueous CO2 Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLAB | Aqueous CO2 Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HLB | Boundary Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLF | Solute Half-Life, s |
HLO | Aqueous CH4 Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLOB | Aqueous CH4 Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HLS | Aqueous Salt Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLSB | Aqueous Salt Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HLSP | Aqueous Spill Height/Head, m |
HLW | Aqueous Water Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLW_P | Enthalpy of Liquid Water on Plant, J/kg |
HLWB | Aqueous Water Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HN | NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
HN_O | Old NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
HNB | Boundary NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
HNSP | Non-aqueous Spill Height/Head, m |
HOLAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
HSP | Precipitated Salt Enthalpy, J/kg |
HSP_O | Old Precipitated Salt Enthalpy, J/kg |
HV_LV | Vapor Enthalpy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, Pa |
I_FC | I-Index for Number of Fuel Cell Interval Nodes |
I_INH | Index for Hydrate Inhibitors |
I_LV | Number of Pressure Entries for Property Tables |
I_OBDT | Index for Field Observation Data |
(1,:) Observation Data Type | |
(2,:) Observation Data Variable | |
(3,:) Observed Data Statistical Index | |
(4,:) Observed Data I Index | |
(5,:) Observed Data J Index | |
(6,:) Observed Data K Index | |
(7,:) Observed Data I Index | |
(8,:) Observed Data J Index | |
(9,:) Observed Data K Index | |
I_SP | I-Index of Node with Supply Pipe Interval |
IACTEX | Index for Gaines-Thomas Convection |
IACTV | Activity Coefficient Option |
IALB | Bare-Soil Albedo Option |
IALB_P | Plant Albedo Option |
IAQU | Index for Aqueous Phase |
IATM_C | Index for Cyclic Atmospheric Conditions |
IBCC | Index for Cyclic Boundary Conditions |
IBCC_GM | LUGR Subgrid Index for Cyclic Boundary Conditions |
IBCD | Index for Boundary Condition Direction |
IBCD_GM | Index for Boundary Condition Direction for Geomechanics |
IBCIN | Boundary Condition Number Pointer |
IBCIN_GM | Boundary Condition Number Pointer for Geomechanics |
IBCLL | I-Index for X-Y-Z Gradient and Seepage Face Boundaries |
IBCM | Index for Number of Boundary Cond. Times |
IBCM_GM | Index for Number of Boundary Cond. Times for Geomechanics |
IBCN | Index for Adjacent Node to Boundary Cond. |
IBCN_GM | Index for Adjacent Node to Boundary Cond. for Geomechanics |
IBCSP | Number of Boundary Condition Reactive Species |
IBCT | Index for Boundary Condition Type |
IBCT_GM | ndex for Boundary Condition Type for Geomechanics |
IBIG | Constant, 32000 |
IBL | Unit Number for Release File |
IC_NCG | Initial Condition Option Index for STOMP-WCMSE |
IC_OPT | Initial Condition Option Indices |
IC_SP | Initial Condition Option for Reactive Species |
ICAIR | Initial Condition Index for Aqueous Dissolved CO2 |
ICBRN | Index for Salt Concentration Initial Condition |
ICC_CW | Index for Cyclic Time Periods for Coupled Wells |
ICCO2 | Index for CO2 Initial Conditions |
ICCOMP | Index for Initial Conditions for STOMP-COMP |
ICD | Number of Characters in Card Name String |
ICNO | Index for Reference Node Header Line |
ICNS | Index for Surface Flux Header Line |
ICNV | Index for Newton-Raphson Convergence |
ICODE | Index for Code’s Operational Mode |
ICRNT | Index for Courant Number Computation |
ICS | Index for Coordinate System Type |
ICSN | Number of Characters in Subroutine String |
ICT | Index for Aqueous Solute Concentration Initial Cond. |
ICTN | Index for NAPL Solute Concentration Initial Cond. |
ICUTTS | Index for Cutting the Time Step |
ID | X-Direction Index of Node |
ID_CW | Indices for Coupled Wells |
ID_VE | Indices for Vertical Equilibrium |
IDD | Index for Species Data in the file comp.dat |
IDF_ELC | Index for Electrolyte Density Function |
IDFLT | Index Indicating Default Value Specified |
IDFLTD | Index Indicating Default Value Used |
IDISP | Index for Hydraulic Dispersion Calculation |
IDMN | Index for Interfacial Averaging Scheme |
(1) Thermal conductivity | |
(2) Aqueous density | |
(3) Gas density | |
(4) Napl density | |
(5) Aqueous viscosity | |
(6) Gas viscosity | |
(7) Napl viscosity | |
(8) Aqueous relative permeability | |
(9) Gas relative permeability | |
(10) Napl relative permeability | |
(11) Intrinsic permeability | |
(12) Water vapor diffusion | |
(13) Oil vapor diffusion | |
(14) Dissolved air diffusion | |
(15) Dissolved oil diffusion | |
(16) Solute diffusion | |
(17) Hydraulic dispersion | |
(18) Dissolved salt diffusion | |
(19) Effective permeability | |
(20) Air gas diffusion | |
IDP | Index for Dual-Porosity Model |
IDSPD | Index for Dissolved Oil Dispersion Calcu. |
IDSPS | Index for Salt Dispersion Calcu. |
IEDL | Index for Empirical Solute Diffusion Coefficient |
IEDLS | Index for Empirical Salt Diffusion Coefficient |
IEL_LK | Index for Exchange Species Link |
IEO | Index for Execution Option |
IEPD | Number of Execution Periods |
IEQ_C | Indices for the Conservation Equation for ECKEChem |
IEQ_E | Indices for the Equilibrium Equation for ECKEChem |
IEQ_K | Indices for the Kinetic Equation for ECKEChem |
IEQ_S | Matrix Pointer for ECKEChem |
IEQA | Index for Air Equation |
IEQALC | Index of Alcohol Equation |
IEQC | Index for Solute Transport Equation |
IEQD | Index for Dissolved-Oil Equation |
IEQDA | Index for Dissolved-CO2 Equation |
IEQDO | Boundary Index for Dissolved-Oil Equation |
IEQGC | Indices for Gas Component Equations |
IEQHA | Index for Hydrate CO2 Equation |
IEQHN | Index for Hydrate N2 Equation |
IEQHO | Index for Hydrate CH4 Equation |
IEQN | Index for Mobile N2 Equation |
IEQO | Index for Oil or Mobile CH4 Equation |
IEQR | Index for Molar Density Balance Equation |
IEQS | Index for Salt/Solute Equation |
IEQT | Index for Energy Equation |
IEQW | Index for Water Equation |
IFK | Index for Fixing K-Factors |
IFLD | Number of Nodes in the X-Directioni |
IFQO | Frequency of Refer. Node Prints (Output) |
IFQS | Frequency of Refer. Node Prints (Screen) |
IGAMMA | (1) Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Scaling Function |
(2) Diffusive Porosity Scaling Function | |
(3) van Genuchten "alpha" or Brooks/Corey "psi" Scaling Function | |
(4) van Genuchten "n" or Brooks/Corey "lambda" Scaling Function | |
(5) Residual Saturation Scaling Function | |
IGAS | Index for Gas Phase |
IHSF | Index for Surface Flux Header |
IJFLD | Number of Nodes in the X-Y plane |
ILES | Index for Linear Equation Solver |
ILU | Index for Jacobian Matrix Pivoting |
IM | Jacobian Matrix Pointer Array |
IM_CW | Coupled-Well Time Periods |
IM_GM | Index for Jacobian Matrix Pointer for Geomechanics |
IMMB | Index for Species Mobility |
IMP_CW | Number of Time Periods in Couple-Well Period |
IMSG | Index for Error Message |
IMTC | Index for Oil Interface Mass Trans. Corr. |
IMTLN | Index for Interface Mass Transfer Function |
IN_VE | Node Number of Vertical Equilibrium Node String |
INAPL | Index for NAPL Phase Liquid or NAPL |
INBS | Index for Internal Boundary Surfaces |
(1,N) Bottom Surface of Node N | |
(2,N) South Surface of Node N | |
(3,N) West Surface of Node N | |
(4,N) East Surface of Node N | |
(5,N) North Surface of Node N | |
(6,N) Top Surface of Node N | |
INCG | Noncondensible Gas Index |
INHNM | Gas Hydrate Inhibitor Name |
INHYD | Index for No Hydrate Rock/Soil |
INMBLT | Number of Global Balance Check Times |
INMREL | Number of SAC Release Plane Time Change, |
INMREM | K-Node Indices Number of SAC Remediation Events |
INPDAT | Input File Creation Date* (132 characters) |
INPTIM | Input File Creation Time* (132 characters) |
INT_FC | Number of Fuel Cell Intervals |
INV_CW | Number of Coupled Well Intervals |
IO_PH | Number of CH4 Mass Fraction Entries in Hydrate Pressure Table |
IO_TH | Number of CH4 Mass Fraction Entries in Hydrate Temperature Table |
IOBDEF | Unit Number for an ".ext" File for UCODE |
IOBDSF | Unit Number for an ".sto" File for UCODE |
IOBDUF | Unit Number for an ".uni" File for UCODE |
IOM | Index for Operational Mode |
IONLY_VE | Index for Only Vertical Equilibrium Strings |
IP_TA | CO2 Property Table Pressure Index |
IPCF | Index for Gas-Aqueous Adsorption Function Option |
IPCGL | Index for Solute Solid-Aqueous Partition Option |
IPCGN | Index for Gas-NAPL Partition Model Option |
IPCL | Index for Solid-Aqueous Partition Model Option |
IPCLN | Index for Solute Aqueous-NAPL Partition Option |
IPCN | Index for Solute Solid-NAPL Partition Option |
IPCR | Index for Tabular Location of Critical Point |
IPCSL | Index for Solute Dependent Solid-Aqueous Part. |
IPCSLD | Index for Dissolved-Oil Sol.-Aqueous Part. Opt. |
IPCSLS | Index for Salt Sol.-Aqueous Part. Opt. |
IPH | Triple Curve Scanning Path Index |
IPH_TW | Outer Casing preheat option |
IPK_OS | Number of Kerogen Pyrolysis Reaction Components |
IPL | Unit Number of the Plot File |
IPLOT | Index for Plot File Variables |
IPLOTGC | Component Index for Plot File Variables |
IPRF | Index for Permeability Reduction Factors |
IPROP_GM | Rock/Soil Properties for Geomechanics |
(1,:) Porosity-Mean Stress Function Type | |
(2,:) Intrinsic Permeability-Porosity Function Type | |
(3,:) Capillary Presssure-Permeability/Porosity Function Type | |
IPTP | Index for Tabular Location of Triple Point |
IPTPS | Index for Surface Tension Correlation Function |
IPV_OS | Component Index of Maximum Volumetric Mole Fraction |
IRC | Unit Number of Recharge File |
IRC_K | Indices for the Kinetic Reaction for ECKEChem |
IRCKN | Indices for the Kinetic-Component Reactive Species for ECKEChem |
IRCKT | Kinetic Reaction Type Index for ECKEChem |
IRD | Unit Number of the Input File |
IREF | Index for Reference Node Variables |
IREF_CW | Index for Coupled Well Reference Nodes |
IREFGC | Component Index for Reference Node Variables |
IRGTBL | Start/Stop Indices for Gas Relative Permeability Table |
IRHOO | Index for Oil Density Function |
IRHOS | Index for Salt Density Function |
IRL | Unit Number of Release File |
IRLK | SAC release plane K-node index |
IRLTBL | Start/Stop Indices for Aqueous Relative Permeability Table |
IRLTBLT | Start/Stop Indices for Aqueous Relative Permeability Tensor Table |
IRMSOL | Index for Remediated Solute |
IRNTBL | Start/Stop Indices for NAPL Relative Permeability Table |
IRPG | Index for Gas Relative Permeability Function |
IRPL | Index for Aqueous Relative Permeability Function |
IRPLT | Index for Aqueous Relative Permeability Tensor Function |
IRPN | Index for NAPL Relative Permeability Function |
IRS | Unit Number of the Restart File |
IRSM_P | Index for the Root Stress Model for Plant Species |
IS_CW | Well Interval Screen Option (1 = Screened, 0 = Unscreened) |
IS_TH | Number of Salt Mass Fraction Entries in Hydrate Table |
ISALT | Index for Salt Type |
ISC | Unit Number of the Screen (I.e., Standard Output) |
ISCALE | Index for Scaling Group |
ISCHR | Index for Saturation-Capillary Pressure Function |
ISF | Unit Number of the Surface File. |
ISFC | Surface Flux Domain Indices |
(1) Bottom | |
(2) South | |
(3) West | |
(4) East | |
(5) North | |
(6) Top | |
ISFD | Index for the Surface Flux Direction |
ISFDOM | Surface Flux Domain Indices |
ISFF | Index for Surface Flux File |
ISFGC | Index for Surface Flux Group |
ISFGP | Number of Surface Flux Inputs for a Surface Flux File |
ISFSN | Normal Surface Flux Orientation Option (1 = Normal) |
ISFT | Surface Flux Type |
ISG | Index for the Surface Flux Type |
ISGNO | Number of Sign. Digits in the Output File |
ISGNP | Number of Sign. Digits in the Plot File |
ISGNS | Number of Sign. Digits on the Screen |
ISIC | Index for Saturation Initial Condition |
ISKP | Index for Skipping Residual Checking on Rock/Soil Types |
ISLC | Indices for Solution Control |
(1) Index for Solute Transport Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(2) Index for Water-Vapor Gas Diffusion Model | |
(3) Index for Tortuosity Model | |
(4) Index for Aqueous-Phase Diffusion Coefficient Model | |
(5) Index for Soil Freezing Conditions | |
(6) Index for Salt Transport Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(7) Index for Osmotic Pressure and Surface Tension Effects | |
(8) Index for Dissolved-Oil Transport Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(9) Index for Fluid Properties | |
(10) Index for Dissolved-Air Trans. Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(11) Index for Time Differencing Order | |
(12) Index for Diffusive-Dispersive Dissolved-Oil Transport Scheme | |
(13) Index for Particle Displacing Bubbles | |
(14) Index for SPLIB Summary Output | |
(15) Index for LUGR | |
(16) Index for Density Dependent Solute Transport | |
(17) Index for Courant Number Control | |
(18) Index for Restart Files | |
(19) Index for Scaling Factors | |
(20) Index for Inverse (UCode) | |
(21) Index for Operational Mode Restart | |
(22) Index for IJK Indexing | |
(23) Index for Advective Solute Transport | |
(24) Index for Plants (Root Uptake Evapotranspiration) | |
(25) Index for Poynting Effect | |
(26) Index for Rainfall | |
(27) Index for Aqueous Molar Density Gradient | |
(28) Index for Gas Molar Density Gradient | |
(29) Index for NAPL Molar Density Gradient | |
(30) Index for (Non)isothermal Conditions | |
(31) Index for Equilibrium/First Order Hydrate Saturation | |
(32) Index for (Non)isobrine Conditions | |
(40) Index for No Reactive/Eckechem Transport | |
(41) Index for Nonlinear Solver Option for ECKEChem Start/Stop | |
ISLTBL | Indices for Saturation Function Table |
ISM | Index for Saturation Function Extension |
ISMALL | Constant, -3200 |
ISNR | Index for NAPL Residual Saturation Model |
ISP_E | Species Exchange Site for ECKEChem |
ISP_IEDL | Aqueous Species Molecular Diffusion Model for ECKEChem |
ISP_MN | Mineral Species Index for ECKEChem |
ISP_OW | Overwrite Option for ECKEChem |
ISP_S | Reverse Matrix Pointer for ECKEChem |
ISPLK | Flow Component Link Index for ECKEChem |
ISRDM | Source Domain Indices |
ISRM | Index for the Stomatal Resistance Model for Plant Species |
ISRM_P | Index for Source Time |
ISRT | Index for Source Type |
ISUB_LOG | Index for Subroutine Names |
ISVC | Number of Coupled Unknowns |
ISVF | Number of Flux Variable Indices |
ISVT | Index for Solute Transport Solution |
ISWBCF | Index for Shuttleworth-Wallace Boundary Cond. Failure |
IT_CW | Type Index for Coupled Well |
IT_PH | Number of Temperature Entries in Hydrate Pressure Table |
IT_TA | Index for Temperature Range in the CO2 Property Table |
IT_TH | Number of Temperature Entries in Hydrate Table |
ITERDC | Index for Ternary Phase Diagram, Binodal Curve Type |
ITHK | Index for Thermal Conductivity Model |
ITMP_P | Index of Plant Temperatures |
ITOR | Index for Tortuosity Function |
ITS_CW | Index for Coupled Well State |
IUNK | Exponent on temperature units |
IUNKG | Exponent on mass units |
IUNM | Exponent on length units |
IUNMOL | Exponent on molar units |
IUNS | Exponent on time units |
IV_TA | Index for Saturation Line in the CO2 Property Table |
IVAPO | Index for Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
IVAPS | Index for Alcohol Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
IVD | Unit Number for STOMP Remediation Transfers Report |
IVF_ELC | Index for Electrolyte Viscosity Function |
IVF_TW | Index for Thermal Well Increments |
IVISA | Index for Alcohol Viscosity Function |
IVISO | Index for Oil Viscosity Function |
IVISS | Index for Surfactant Viscosity Function |
IVR | Number of Non-Blank Characters |
IVRSN | Index for Version Number |
IWCC | Index for Cyclic Well Conditions |
IWF_CW | Index for Coupled Well Increments |
IWL | Index for Well Number from Well Node Number |
IWLDM | Well Domain Indices |
IWM | Number of Well Condition Times |
IWN | Index for Node Number form Well Node Number |
IWN_CW | Index for Nodes in Coupled Wells |
IWP_CW | Index of Well Parameters for Coupled Wells |
IWR | Unit Number of the Output File |
IWSI | Index for Well Source Type |
IWT | Index for Well Type |
IXF | Index for Fixed Nodes |
IXP | Matrix Location of Node |
IXP_GM | Index for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
IXREF | Index for Curvilinear Coordinate Factor |
IXW | Index for Well Node Number from Node Number |
IZ | Index for Rock/Soil Type |
IZ_VE | Index for Vertical Equilibrium String Array |
IZ2 | Nodal Index |
IZH_HT | Bounding Concentrations Indices for Hydrate Equilibrium |
IZMC | Petroleum Component with Maximum Concentration |
IZP_HT | Bounding Concentrations Indices for Phase Equilibria |
J_FC | J-Index for Number of Fuel Cell Interval Nodes |
J_SP | J-Index of Node with Supply Pipe Interval |
JBCLL | J-Index for X-Y-Z Gradient and Seepage Face Boundaries |
JD | Y-Direction Index of Node |
JFLD | Number of Nodes in the Y-Direction |
JKFLD | Number of Nodes in the Y-Z Plane |
JLU | Unused Banded Matrix Solver Integer Array |
JM | Jacobian Matrix Pointer |
JM_CW | Location of the Well Equation in the Jacobian |
JPA | Anion Pointer for ECKChem |
JPC | Cation Pointer for ECKChem |
JPN | Neutral Pointer for ECKChem |
K_FC | J-Index for Number of Fuel Cell Interval Nodes |
K_SP | K-Index of Node with Supply Pipe Interval |
KBCLL | K-Index for X-Y-Z Gradient and Seepage Face Boundaries |
KD | Z-Direction Index of Node |
KEXIT | K-Index for SAC Release Plane |
KFLD | Number of Nodes in the Z-Direction |
KIFLD | Number of Nodes in the Z-X Plane |
KLU | Coupled Equations Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KLU_CW | Coupled Well Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KLU_GM | Geomechanics Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KLUC | Transport Equations Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KSPS | Spill Node Field Index |
MADJ | Adjacent Node Index Pointer |
MBCLL | Index for Boundary Condition Direction |
MD_GM | Row of Diagonal Elements for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
MDC | Row of Diagonal Elements for Banded Sol. |
MDIM | Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
MDT | Matrix Band Width |
MEPD | Index for Cyclic Execution Periods |
MFLX | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MK_GM | Number of Geomechanics Equations Unknowns |
MKC | Number of Coupled Equations Unknowns |
MKT | Number of Transport Equations Unknowns |
ML_GM | Lower Half Band Width for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
MLC | Lower Half Band Width |
MLT | Matrix Lower Half Band Width |
MLU | Coupled Equations Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
MLU_GM | Geomechanics Equations Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
MLUC | Transport Equations Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
MNEG | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MNEGB | Boundary Index Pointer |
MNOD | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MPOS | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MPOSB | Boundary Index Pointer |
MU_GM | Upper Half Band Width for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
MUC | Upper Half Band Width |
MUT | Matrix Upper Half Band Width |
MXSTEP | Maximum Number of Time Steps |
N_CRN | Courant Number Indexed on Solute |
N_CW | Coupled Well Node Pointer |
N_DB | Node Number for Error Messages |
N_FC | Fuel Cell Interval Node Pointer |
N_RST | Sub-time Step Index |
N_SP | Supply Pipe Interval Node Pointer |
N_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Node Pointer |
NA | Pointer to Node of Maximum Residual |
Number of Anion-Anion Terms for ECKEChem | |
NAC | Number of Air Components |
NATM_T | Number of Atmospheric Condition Table Entries |
NBC | Number of Boundary Conditions |
NBC_GM | Number of Boundary Conditions for Geomechanics |
NBHG | Hydraulic Gradient Type Boundary Condition |
NCC | Number of Cation-Cation Terms for ECKEChem |
NCHEM | Number of Chemical Reactions |
ND | Node Number of I, J, K Indices |
NDF_OS | Number of Distribution Fractions |
NDIM | Number of Active Dimensions |
NDREF | Reference Node Type |
NEA_OS | Number of Activation Energies for Each Component |
NEC | Number of Exhaust Components |
NEPD | Number of Execution Periods |
NEQC | Number of Conservation Equations for ECKEChem |
NEQE | Number of Equilibrium Equations for ECKEChem |
NEQK | Number of Kinetic Equations for ECKEChem |
NESITE | Number of Exchange Sites for ECKEChem |
NFC | Number of Fuel Components |
NFD_FC | Number of Fuel Cell Nodes |
NFD_SP | Supply Pipe Interval Nodes |
NFLD | Number of Active Field Nodes |
NGC | Number of Gas Components |
NH_FC | Number of Fuel Cell Nodes ** |
NHEP_HT | Number of Hydrate Equilibrium Table Points |
NHF_HT | Number of Hydrate Formers |
NITER | Number of Iterations |
NLU | Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
NLU_GM | Pointer for SPLIB Solver for Geomechanics |
NLUC | Pointer for SPLIB Solver for Solutes |
NN_VE | Number of Vertical Equilibrium Nodes |
NNN | Index for the Boundary Surface in the X-Direction ** |
NOBDP | Observed Data Point Number |
NOBDS | Observed Data Sample Pointer |
NOBDT | Number of Observed Data Types |
NOTES | Number of Lines of Simulation Notes |
NP_VE | Initial Phase Condition for Vertical Equilibrium |
NPCF | Number of Petroleum Component Fractions |
NPEP_HT | Number of Phase Envelope Table Points |
NPF | Number of Petroleum Fractions |
NPHAZ | Phase Condition |
NPHAZ_VE | Phase Condition for Vertical Equilibrium |
NPHAZW | Phase Condition for Coupled Well Nodes |
NPK_OS | Number of Kerogen Pyrolysis Reactions |
NPLANT | Number of Plants |
NPLY_RL | Number of Aqu. Relative Permeability Polynomial Pieces |
NPLY_SL | Number of Aqueous Saturation Polynomial Pieces |
NPP_HT | Number of Two-Phase Pressure Points |
NPRTM | Number of Print Times |
NQA | Number of Carbon Atoms in Alcohol |
NQO | Number of Carbon Atoms in Oil |
NRCE | Number of Equilibrium Reactions for ECKEChem |
NRCK | Number of Kinetic Reactions for ECKEChem |
NREF | Number of Reference Nodes |
NRIM | Max. Number of Newton Raphson Iterations |
NRIMX | Max. Number of Newton Raphson Iterations |
NROCK | Number of Rock/Soil Types |
NROCK2 | Number of Rock/Soil Types in Zonation File |
NRST | Restart Time Step Number |
NRTSI | Number of Reactive Transport Sequence Iterations |
NS_VE | Number of Vertical Equilibrium Strings |
NSCALE | Number of Scaling Groups |
NSD | Node of Maximum Residual |
NSD_CW | Node of Maximum Residual for Coupled Well Nodes |
NSD_VE | Node of Maximum Residual for Vertical Equilibrium Nodes |
NSF | Number of Surface Flux Domains |
NSFDOM | Surface Flux Domain Index |
NSFGP | Number of Named Surface Flux Files |
NSL_ELC | Number of Electrolyte Solutes |
NSOLSR | Number of Solutes |
NSOLU | Number of Transported Solutes |
NSPC | Number of Conservation Component Reactive Species |
NSPE | Number of Exchanged Species for ECKEChem |
NSPG | Number of Gas Reactive Species |
NSPK | Number of Kinetic Component Reactive Species |
NSPL | Number of Aqueous Reactive Species |
NSPLK | Number of Reactive Species Linked to Flow Components |
NSPN | Number of NAPL Reactive Species |
NSPR | Number of Reactive Species |
NSPS | Number of Solid Reactive Species |
NSR | Number of Sources |
NSTEP | Number of Time Steps |
NSX | X-Direction Lower Surface Number of Node |
NSY | Y-Direction Lower Surface Number of Node |
NSZ | Z-Direction Lower Surface Number of Node |
NSZW | Z-Direction Lower Surface Number of Coupled Well |
NTBL | Node Number of Table Entries |
NTC | Num. of Successive Time Step Reductions |
NTM_TW | Number of Thermal Well Times |
NTMHS_FC | Fuel Cell Heater Times |
NTMHS_SP | Supply Pipe Heater Times |
NTP_HT | Number of Two-phase Temperature Points |
NTSR | Number of Time Steps |
NVPLOT | Number of Plot File Variables |
NVREF | Number of Reference Node Variables |
NWF_CW | Number of Field Nodes with Coupled Wells |
NWLN | Number of Coupled Well Nodes |
NWLS | Number of Coupled Wells |
NWN_CW | Number of Coupled Well Nodes |
NXP | Number of Inactive Nodes |
NXP_GM | Number of Inactive Nodes for Geomechanics |
NZH_HT | Dimension of Hydrate Table |
NZP_HT | Dimension of Phase Envelope Table |
OEC | Osmotic Efficiency Coefficient |
OECB | Boundary Osmotic Efficiency Coefficient |
ONE | Constant, 1 |
P_CW | Coupled Well Pressure |
P_LV | CO2 or CH4 Liquid-Vapor Saturation Pressure, Pa |
P_PH | Pressure Array for CO2 Property Data Table, Pa |
P_TA | Pressure Array of Saturation Line for CO2 Property Data Table, Pa |
P_TH | Pressure Array of Hydrate Equilibrium Temperature File |
P2P_HT | Pressure for Two-Phase Region, Pa |
PAF | Component Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFA | Alcohol Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFO | Oil Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFS | Surfactant Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFW | Water Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAI_FC | Air Inlet Pressure for Fuel Cell, Pa |
PAI_SP | Air Inlet Pressure for Supply Pipe, Pa |
PAI_TW | Air Inlet Pressure for Thermal Well, Pa |
PAI_WH | Air Inlet Pressure for Well Head, Pa |
PAIWH | Absolute Air Inlet Pressure at the Well Head, Pa |
PAO_FC | Air Outlet Pressure for Fuel Cell, Pa |
PAO_SP | Air Outlet Pressure for Supply Pipe, Pa |
PAO_TW | Air Outlet Pressure for Thermal Well, Pa |
PAO_WH | Air Outlet Pressure for Well Head, Pa |
PAOWH | Absolute Air Outlet Pressure at the Well Head, Pa |
PARMS_P | Plant Species Parameters |
(1,LPLANT) Maximum Root Depth, m | |
(2,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Minimum Stomatal Resistance, s/m | |
(3,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Light Response Coefficient, W/m2 | |
(4,LPLANT) Null Root Depth, m | |
(5,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Initial Stage Start | |
(6,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Crop Development Start | |
(7,LPLANT) Root Depth Fit Parameter | |
(8,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Mid-Season Start | |
(9,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Late-Season Start | |
(10,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Late-Season Stop | |
(11,LPLANT) Canopy Height, m | |
(16,LPLANT) Maximum Condensate Depth, m | |
(12,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 1 (Capillary Head), m | |
(13,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 2 (Capillary Head), m | |
(14,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 3 (Capillary Head), m | |
(15,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 4 (Capillary Head), m | |
(12,LPLANT) Wilting-Point Water Content | |
(13,LPLANT) Norm. Soil Water Content: Critical Point 1 | |
(14,LPLANT) Norm. Soil Water Content: Critical Point 2 | |
(15,LPLANT) Saturated Water Content | |
(12,LPLANT) Cap. Head when Root Uptake Reduced 50%, m | |
(17,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Initial Stage Start | |
(18,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Initial Stage Start Day, s | |
(19,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Crop Development Start | |
(20,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Crop Development Start Day, s | |
(21,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Mid-Season Start | |
(22,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Mid-Season Start Day, s | |
(23,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Start | |
(24,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Start Day, s | |
(25,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Stop | |
(26,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Stop Day, s | |
(27,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Minimum Temperature, C | |
(28,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Maximum Temperature, C | |
(29,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Optimum Temperature, C | |
PATM | Atmospheric Pressure, Pa |
PC | Component Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCB_HT | Cricondenbar Pressure, Pa |
PCCVA | Alcohol Pure Comp. Characteristic Volume, L/mol |
PCCVO | Oil Pure Comp. Characteristic Volume, L/mol |
PCGL | Gas-Aqueous Partition Coefficient, m3/m3 |
PCGN | Gas-NAPL Partition Coefficient, m3/m3 |
PCLN | Aqueous-NAPL Partition Coefficient, m3/m3 |
PCMP | Bulk Compressibility Reference Pressure, Pa |
PCR_HT | Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRA | CO2 Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRO | Oil Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRS | Surfactant Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRW | Water Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCSL | Solid-Aqueous Partition Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCSLD | Dissolved-Oil Solid-Aqueous Part. Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCSLS | Salt Solid-Aqueous Part. Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCSN | Solid-NAPL Partition Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCT_HT | Cricondenterm Pressure, Pa |
PDXSP | Distance Between Adjacent Nodes in the Plane of the Spill Surface in the X-Direction |
PDYSP | Distance Between Adjacent Nodes in the Plane of the Spill Surface in the Y-Direction |
PERM | Intrinsic Permeability, m2 |
PERMRF | Permeability Reduction Factor |
PERMV | Intrinsic Permeability, m2 |
PF_CW | Well Pressure at the Node Centroid, Pa |
PFI_FC | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Fuel Cell Well Node, Pa |
PFI_SP | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Supply Pipe Well Node, Pa |
PFI_TW | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Thermal Well Node, Pa |
PFI_WH | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFIWH | Absolute Fuel Inlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFNM | Petroleum Fraction Name |
PFO_FC | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Fuel Cell Well Node, Pa |
PFO_SP | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Supply Pipe Well Node, Pa |
PFO_TW | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Thermal Well Node, Pa |
PFO_WH | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFOWH | Absolute Fuel Outlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFPP | Petroleum Fraction Properties |
PG | Gas Pressure, Pa |
PG_VE | Gas Pressure for Vertical Equilibrium, Pa |
PGB | Boundary Gas Pressure, Pa |
PGFX_GM | Gas Pressure on East and West Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PGFY_GM | Gas Pressure on North and South Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PGFZ_GM | Gas Pressure on Top and Bottom Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PGT_VE | Gas Pressure at the Top of the Vertical Equilibrium String Node, Pa |
PGW | Well Gas Pressure, Pa |
PGW_CO | Old Water Vapor Partial Press. at Mean Crop Flow Height, m |
PH | Hydrate Pressure, Pa |
PHB | Boundary Hydrate Pressure, Pa |
PHDL | Aqueous Ponding Height, m |
PHDN | NAPL Ponding Height, m |
PHE_HT | Pressure for Hydrate Equilibrium Table, Pa |
PHE2T_HT | Second Derivative of Pressure for Hydrate Equilibrium |
PI | Ice Pressure, Pa |
PIB | Boundary Ice Pressure, Pa |
PK_OS | (1, M4, IROCK) Arrhenius Factor |
(2, M4, IROCK) Kerogen Activation Energy | |
(M5+2, M4, IROCK) Oil Shale Component Stoichiometric Coefficient | |
PKR_OS | (1, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Source |
(2, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Arrhenius Factor | |
(MX+1, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Activation Energy | |
(MX+2, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Source Fractional Contribution | |
PL | Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
PL_CW | Aqueous Pressure for Coupled Well, Pa |
PL_SO | Old Aqueous Pressure at Ground Surface, Pa |
PL_VE | Aqueous Pressure for Vertical Equilibrium, Pa |
PLANT | Plant Name |
PLB | Boundary Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
PLE_HT | Pressure for Lower Phase Envelope, Pa |
PLFX_GM | Aqueous Pressure on East and West Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PLFY_GM | Aqueous Pressure on North and South Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PLFZ_GM | Aqueous Pressure on Top and Bottom Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PLT_VE | Aqueous pressure at the top of the vertical equilibrium string node, Pa |
PLWB | Well Bottom Pressure, Pa |
PLX_CW | Coupled Well Projections in Local Coordinate System in the X-Direction |
PLY_CW | Coupled Well Projections in Local Coordinate System in the Y-Direction |
PLZ_CW | Coupled Well Projections in Local Coordinate System in the Z-Direction |
PMDD | Mean Particle Diameter, m |
PMN | Minimum Gas Pressure, Pa |
PMX | Maximum Gas Pressure, Pa |
PN | NAPL Pressure, Pa |
PNB | Boundary NAPL Pressure, Pa |
PNFX_GM | NAPL Pressure on East and West Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PNFY_GM | NAPL Pressure on North and South Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PNFZ_GM | NAPL Pressure on Top and Bottom Surfaces for Geomechanics |
POR | Porosity |
(1) Total Porosity | |
(2) Diffusive Porosity | |
(3) Fracture Total Porosity | |
(4) Diffusive Porosity | |
POR_M | Mineral Volume Fraction for ECKEChem |
PORD | Diffusive Porosity |
PORD_O | Old Diffusive Porosity |
PORDB | Boundary Diffusive Porosity |
PORT | Total Porosity |
PORT_O | Old Total Porosity |
PORTB | Boundary Total Porosity |
PORV | Porosity |
(1) Total Porosity | |
(2) Diffusive Porosity | |
POSB | Boundary Osmotic Pressure, Pa |
POSM | Osmotice Pressure, Pa |
PPEL | Lower Phase Envelope Pressure, Pa |
PPEU | Upper Phase Envelope Pressure, Pa |
PRAI_FC | Perimeter of Air Inlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PRAO_FC | Perimeter of Air Outlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PRFI_FC | Perimeter of Fuel Inlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PRFO_FC | Perimeter of Fuel Outlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PROP_GM | Geomechanical Properties |
(1,:) Young's Modulus, Pa | |
(2,:) Poisson's Ratio |
(3,:) Biot Coefficient | |
(4,:) Volumetric Thermal Expansion Coefficient | |
PRTM | Plot File Print Time, s |
PSIA | Ternary Electrolyte Parameter Psi-a for ECKEChem |
PSIC | Ternary Electrolyte Parameter Psi-c for ECKEChem |
PSO | Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PSOB | Boundary Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PSW | Water Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PSWB | Water Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PTPA | CO2 Triple Point Pressure, Pa |
PTPS | Surface Tension Function Parameters |
PUE_HT | Pressure for Upper Phase Envelope, Pa |
PVA | Air Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CO2 Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVAB | Boundary Air Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CO2 Boundary Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVC | Gas Component Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVCB | Gas Component Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHA | Hydrate CO2 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHAB | Hydrate CO2 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHN | Hydrate N2 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHNB | Hydrate N2 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHO | Hydrate CH4 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHOB | Hydrate CH4 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVN | Absolute N2 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVNB | Absolute N2 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVO | Oil Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CH4 Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVOB | Boundary Oil Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CH4 Boundary Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVW | Water Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVW_VE | Water Vapor Pressure for Vertical Equilibrium, Pa |
PVWB | Boundary Water Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PW | Coupled Well Total Pressure, Pa |
PWB | Coupled Well Bottom Pressure, Pa |
PWGW | Coupled Well Gas Pressure, Pa |
PWLW | Coupled Well Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
PWNW | Coupled Well NAPL Pressure, Pa |
QAI_SP | Heat Flux for Air Inlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QAIAO_SP | Heat Transfer Across the Orifice Throat between the Air Inlet and Air Outlet of Supply Pipe, W/m2 |
QAIFI_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAIFO_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAIIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QAIIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QAISF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QAIW_SP | Heat Transport Along Air Inlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QAO_SP | Heat Flux for Air Outlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QAOFI_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAOFO_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAOIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QAOIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QAOSF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QAOW_SP | Heat Transport Along Air Outlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QASSF_FC | Heat Transfer between Air and Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QFI_SP | Heat Flux for Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QFIFO_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QFIIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QFIIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QFISF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QFIW_SP | Heat Transport Along Fuel Inlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QFO_SP | Heat Flux for Fuel Outlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QFOIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Fuel Outlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QFOIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QFOSF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QFOW_SP | Heat Transport Along Fuel Outlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QFSSF_FC | Heat Transfer between Fuel and Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QHG_FC | Fuel Cell Heater Power, W/m |
QHG_SP | Supply Pipe Heater Power, W/m |
QHS_FC | Heat Source Rate per Fuel Cell Node, W |
QHS_SP | Heat Source Rate per Supply Pipe Node, W |
QIC_FC | Heat Transfer between Fuel cell Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QIC_SP | Heat Transfer between Supply Pipe Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QICOC_FC | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between Fuel Cell Inner Casing and Outer Casing, W/m2 |
QICOC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between Inner Casing and Outer Casing Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QIN_FC | Heat Transport Along Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QIN_SP | Heat Transport Along Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QINIC_FC | Conductive Heat Transfer between Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation and Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QINIC_SP | Conductive Heat Transfer between Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation and Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QL_W | Coupled Well Aqueous Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QLW | Well Aqueous Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QM_CW | Coupled Well Mass Rate, kg/s |
QMAWH | Initial Air Mass Flow Rate, kg/s |
QMFWH | Initial Fuel Mass Flow Rate, kg/s |
QN_W | Coupled Well NAPL Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QNW | Well NAPL Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QOC_FC | Heat Transport Along Fuel Cell Outer Casing, W/m2 |
QOC_SP | Heat Transport Along l Outer Casing, W/m2 |
QOCGM_FC | Conductive Heat Transfer between Fuel Cell Outer Casing and Geologic Media, W/m2 |
QOCGM_SP | Conductive Heat Transfer between Supply Pipe Outer Casing and Geologic Media, W/m2 |
QOP_FC | Fuel Cell Operating Power, W/m |
QPG_FC | Fuel Cell Power, W/m |
QSF_FC | Heat Transport along Fuel Cell Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QSFIN_FC | Black-body Radiative and Conduction Heat Transfer between Stack Frame and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QT_W | Coupled Well Total-Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QTW | Well Total-Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
R_OBDS | Observed Data Time and Value |
R_OBDT | Observed Data Location and Weighting Factors |
RC_E | Equilibrium Reaction Constant Parameters |
RC_K | Kinetic Reaction Constant Parameters |
RCA | Air Gas Constant, 287.0 J/kg K |
RCHDF | Chemical Reaction Decay Factor |
RCHDFL | Chemical Reaction Decay Factor in Aqueous |
RCHDFN | Chemical Reaction Decay Factor in NAPL |
RCNME | Equilibrium Reaction Name for ECKEChem |
RCNMK | Kinetic Reaction Name for ECKEChem |
RCO | Oil Gas Constant, J/kg K |
RCS | Surfactant Gas Constant, J/kg K |
RCU | Universal Gas Constant, 8314.34 J/kg K |
RCW | Water Gas Constant, 461.52 J/kg K |
RDG_OS | Reference Grid Depth, m |
RFIM_P | Intercepted Rainfall on Plant, kg/ m2 ground |
RHAI_FC | Fuell Cell Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAI_WH | Well Head Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAIW_SP | Density of Air Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHAO_FC | Fuell Cell Air Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAO_WH | Well Head Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAOW_SP | Density of Air Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHAS_FC | Fuell Cell Air Side Density, kg/m3 |
RHFI_FC | Fuell Cell Fuel Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFI_WH | Well Head Fuel Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFIW_SP | Density of Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHFO_FC | Fuell Cell Fuel Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFO_WH | Well Head Fuel Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFOW_SP | Density of Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHFS_FC | Fuell Cell Fuel Side Density, kg/m3 |
RHIC_FC | Fuell Cell Inner Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHIC_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHIN_FC | Fuell Cell Inner Casing Insulation Density, kg/m3 |
RHIN_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation Density, kg/m3 |
RHLF | First-Order Reaction Rate Constant, s |
RHLFL | Aqueous First-Order Reaction Rate Constant, s |
RHLFN | NAPL First-Order Reaction Rate Constant, s |
RHO_OS | Density of Oil Shale, kg/m3 |
RHO_ST | CO2 Property Table Values for Density, kg/m3 |
RHO_TA | CO2 Property Table Values for Density, kg/m3 |
RHOC_FC | Fuell Cell Outer Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHOC_SP | Supply Pipe Outer Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHOCH | Char Density, kg/m3 |
RHOCK | Coke Density, kg/m3 |
RHOF_CW | Coupled Production Well Fluid Density, kg/m3 |
RHOG | Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOG_O | Old Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOG_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGB | Boundary Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGI | Well Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGW | Water Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGW_O | Old Well Water Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGWB | Well Boundary Water Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHOH | Hydrate Density, kg/m3 |
RHOH_O | Old Hydrate Density, kg/m3 |
RHOHB | Boundary Hydrate Density, kg/m3 |
RHOI | Ice Density, kg/m3 |
RHOI_O | Old Ice Density, kg/m3 |
RHOIB | Boundary Ice Density, kg/m3 |
RHOK | Kerogen Density, kg/m3 |
RHOKB | Boundary Kerogen Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL | Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL_LV | CO2 or CH4 Saturated Liquid Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL_O | Old Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLB | Boundary Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLI | Density for Invariant Fluids, kg/m3 |
RHOLSP | Surface Node Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLW | Well Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLW_O | Old Well Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLWB | Well Boundary Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOMG | Gas Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMGB | Boundary Gas Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOML | Aqueous Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMLB | Boundary Aqueous Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMN | NAPL Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMNB | Boundary NAPL Molar Density, kmol/m3 NAPL |
RHOMV | Volumetric Molar Density, kmol/m^3 |
RHOMVC | Volumetric Molar Density of Gas Components, kmol/m^3 |
(1,:,:) Oil | |
(2,:,:) H2 | |
(3,:,:) CO | |
(4,:,:) CO2 | |
(5,:,:) CH4 | |
(6,:,:) Component 2 | |
(7,:,:) Component 3 | |
RHON | NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHON_O | Old NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONB | Boundary NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONSP | Surface Node NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONW | Well NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONW_O | Old Well NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONWB | Well Boundary NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHORA | Alcohol Liquid Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORG | Gas Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORL | Aqueous Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORN | NAPL Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORO | Oil Liquid Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHOS | Rock/Soil Particle Density, kg/m3 |
RHOSP | Precipitated Salt Density, kg/m3 |
RHOSP_O | Old Precipitated Salt Density, kg/m3 |
RHOV_LV | CO2 or CH4 Saturated Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHSF_FC | Fuel Cell Stack Frame Density, kg/m3 |
RHSP_FC | Fuel Cell Separator Rings and Plates Density, kg/m3 |
RICH_FC | Inner Radius of Chimney Fin for Fuel Cell, m |
RISP_FC | Inner Radius of Separator Flange for Fuel Cell, m |
RISR_FC | Inner Radius of Spacer Ring for Fuel Cell, m |
RKG | Gas Relative Permeability |
RKG_VE | Gas Relative Permeability for Vertical Equilibrium |
RKGB | Boundary Gas Relative Permeability |
RKL | Aqueous Relative Permeability |
(1,:,:) X-Direction | |
(2,:,:) Y-Direction | |
(3,:,:) Z-Direction | |
RKL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Aqueous Relative Permeability |
RKLB | Boundary Aqueous Relative Permeability |
(1,:,:) X-Direction | |
(2,:,:) Y-Direction | |
(3,:,:) Z-Direction | |
RKN | NAPL Relative Permeability |
RKNB | Boundary NAPL Relative Permeability |
RLMSG | Real Number Component of Error Message |
RLOAD_GM | Lithostatic Force, N |
RLXF | Relaxation Factor |
ROAP_FC | Fuel Cell Outer Radius of Air Inlet Plenum, m |
ROCH_FC | Fuel Cell Outer Radius of Chimney, m |
ROCK | Rock/Soil Name* (64 characters) |
ROCK2 | Rock/Soil Name in Zonation File |
ROFP_FC | Outer Radius of Fuel Inlet Plenum for Fuel Cell, m |
ROSP_FC | Outer Radius of Separator Flange for Fuel Cell, m |
ROSR_FC | Outer Radius of Spacer Ring for Fuel Cell, m |
RP | Radial Coordinate Radius, m |
RPGC | Gas Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RPLC | Aqueous Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RPLT | Aqueous Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RPNC | NAPL Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RS_CW | Coupled Well Mass Balance Residuals |
RS_GM | Geomechanics Mass Balance Residuals |
RS_S | Mineral Specific Area for ECKEChem, m2 |
RSD | Maximum Residual of Equation |
RSD_CW | Maximum Residual of Coupled Well Equation |
RSD_VE | Maximum Residual of Vertical Equilibrium Equation |
RSDL | Residual |
RSDL_FC | Fuel Cell Residual |
RSDL_SP | Supply Pipe Residual |
RSDL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Residual |
RSDM | Maximum Residual of Execution Period |
RSDMX | Maximum Residual |
RWRO | Rain Water Run Off Volumetric Rate, m3/s |
S_ST | CO2 Property Table Values for Saturation |
S_TA | CO2 Property Table Values for Saturation |
S_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Salt Volumetric Concentration, kg/m3 |
SATAC | Alcohol Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
SATOC | Coefficients Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
SCALNM | Scaling Group Name |
SCH | Char Saturation |
SCHB | Boundary Char Saturation |
SCHR | Soil Moisture Retention Charac. Coefficient |
SCHRV | Soil Moisture Retention Charac. Coefficient |
SCK | Coke Saturation |
SCKB | Boundary Coke Saturation |
SCX_GM | Geomechanical Surface Coordinates, X-Direction |
SCY_GM | Geomechanical Surface Coordinates, Y-Direction |
SCZ_GM | Geomechanical Surface Coordinates, Z-Direction |
SDCL | Solute Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SDCLS | Salt/Surf. Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SDPF | Fracture Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SDPFB | Bound. Fracture Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SDPM | Matrix Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SDPMB | Bound. Matrix Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SF | Surface Flux Rate and Integral |
SFCSF | Aqueous-Gas Surface Tension Coefficients |
SG | Gas Saturation |
SG_O | Old Gas Saturation |
SG_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Gas Saturation |
SGB | Boundary Gas Saturation |
SGT | Trapped Gas Saturation |
SGT_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Trapped Gas Saturation |
SGTL | Aqueous Trapped Gas Saturation |
SGTN | NAPL Trapped Gas Saturation |
SH | Hydrate Saturation |
SH_O | Old Hydrate Saturation |
SHB | Boundary Hydrate Saturation |
SI | Ice Saturation |
SI_O | Old Ice Saturation |
SIB | Boundary Ice Saturation |
SIG_GL | Gas-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_GN | Gas-NAPL Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_HL | Hydrate-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_IL | Ice-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_NL | NAPL-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SK | Kerogen Saturation |
SK_CW | Skin Factor for Well Interval |
SKB | Boundary Kerogen Saturation |
SL | Aqueous Saturation |
SL_O | Old Aqueous Saturation |
SL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Aqueous Saturation |
SLB | Boundary Aqueous Saturation |
SLR_VEQ | Vertical Equilibrium Residual Aqueous Saturation |
SLSC | Aqueous Scanning Path Saturation |
SLW | Well Aqueous Saturation |
SLW_O | Old Well Aqueous Saturation |
SMALL | Constant, 1E-20 |
SMDEF | Macrodispersivity Enhancement Factor |
SMDG | Solute Gas Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SMDL | Solute Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SMDLS | Salt Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SMDN | Reactive Species NAPL Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SN | NAPL Saturation |
SN_O | Old NAPL Saturation |
SNB | Boundary NAPL Saturation |
SNR | Residual NAPL Saturation |
SNT | Entrapped NAPL Saturation |
SNW | Well NAPL Saturation |
SNW_O | Old Well NAPL Saturation |
SOLML | Solute Aqueous Solubility Limit, 1/m3 |
SOLUT | Solute Name* (64 characters) |
SP_AREA | Specific Area, 1/m |
SP_C | Reactive Species Volumetric Concentration, mol/m3 |
SP_CBO | Old Reactive Species Volumetric Concentration, mol/m3 |
SP_CI | Initial Species Concentration, mol/m3 node volume |
SP_CMN | Base Mineral Species Concentration, mol/m3 node volume |
SP_CO | Old Boundary Reactive Species Volumetric Conc., mol/m3 |
SP_L | Aqueous Species Parameters |
(1,:) Aqueous Species Charge | |
(2,:) Aqueous Species Atomic Diameter, m | |
(3,:) Aqueous Species Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
SP_MDG | Reactive Species Gas Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SP_MDL | Reactive Species Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SP_MDN | Reactive Species NAPL Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SP_RATE | Mineral Reaction Rate, mol/s |
SP_S | Solid Species Parameters |
(1,:) Solid Species Mass Density, kg/m3 | |
(2,:) Solid Species Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
SP_SDCL | Power Function or van Schaik and Kemper Empirical Aqueous Diffusion Model Parameters for ECKEChem |
(1) a Constant |
(2) b Constant | |
(3) c Constant | |
SPHMIN | Specified Minimum Height, m |
SPNMC | Conservation-Component Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNME | Exchanged Species Name |
SPNMG | Gas Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNMK | Aqueous Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNML | Kinetic-Component Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNMN | NAPL Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNMS | Solid Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNORM | Cosine of Angle Defining Normal to the Surface of each Node |
SRC | Source Quantity |
SRCA | Air Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCD | Dissolved Oil Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCGC | Gas Component Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCIA | Air Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIC | Solute Source Integral, 1/s |
SRCID | Dissolved Oil Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIGC | Gas Component Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIO | Oil Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIS | Salt Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIT | Energy Source Integral, J |
SRCIW | Water Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCN | NAPL Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCO | Oil Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCO_W | Well Oil Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCOSP | Oil Spill Volumetric Source Rate, m3/s |
SRCP | SVE Well Parameters |
(1) SVE Well Minimum Gas Pressure, Pa | |
(2) SVE Well Diameter, m | |
SRCS | Salt Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCT | Energy Source, W |
SRCW | Water Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCW_W | Well Water Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCWSP | Oil Spill Water Volumetric Source Rate, m3/s |
SS | Precipitated Salt Saturation |
SS_O | Old Precipitated Salt Saturation |
SSB | Boundary Precipitated Salt Saturation |
STRAIN_GM | Effective Strain |
STRESS_GM | Effective Stress, Pa |
STRESSM_GM | Mean Effective Stress, Pa |
STW | Well Total Liquid Saturation |
STW_O | Old Well Total Liquid Saturation |
SUB_LOG | Log of Subroutine Names |
SUBNM | Subroutine Path* (512 characters) |
SUFA | Surface Tension of Pure Alcohol @ 25 C, N/m |
SUFO | Surface Tension of Pure Oil @ 25 C, N/m |
SUFW | Surface Tension of Pure Water @ 25 C, N/m |
SUGL | Gas-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SUGN | Gas-NAPL Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SUNL | NAPL-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SVN_ID | SVN ID Number |
SWBCD | Shuttleworth-Wallace Boundary Condition Depth, m |
SWSI | Source Well Total Component Mass Injected |
T | Temperature, C |
T_CO | Old Crop Temperature, C |
T_LV | CO2 or CH4 Liquid-Vapor Saturation Temperature, C |
T_O | Old Temperature, C |
T_PH | Temperature Entries in Hydrate Pressure Table |
T_PO | Old Plant Temperature, C |
T_SO | Old Ground Surface Temperature, C |
T_TA | Temperature Array for CO2 Property Data Table |
T_TH | Temperature Array of Hydrate Equilibrium Temperature File |
T_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Temperature, C |
T2P_HT | Temperature for Two-phase Region, K |
TAA | Ternary Electrolyte Theta-a Parameter |
TABS | Table Absolute Temperature, 273.15 K |
TAI_FC | Fuel Cell Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAI_TW | Thermal Well Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAI_WH | Well Head Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAIW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAO_FC | Fuel Cell Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAO_WH | Well Head Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAOW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAS_FC | Fuel Cell Air Side Temperature, C |
TAV_FC | Fuel Cell Average Temperature between Ignition and Peak Power, C |
TB | Boundary Temperature, C |
TBA | Air Normal Boiling Temperature, K |
TBLDDX | Array of Second Derivatives for Spline Interpolation |
TBLDDY | Array of Second Derivatives for Spline Interpolation |
TBLX | Array of Tabulated Values for Spline Interpolation |
TBLY | Array of Tabulated Values for Spline Interpolation |
TBO | Oil Normal Boiling Temperature, K |
TBW | Water Normal Boiling Temperature, K |
TC | Component Critical Temperature, K |
TCB_HT | Cricondenbar Temperature for Hydrates, K |
TCC | Ternary Electrolyte Theta-c Parameter |
TCMP | Reference Temperature for Soil Compressibilty, C |
TCPP | Total Component Properties Array |
TCR | Critical Temperature, K |
TCR_HT | Critical Temperature for Hydrates, K |
TCRA | Alcohol or CO2 Critical Temperature, K |
TCRO | Oil Critical Temperature, K |
TCRS | Surfactant Critical Temperature, K |
TCRW | Water Critical Temperature, K |
TCT | Cricondenterm Temperature, K |
TCT_HT | Cricondenterm Temperature for Hydrates, K |
TDISPL_GM | Total Geomechanical Displacement, m |
TDRA | Alcohol Density Reference Temperature, C |
TDRO | Oil Density Reference Temperature, C |
TENTH | Constant, 0.1 |
TERDC | Ternary Phase Diagram Constants |
(1) Binodal Curve Constant: Ah | |
(2) Binodal Curve Constant: Bh | |
(3) Binodal Curve Constant: Eh | |
(4) Binodal Curve Constant: Fh | |
(5) Intermediate Value | |
(6) Intermediate Value | |
(7) Intermediate Value | |
(8) Solubility Limit of Water in Alcohol Free Liquid Oil | |
(9) Solubility Limit of Water in Alcohol Free Liquid Oil | |
(10) Solubility Limit of Oil in Alcohol Free Liquid Water | |
(11) Solubility Limit of Oil in Alcohol Free Liquid Water | |
TFI_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFI_TW | Thermal Well Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFI_WH | Well Head Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFIW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFO_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFO_WH | Well Head Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFOW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFPA | Alcohol Freezing Point Temperature, C |
TFPO | Oil Freezing Point Temperature, C |
TFS_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Side Temperature, C |
TFX_GM | Thermal Stress in the X-Direction, Pa |
TFY_GM | Thermal Stress in the Y-Direction, Pa |
TFZ_GM | Thermal Stress in the Z-Direction, Pa |
THAS_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Air-Side Flow Channel, m |
THE_HT | Temperature for Hydrate Equilibrium Table, K |
THE2P_HT | Second Derivative of Temperature for Hydrate Equilibrium |
THFP_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Frame Plate, m |
THFS_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Fuel-Side Flow Channel, m |
THIRD | One Third |
THKG | Gas Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKGB | Boundary Gas Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKH | Hydrate Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKHB | Boundary Hydrate Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKI | Ice Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKIB | Boundary Ice Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKL | Aqueous Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKLB | Boundary Aqueous Thermal Conductivity, W/m K NAPL |
THKN | NAPL Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKNB | Boundary NAPL Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKOS | Oil Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKOSB | Boundary Oil Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKRA | Reference Air Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKRW | Reference Water Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKS | Thermal Conductivity Model Parameters, W/m K |
THSO_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Separator Overall, m |
THSR_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Spacer Ring, m |
THSW_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Separator Walls |
TIC_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Temperature, C |
TIC_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Temperature, C |
TIN_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation Temperature, C |
TIN_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation Temperature, C |
TITLE | Simulation Title* (132 characters) |
TKAI_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Air Inlet, W/m K |
TKAI_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Air Inlet, W/m K |
TKAIW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Air-Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKAO_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Air Outlet, W/m K |
TKAO_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Air Outlet, W/m K |
TKAOW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Air Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKAS_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Air Side, W/m K |
TKFI_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Inlet, W/m K |
TKFI_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Inlet, W/m K |
TKFIW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKFO_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Outlet, W/m K |
TKFO_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Outlet, W/m K |
TKFOW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKFS_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Side, W/m K |
TKIC_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Inner Casing, W/m K |
TKIC_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Inner Casing, W/m K |
TKIN_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Inner-Casing Insulation, W/m K |
TKIN_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Inner-Casing Insulation, W/m K |
TKOC_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Outer Casing Wall, W/m K |
TKOC_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Outer Casing Wall, W/m K |
TKSF_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Stack Frame, W/m K |
TKSP_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Separator Rings and Plates, W/m K |
TLE_HT | Temperature for Lower Phase Envelope, K |
TLOAD_GM | Geomechanical Total Load, N |
TM | Time, s |
TM_CRN | Courant Number Limiting Time Step, s |
TM_RST | Time Step Reset, s |
TM_TW | Thermal Well Time, s |
TMBL | Mass Balance Check Time, s |
TMBP_A | Net CO2 Mass Transferred into the Hydrate, kg/s |
TMBP_N | Net N2 Mass Transferred into the Hydrate, kg/s |
TMBP_O | Net CH4 Mass Transferred into the Hydrate, kg/s |
TMC | Total Component Mass, kg |
TMHA | Hydrate CO2 Mass, kg |
TMHN | Hydrate N2 Mass, kg |
TMHO | Hydrate CH4 Mass, kg |
TMHS_FC | Fuel Cell Heat Source Time, s |
TMHS_SP | Supply Pipe Heat Source Time, s |
TML_CW | Total Mass Injected/Withdrawn Limit for Coupled Well, kg |
TMMX | Maximum Time, s |
TMN | Minimum Temperature, C |
TMOB | Observed Date Output Time, s |
TMPA | Time Step Acceleration Factor |
TMPC | Time Step Cut Factor |
TMPD | Execution Period Initial Time Step, s |
TMPE | Execution Period Stop Time, s |
TMPN | Minimum Time Step, s |
TMPR | Plot/Restart File Print Time, s |
TMPS | Execution Period Start Time, s |
TMPX | Execution Period Maximum Time Step, s |
TMRL | Release Plane Time, s |
TMRM | Remediation Event Time, s |
TMS | Total Salt Mass, kg |
TMSB | Total Salt Mass at the Boundary, kg |
TMX | Maximum Temperature, C |
TOC_FC | Fuel Well Thermal Well Outer Casing Temperature, C |
TOC_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Well Outer Casing Temperature, C |
TOLN | Log to Ln Conversion Factor |
TOR | Tortuosity Function Constants |
TORG | Gas Tortuosity |
TORGB | Boundary Gas Tortuosity |
TORL | Aqueous Tortuosity |
TORLB | Boundary Aqueous Tortuosity |
TORN | NAPL Tortuosity |
TORNB | Boundary NAPL Tortuosity |
TPV_FC | Fuel Cell Energy Peak, eV |
TRAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Temperature Controller Range, C |
TRIN_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation Temperature Control Range, C |
TRPGL | Gas-Aqueous Trapping Number |
TRPNL | NAPL-Aqueous Trapping Number |
TSF_FC | Stack Frame Temperature, C |
TSPRF | Solute Diffusion Reference Temperature, C |
TTAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Target Temperature, C |
TTIN_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation Target Temperature, C |
TTPA | CO2 Triple Point Temperature, K |
TTPO | CO2 Triple Point Temperature, K |
TUE_HT | Temperature for Upper Phase Envelope, K |
TWH | Initial Inlet Temperature at Well Head, C |
TXSP | Slope of Surface between Adjacent Surface Nodes in the X-Direction, m |
TYSP | Slope of Surface between Adjacent Surface Nodes in the y-Direction, m |
U_ST | CO2 Property Table Values for Internal Energy, J/kg |
U_TA | CO2 Property Table Values for Internal Energy, J/kg |
UAI_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
UAI_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
UAO_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
UAO_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
UAS_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Side, J |
UC | X-Direction Solute Flux, 1/m2 s |
UCN | X-Direction Solute Flux in NAPL, 1/m2 s X-Direction |
UDGA | X-Direction Air Diffusive Mass Flux or X-Direction CO2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGC | X-Direction Gas Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGN | X-Direction N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGO | X-Direction Gas Diffusive Oil Mass Flux or X-Direction CH4 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGW | X-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGW_W | X-Direction Well Radial Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLA | X-Direction Dissolved Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLA_W | Well Radial Dissolved Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLC | X-Direction Aqueous Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLN | X-Direction Aqueous N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLO | X-Direction Dissolved Oil Diffusive Flux or X-Direction Aqueous CH4 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLO_W | X-Direction Well Radial Dissolved Oil Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLW | X-Direction Aqueous Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNA | X-Direction NAPL Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNC | X-Direction NAPL Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNN | X-Direction NAPL N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNO | X-Direction NAPL Oil Diffusive Flux or X-Direction NAPL CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNW | X-Direction NAPL Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDS | X-Direction Salt Diffusion Flux, kg/m2 s |
UEG | Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEG_O | Old Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEGA | CO2 Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEGAB | Boundary CO2 Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEGB | Boundary Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEL | Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
UEN | NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFI_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFI_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFO_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFO_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFS_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Side Enthalpy, J/kg |
UG | X-Direction Darcy Gas Flux, m/s |
UG_W | Well X-Direction Darcy Gas Flux, m/s |
UGA | X-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Gas, kg/s |
UGC | X-Direction Mass Flux of Component in Gas, kg/s |
UGN | X-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in Gas, kg/s |
UGO | X-Direction Mass Flux of CH4 in Gas, kg/s |
UGW | X-Direction Mass Flux of Water Vapor, kg/s |
UL | X-Direction Darcy Aqueous Flux, m/s |
UL_LV | X-Direction Liquid Internal Energy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, J/kg |
UL_W | Well X-Direction Darcy Aqueous Flux, m/s |
ULA | X-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
ULC | X-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Component, kg/s |
ULN | X-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous N2, kg/s |
ULO | X-Direction Mass Flux of CH4 in Aqueous, kg/s |
ULSP | X-Direction Aqueous Surface Spill Flux, kg/s |
ULW | X-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Water, kg/s |
UN | X-Direction Darcy NAPL Flux, m/s |
UN_W | Well X-Direction Darcy NAPL Flux, m/s |
UNA | X-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in NAPL, kg/s |
UNAR | Units for Radiants |
UNC | X-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Component, kg/s |
UNLN | Output/Reference Node Length Units* (64 characters) |
UNN | X-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in NAPL, kg/s |
UNO | X-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in NAPL, kg/s |
UNPLOT | Plot File Variable Index |
UNREF | Reference Node Variable Index |
UNSF | Surface Flux Rate and Integral Units* (64 characters) |
UNSP | X-Direction NAPL Surface Spill Flux, kg/s |
UNTM | Output/Reference Node Time Units* (64 characters) |
UNW | X-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Water, kg/s |
UQ | X-Direction Energy Flux, W/m2 |
US | X-Direction Salt Flux, kg/m2 s |
USER | User Name* (64 characters) |
UV_LV | Vapor Internal Energy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, J/kg |
VAI_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
VAI_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
VAI_WH | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Well Head, J |
VAO_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
VAO_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
VAO_WH | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Well Head, J |
VAR_CW | Coupled Well Variables |
VAR_CW(1,:,:) Well Time, s | |
VAR_CW(2,:,:) Mass Rate, kg/s | |
VAR_CW(3,:,:) Pressure Limit, Pa | |
VAR_CW(4,:,:) Temperature, C | |
VAR_CW(5,:,:) Aqueous CO2 Relative Saturation or Aqueous CO2 Mass Fraction or Aqueous Saturation or Water Vapor Relative Saturation |
VAR_CW(6:,:) Aqueous Salt Relative Saturation or Aqueous Salt Mass Fraction | |
VAR_CW(7,:,:) CO2 NAPL Mole Fraction or Gas Mass Fraction of Gas + Oil | |
VAR_CW(8,:,:) CH4 NAPL Mole Fraction | |
VAR_CW(8+I,:,:) Petroleum Components I NAPL Mole Fraction | |
VARB | Input Variable Name* (64 characters) |
VAS_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Side, J |
VC | Y-Direction Solute Flux, 1/m2 s |
VCN | Y-Direction Solute Flux in NAPL, 1/m2 s |
VCRA | Air Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VCRO | Oil Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VCRS | Surfactant Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VCRW | Water Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VDGA | Y-Direction Air Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGC | Y-Direction Gas Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGN | Y-Direction N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGO | Y-Direction Oil Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGW | Y-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLA | Y-Direction Dissolved-Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLC | Y-Direction Aqueous Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLN | Y-Direction Aqueous N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLO | Y-Direction Dissolved-Oil Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLW | Y-Direction Aqueous Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNA | Y-Direction NAPL Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNC | Y-Direction NAPL Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNN | Y-Direction NAPL N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNO | Y-Direction NAPL Oil Diffusive Flux or Y-Direction NAPL CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNW | Y-Direction NAPL Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDS | Y-Direction Salt Diffusion Flux, kg/m2 s |
VFI_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFI_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFI_WH | Y-Direction Well Head Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFO_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFO_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFO_WH | Y-Direction Well Head Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFS_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Side Enthalpy, J/kg |
VG | Y-Direction Gas Darcy Flux, m/s |
VGA | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Gas, kg/s |
VGC | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Gas Components, kg/s |
VGN | Y-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in Gas, kg/s |
VGO | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Gas, kg/s |
VGW | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Water Vapor, kg/s |
VISCA | Alcohol Viscosity Function Constants |
VISCO | Oil Viscosity Function Constants |
VISCS | Surfactant Viscosity Function Constants |
VISDG | Dry Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISG | Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGB | Boundary Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGI | Initial Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGW | Well Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGWB | Well Boundary Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISL | Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLB | Boundary Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLI | Initial Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLSP | Aqueous Viscosity of Spill Surface Node, Pa s |
VISLW | Well Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLWB | Well Boundary Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISN | NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNB | Boundary NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNI | Initial NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNSP | NAPL Viscosity of Spill Surface Node, Pa s |
VISNW | Well NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNWB | Well Boundary NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISRG | Gas Reference Viscosity, Pa s |
VISRL | Aqueous Reference Viscosity, Pa s |
VISRN | NAPL Reference Viscosity, Pa s |
VL | Y-Direction Water Darcy Flux, m/s |
VLA | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
VLC | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Component, kg/s |
VLN | Y-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
VLO | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Aqueous, kg/s |
VLSP | Y-Direction Water Flux for Spill Surface Node, m/s |
VLW | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Water, kg/s |
VMC | Component Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VN | NAPL Darcy Flux, m/s |
VNA | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in NAPL, kg/s |
VNC | Y-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Component, kg/s |
VNN | Y-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in NAPL, kg/s |
VNO | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in NAPL, kg/s |
VNSP | Y-Direction NAPL Flux for Spill Surface Node, m/s |
VNW | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Water in NAPL, kg/s |
VOL | Node Volume, m3 |
VQ | Y-Direction Energy Flux, W/m2 |
VS | Y-Direction Salt Flux, kg/m2 s |
VSF_FC | Stack Frame Voltage |
VSLC | (1) Reference Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
(2) Reference-Pressure Z Location, m | |
(3) Reference Temperature, C | |
(4) Reference-Temperature Z Location, m | |
(5) Geothermal Gradient, C/m | |
WAI_FC | Fuel Cell Air Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WAIAO_FC | Air Velocity at the Orifice Throat between the Air Inlet and Air Outlet, m/s |
WAO_FC | Fuel Cell Air Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WBR | Well Bore Radius, m |
WBR_CW | Coupled Well Bore Radius, m |
WBRS | Well Bore Radius for Storage, m |
WC | Z-Direction Solute Flux, 1/m2 s |
WCN | Z-Direction Solute Flux in NAPL, 1/m2 s |
WDGA | Z-Direction Air Vapor or CO2 Gas Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGC | Z-Direction Gas Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGN | Z-Direction N2 Gas Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGO | Z-Direction Oil Vapor or CH4 Gas Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGW | Z-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGW_W | Well Z-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLA | Z-Direction Dissolved Air or Aqueous CO2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLA_W | Well Z-Direction Dissolved Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLC | Z-Direction Aqueous Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLN | Z-Direction Aqueous N2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLO | Z-Direction Dissolved Oil or Aqueous CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLO_W | Well Z-Direction Dissolved Oil or Aqueous CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLW | Z-Direction Aqueous Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNA | Z-Direction NAPL Air or CO2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNC | Z-Direction NAPL Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNN | Z-Direction NAPL N2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNO | Z-Direction NAPL Oil or CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNW | Z-Direction NAPL Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDS | Z-Direction Salt Diffusion Flux, kg/m2 s |
WFI_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WFIFO_FC | Air Velocity at the Orifice Throat between the Fuel Inlet and Fuel Outlet, m/s |
WFMN | Interfacial Average Weighting Factor |
WFO_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WG | Z-Direction Gas Darcy Flux, m/s |
WG_W | Well Z-Direction Gas Darcy Flux, m/s |
WGA | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Gas, kg/s |
WGC | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Gas Component, kg/s |
WGN | Z-Direction Mass Flux of N2 Gas, kg/s |
WGO | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Gas, kg/s |
WGW | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Water Vapor, kg/s |
WHBTA | Alcohol HBT Accentric Factor |
WHBTO | Oil HBT Accentric Factor |
WHP | Initial Well Head Pressure, Pa |
WIDA | Initial Well Dissolved Air Saturation |
WIDO | Initial Well Dissolved Oil Saturation |
WL | Z-Direction Aqueous Darcy Flux, m/s |
WL_W | Well Z-Direction Aqueous Darcy Flux, m/s |
WLA | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
WLC | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Component, kg/s |
WLN | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous N2, kg/s |
WLO | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Aqueous, kg/s |
WLVR | Well Head Parameters |
WLW | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Water, kg/s |
WN | Z-Direction NAPL Darcy Flux, m/s |
WN_W | Well Z-Direction NAPL Darcy Flux, m/s |
WNA | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in NAPL, kg/s |
WNC | Z-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Component, kg/s |
WNM_CW | Coupled Well Type: Injection (IW) or Production (PW) or Single Pass (SP) or Double Pass (DP) |
WNN | Z-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL N2, kg/s |
WNO | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in NAPL, kg/s |
WNW | Z-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Water, kg/s |
WQ | Z-Direction Energy Flux, W/m^2 |
WRH | Initial Well Relative Humidity |
WS | Z-Direction Salt Flux, kg/m^2 s |
WTM | Component Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMA | Air or CO2 Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMCH_OS | Char Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMCK_OS | Coke Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMK_OS | Kerogen Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMN | N2 Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMO | Oil or CH4 Molecular Weight, kg/kgmol |
WTMS | Surfactant Molecular Weight, kg/kgmol |
WTMW | Water Molecular Weight, kg/kgmol |
WWD | Well Total Liquid Depth, m |
WWDL | Well Aqueous Depth, m |
WWDN | Well NAPL Depth, m |
XD_GM | X-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
XDP_GM | Expansion due to Pressure on X-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
XDT_GM | Thermal Expansion in the X-Direction on Geomechanical Surfaces |
XE | X Node Dimension, m |
XGA | Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGA_O | Old Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAB | Boundary Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAW | Well Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAW_O | Old Well Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAWB | Well Boundary Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGC | Gas Component Mass Fraction |
XGCB | Gas Component Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XGN | Gaseous N2 Mass Fraction |
XGNB | Gaseous N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XGO | Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGO_O | Old Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGOB | Boundary Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGW | Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGW_O | Old Well Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWW | Well Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWW_O | Old Well Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWWB | Well Boundar Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XHA | CO2 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHA_O | Old CO2 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHAB | Boundary CO2 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHN | Hydrate N2 Mass Fraction |
XHNB | Hydrate N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XHO | CH4 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHO_O | Old CH4 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHOB | Boundary CH4 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHW | Water Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHW_O | Old Water Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XLA | Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLA_O | Old Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLA_VE | Dissolved CO2 Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLAB | Boundary Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous Well |
XLAW | Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLAW_O | Well Old Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLAWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLC | Gas Component Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLCA_HT | CO2 Large Cage Occupany Number for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XLCA_PH | CO2 Large Cage Occupany Number from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
XLCA_TH | CO2 Large Cage Occupancy Numberfrom Equilibrium-Temperature File |
XLCA2T_HT | Second Derivative of CO2 Large Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XLCB | Boundary Gas Component Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLCN_HT | N2 Large Cage Occupany Number for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XLCN2T_HT | Second Derivative of N2 Large Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XLCO_HT | CH4 Large Cage Occupany Number for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XLCO_PH | CH4 Large Cage Occupany Number from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
XLCO_TH | CH4 Large Cage Occupancy Numberfrom Equilibrium-Temperature File |
XLCO2T_HT | Second Derivative of CH4 Large Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XLIMX | Maximum Concentration of Inhibitors, % |
XLN | Aqueous N2 Mass Fraction |
XLNB | Aqueous N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XLO | Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLO_O | Oil Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOB | Boundary Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOW | Well Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOW_O | Old Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLS | Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLS_O | Old Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLSB | Boundary Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLW | Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLW_O | Old Well Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWW | Well Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWW_O | Old Well Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWWB | Well Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XMAI_FC | Fuel Cell Air Inlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMAO_FC | Fuel Cell Air Outlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMEC_TW | Reaction Stoichiometry for Fuel Component or Air Component or Exhaust Component |
XMFI_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMFO_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMG | Gas Mole Fraction |
XMGA | Air Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGAB | Boundary Air Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGC | Gas Component Mole Fraction |
XMGCB | Gas Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMGN | Gas N2 Mole Fraction |
XMGNB | Gas N2 Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMGO | Oil Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGOB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGW | Water Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGWB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGWW | Well Water Vapor Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGWWB | Well Boundary Water Vapor Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMLA | Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLAB | Boundary Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLAW | Well Dissolved Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLAWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLC | Aqueous Component Mole Fraction |
XMLCB | Aqueous Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMLN | Aqueous N2 Mole Fraction |
XMLNB | Aqueous N2 Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMLO | Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLOB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLOW | Well Dissolved Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLOWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLS | Salt Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLSB | Bound. Salt Mole Frac. in Aqueous |
XMLW | Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLWB | Bound. Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMNA | Alcohol Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNAB | Boundary Alcohol Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNC | Nonaqueous Component Mole Fraction |
XMNCB | Nonaqueous Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMNN | Nonaqueous N2 Mole Fraction |
XMNNB | Nonaqueous N2 Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMNO | Oil Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNOB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNW | Water Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNWB | Boundary Water Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMPCF | Mole Fraction of Petroleum Component Fractions |
XMVC | Volumetric Component Mole Fraction |
XMVCB | Volumetric Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMVGC | Equilibrium Dry Gas Component Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMVGW | Equilibrium Water Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMVLC | Equilibrium Dry Gas Component Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMVLW | Equilibrium Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XNA | Alcohol Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNA_O | Old Alcohol Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNAB | Boundary Alcohol Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNC | NAPL Component Mass Fraction |
XNCB | NAPL Component Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XNN | NAPL N2 Mass Fraction |
XNNB | NAPL N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XNO | Oil Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNO_O | Old Oil Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNOB | Boundary Oil Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNW | Water Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNW_O | Old Water Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XOC_OS | Oil Shale Organic Carbon Mass Fraction |
XP | X-Direction Node Centroid Position, m |
XP_CW | Coupled Well X-Direction Node Centroid Position, m |
XPBC | X-Direction Bottom Surface Centroid |
XREF | Generalized Curvilinear Coordinate Factor |
XREFU | Generalized Curvilinear Coordinate Factor |
XSCA_HT | CO2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XSCA_PH | CO2 Small Cage Occupany from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
XSCA_TH | CO2 Small Cage Occupany from Equilibrium-Temperatute File |
XSCA2T_HT | Second Derivative of CO2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSCN_HT | N2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XSCN2T_HT | Second Derivative of N2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSCO_HT | CH4 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XSCO_PH | Second Derivative of CH4 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSCO_TH | CH4 Small Cage Occupany from Equilibrium-Temperatute File |
XSCO2T_HT | Second Derivative of CH4 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSO | Sorbed Oil Mass Fraction |
XSO_O | Old Sorbed Oil Mass Fraction |
XSOB | Boundary Sorbed Oil Mass Fraction |
XSP | Top Active Node X-Coordinate |
XTP_CW | X-Transition Points for Well Interval, m |
XVC | Volumetric Component Mass Fraction |
XVCB | Volumetric Component Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
YD_GM | Y-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
YDP_GM | Expansion due to Pressure on Y-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
YDT_GM | Thermal Expansion on Y-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
YE | Y Node Dimension, m |
YG | Fraction of Solute in Gas |
YGB | Boundary Fraction of Solute in Gas |
YL | Fraction of Solute in Aqueous |
YLB | Boundary Fraction of Solute in Aqueous |
YLS | Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YLS_O | Old Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YLS_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YLSB | Boundary Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YMGA | Gaseous CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMGN | Gaseous N2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMGO | Gaseous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMGO_PH | Gaseous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
YMGO_TH | Gaseous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Temperature File |
YMHGA | Hydrate Gas CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMHGN | Hydrate Gas N2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMHGO | Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMHO_PH | Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
YMHO_TH | Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Temperature File |
YMLOW | Well Dissolved Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
YN | Fraction of Solute in NAPL |
YNB | Boundary Fraction of Solute in NAPL |
YP | Y-Direction Node Centroid Position, m |
YP_CW | Coupled Well Y-Projection Array |
YPBC | Y-Coordinate of Centroid |
YSP | Top Active Node Y-Coordinate |
YSPG | Gas Fraction of Component Species NEQ at Node N |
YSPL | Aqueous Fraction of Component Species NEQ at Node N |
YSPN | NAPL Fraction of Component Species NEQ at Node N |
YTP_CW | Y-Transition Points for Well Inteval, m |
ZAIFI_SP | Center Separation: Air-Inlet and Fuel-Inlet Supply Pipe, m |
ZAIFO_SP | Center Separation: Air-Inlet and Fuel-Outlet Supply Pipe, m |
ZAIHF_SP | Center Separation: Air-Inlet and Heater-Fuel Supply Pipe, m |
ZB_VE | Vertical Equilibrium String Gas-Aqueous Interface Elevation |
ZBMIN_VE | Minimum Vertical Equilibrium String Gas-Aqueous Interface Elevation |
ZBTR_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Dissolved CO2 Transition Depth |
ZCRA | Alcohol Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZCRO | Oil Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZCRS | Surfactant Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZCRW | Water Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZD_GM | Z-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
ZDP_GM | Expansion due to Pressure on Z-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
ZDT_GM | Thermal Expansion on Z-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
ZE | Z Node Dimension, m |
ZERO | Constant, 0. |
ZFIFO_SP | Center Separation: Fuel-Inlet and Fuel-Outlet Supply Pipe, m |
ZFOHF_SP | Center Separation: Fuel-Outlet and Heater-Fuel Supply Pipe, m |
ZG | Gas Compressibility |
ZGB | Gas Compressibility at the Boundary |
ZHC_HT | Mole Fraction of Hydrate Formers for Hydrate Equilibria |
ZLAB | Micro-Emulsion Volume Fraction |
ZMC | Total Petroleum Component Mole Fraction |
ZMCA | Total Nonaqueous CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
ZMCB | Total Petroleum Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
ZMCN | Total Nonaqueous N2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
ZMCO | Total Nonaqueous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers |
ZMIH_HT | Mole Fraction of Hydrate Formers for Hydrate Equilibria |
(1) Hydrate Gas CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers | |
(2) Hydrate Gas N2 Mole Fraction of Formers | |
(3) Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers | |
ZN | NAPL Compressibility |
ZNB | NAPL Compressibility Boundary |
ZP | Z Node Position |
ZP_CW | Z Node Position for Coupled Wells |
ZPBC | Z-Direction Bottom Surface Centroid |
ZPC_HT | Mole Fraction of Hydrate Formers for Phase Equilibria |
ZRA | Component Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZRAA | Alcohol Rackett Compressibility Factor |
ZRAO | Oil Rackett Compressibility Factor |
ZSP | Top Active Node Z-Coordinate |
ZTP_CW | Z-Transition Points for Well Interval, m |