STOMP User Guide
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases

STOMP User Guide
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases
Accepted Units
Internally, STOMP uses the International System of Units (SI); where, the base units are length in meters (m), time in seconds (s), mass in kilograms (kg), temperature in degrees Celsius (˚C), and molar mass in kilomole (kmol). However, unit inputs can be any combination of the recognized units listed in the table below and need not be consistent within an input file. Note that spaces between units imply multiplication of units and only a single division symbol can be used within the character string. The “^” is used to represent exponential notation in the input file (e.g., m^2 = m2). The same notation is used for specifying output units. The first column in the table shows the unit names or abbreviations that are recognized by STOMP.
Unit | Description | SI Conversion | SI Base Units |
1 |
one |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
a |
angstrom |
1.e-10 |
m |
ang |
angstrom |
1.e-10 |
m |
angstrom |
Angstrom |
1.e-10 |
m |
ao |
Angstrom |
1.e-10 |
m |
aqu |
Aqueous |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
aqueous |
Aqueous |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
atm |
Atmosphere |
1.01325e+5 |
kg / m s2 |
bar |
Bar |
1.e+5 |
kg / m s2 |
bbl |
barrels of oil |
0.158987295e+0 |
m3 |
bd |
bulk density |
1.e+0 |
kg / m3 |
bscf |
billion standard cubic foot |
2.83168e+7 |
m3 |
btu |
1.0544e+3 |
kg m2/ s2 |
c |
˚Celsius |
1.e+0 |
˚C |
cal |
calories |
4.184e+0 |
kg m2 / s2 |
ci |
curies |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
cm |
cm |
1.e-2 |
m |
cp |
centipoise |
1.e-3 |
kg / m s |
cst |
centiStokes |
1.e-6 |
m2 / s |
d |
day |
8.64e+4 |
s |
darcy |
darcy |
0.9869e-12 |
m2 |
day |
day |
8.64e+4 |
s |
debyes |
debyes |
1.e+0 |
debyes |
deg |
degrees |
1.745329252e-2 |
rad |
degree |
degrees |
1.745329252e-2 |
rad |
dyn |
dynes |
1.e-5 |
kg m / s2 |
dynes |
dynes |
1.e-5 |
kg m / s2 |
f |
˚Fahrenheit |
5.555556e-1 |
˚C |
ffa |
football field area |
5351.215104e+0 |
m2 |
ffl |
football field length |
109.728e+0 |
m |
ffvh_cm |
volume football field area x cm |
53.51215104e+0 |
m3 |
ffvh_ft |
volume football field area x foot |
1631.05037e+0 |
m3 |
ffvh_in |
volume football field area x inch |
135.920863642e+0 |
m3 |
ffvh_m |
volume football field area x meter |
5351.215104e+0 |
m3 |
ffvh_yd |
volume football field area x yard |
4893.151091098e+0 |
m3 |
ft |
feet |
3.048e-1 |
m |
furlong |
furlong |
2.01168e+2 |
m |
g |
gram |
1.e-3 |
kg |
gal |
gallon |
3.7854e-3 |
m3 |
gas |
gas |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
gm |
gram |
1.e-3 |
kg |
gpa |
gigaPascal |
1.e+9 |
kg / m s2 |
gram |
gram |
1.e-3 |
kg |
hc |
hydraulic conductivity |
1.03910295199455e-7 |
N/A |
hour |
hour |
3.6e+3 |
s |
hp |
horse power |
7.457e+2 |
kg m2 / s3 |
hr |
hour |
3.6e+3 |
s |
in |
inch |
2.54e-2 |
l |
j |
Joule |
1.e+0 |
kg m2 / s2 |
joule |
Joule |
1.e+0 |
kg m2 / s2 |
k |
˚Kelvin |
1.e+0 |
˚C |
kg |
kilogram |
1.e+0 |
kg |
kgmol |
kilomole |
1.D+0 |
kmol |
kj |
kiloJoule |
1.D+3 |
kg m2 / s2 |
kjoule |
kiloJoule |
1.D+3 |
kg m2 / s2 |
kmol |
kilomole |
1.D+0 |
kmol |
kmole |
kilomole |
1.D+0 |
kmol |
kpa |
kiloPascal |
1.D+3 |
kg / m s2 |
l |
liter |
1.D-3 |
m3 |
langley |
Langley |
4.186D+4 |
kg / s2 |
lb |
pound |
4.5359D-1 |
kg |
lbf |
poundforce |
4.4482D+0 |
kg m / s2 |
lbm |
poundmass |
4.5359e-1 |
kg |
lbmol |
poundmole |
4.5359e-1 |
kmol |
liq |
liquid |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
liter |
liter |
1.e-3 |
m3 |
m |
meter |
1.e+0 |
m |
md |
milliDarcy |
0.9869e-15 |
m2 |
mdarcy |
milliDarcy |
0.9869e-15 |
m2 |
mg |
milligram |
1.e-6 |
kg |
mi |
mile |
1.609344e+3 |
m |
mile |
mile |
1.609344e+3 |
m |
min |
minute |
6.e+1 |
s |
ml |
milliliter |
1.e-6 |
m3 |
mm |
millimeter |
1.e-3 |
m |
mmscf |
million standard cubic foot |
2.83168e+4 |
m3 |
mmt |
million metric tonne |
1.e+9 |
kg |
mol |
mole |
1.e-3 |
kmol |
mole |
mole |
1.e-3 |
kmol |
mpa |
megaPascal |
1.e+6 |
kg / m s2 |
mscf |
thousand standard cubic foot |
2.83168e+1 |
m3 |
mt |
metric tonne |
1.e+3 |
kg |
n |
newton |
1.e+0 |
kg m / s2 |
napl |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
newton |
newton |
1.e+0 |
kg m / s2 |
oil |
oil |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
p |
Poise |
1.e-1 |
kg / m s |
pa |
pascal |
1.e+0 |
kg / m s2 |
pci |
picoCuries |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
plant |
plant |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
psf |
pounds per square foot |
4.7880556e+1 |
kg / m s2 |
psi |
pounds per square inch |
6.8948e+3 |
kg / m s2 |
r |
˚Rankine |
5.555556e-1 |
˚C |
rad |
radian |
1.e+0 |
radian |
radian |
radian |
1.e+0 |
radian |
rod |
rod |
5.0292e+0 |
m |
s |
second |
1.e+0 |
s |
scf |
standard cubic foot |
2.83168e-2 |
m3 |
sec |
second |
1.e+0 |
s |
slug |
slug |
1.4594e+1 |
kg |
sol |
solute |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
solid |
solid |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
st |
stokes |
1.e-4 |
m2 / s |
stb |
stock tank barrel |
0.158987295.e+0 |
m3 |
ton |
ton |
9.0718494e+2 |
kg |
tonne |
metric tonne |
1.e+3 |
kg |
tscf |
trillion standard cubic foot |
2.83168e+10 |
m3 |
upa |
micropascal |
1.e-6 |
kg / m s2 |
voc |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
w |
Watt |
1.e+0 |
kg m2 / s3 |
water |
water |
1.e+0 |
N/A |
week |
week |
6.048e+5 |
s |
wh |
water head |
9.7935332e+03 |
kg / m2 s2 |
wk |
week |
6.048e+5 |
s |
yd |
yard |
9.144e-1 |
m |
year |
year |
3.15576e+7 |
s |
yr |
year |
3.15576e+7 |
s |