STOMP User Guide
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases

STOMP User Guide
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases
STOMP Variables
The STOMP simulator has been designed with the principal variables defined in modules, which are included in nearly all subroutines. This approach reduces the number of arguments that are passed between routines and increases the readability of the code, because variable names remain unchanged between routines. Field variables are defined at node points and are represented with two-dimensional arrays.
General information about principal variables:
- Variable names remain unchanged between routines.
- The STOMP simulator has been coded without equivalence statements and no variables are temporarily overwritten to save memory.
- Variable names generally follow the intrinsic protocols for FORTRAN 77, where:
- integer variables begin with letters in the range 'I-N'
- real valued variables begin with letters in the ranges 'A-H' and 'O-Z'
- variables that begin with the letter 'L' generally indicate integer parameters
List of Variables
Variables | Description |
ACNM | Air Component Name |
Air Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
(17,:) Mole Fraction | |
ACTVC | Constant Activity Coefficient for ECKEChem |
AFX | X-Direction Node Area, m2 |
AFY | Y-Direction Node Area, m2 |
AFZ | Z-Direction Node Area, m2 |
AFZSP | Areal Node Surface Area for Spill Modeling, m2 |
AGLF | Interfacial Area between Free Gas and Aqueous, m2 |
AGLT | Interfacial Area between Trapped Gas and Aqueous, m2 |
ALAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ALBEDO | Soil Albedo Function Parameters |
(1,:) Dry Soil Albedo | |
(2,:) Wet Soil Albedo | |
(3,:) Albedo Attenuation Factor | |
(4,:) Albedo @ Solar Zenith = 60° | |
(5,:) Briegleb Albedo Model Parameter C | |
ALU | Jacobian Coefficient Matrix |
ANLF | Specific Aqueous-Free NAPL Interfacial Area, 1/m |
ANLT | Specific Aqueous-Trapped NAPL Interfacial Area, 1/m |
AOPF_FC | Air Orifice Plate Frequency, 1/m |
ARAI_FC | Area of Air Inlet Chimney, m2 |
ARAO_FC | Area of Air Outlet Chimney, m2 |
ARCAI_FC | Arc of Air Inlet Chimney, rads |
ARCAO_FC | Arc of Air Outlet Chimney, rads |
ARCAP_FC | Arc of Air Inlet Plenum, rads |
ARCFI_FC | Arc of Fuel Inlet Chimney, rads |
ARCFO_FC | Arc of Fuel Outlet Chimney, rads |
ARCFP_FC | Arc of Fuel Inlet Plenum, rads |
ARFI_FC | Area of Fuel Inlet Chimney, m2 |
ARFO_FC | Area of Fuel Outlet Chimney, m2 |
AROA_FC | Air Chimney-to-Plenum Orifice Area, m2 |
AROF_FC | Fuel Chimney-to-Plenum Orifice Area, m2 |
ASGT | Apparent Trapped Gas Saturation |
ASGTL | Apparent Trapped Gas Saturation, Aqueous |
ASGTN | Apparent Trapped Gas Saturation, NAPL |
ASL | Apparent Aqueous Saturation |
ASLMIN | Minimum Apparent Aqueous Saturation |
ASLMIN_VE | Minimum Apparent Aqueous Saturation for Vertical Equilibrium |
ASLMIN_VEQ | Minimum Apparent Aqueous Saturation for Vertical Equilibrium |
ASLSC | Apparent Aqueous Saturation at Reversal Point |
ASNMIN | Minimum Apparent NAPL Saturation |
ASNR | Apparent Residual NAPL Saturation |
ASNT | Apparent Trapped NAPL Saturation |
AST | Apparent Total-Liquid Saturation |
ASTMAX | Maximum Apparent Total-Liquid Saturation |
ASTMIN | Minimum Apparent Total-Liquid Saturation |
ATALAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATB0 | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATB1 | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATB2 | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATCLAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATCMX | Binary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATHLAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATMC | Atmospheric Condition Measurement Parameters |
(1) Wind Speed Measurement Height, m | |
(2) Air Temp./Relative Humidity Measurement Height, m | |
(3) Local Longitude, deg | |
(4) Local Latitude, deg | |
(5) Local Meridian, deg | |
ATMOS | Atmospheric Condition Parameters |
(1,:) Time, s | |
(2,:) Temperature, C | |
(3,:) Pressure, Pa | |
(4,:) Relative Humidity, % | |
(5,:) Incident Solar Radiation, W/m2 | |
(6,:) Wind Speed, m/s | |
ATMST | Atmospheric Conditions Data Start Time, s |
ATNLAM | Ternary Function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATPA | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATPC | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATTA | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ATTC | Binary Parameters for the Pitzer Activity Model |
AVPVG | Average Pore Gas Velocity, m/s |
AVPVL | Average Pore Aqueous Velocity, m/s |
B0 | Binary interaction parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
B1 | Binary interaction parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
B2 | Binary interaction parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
B2P_HT | Table of 2 Phase Beta Values |
BC | Boundary Condition Variables |
BC_GM | Geomechanics Boundary Conditions |
BCXYZG | XYZ Gradient Base Pressure, Pa |
BGL | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BGN | Gas-NAPL Scaling Factor |
BHL | NAPL-Aqueous Scaling |
BIG | Constant, 1E20 |
BIJNA | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BIJTD | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BIL | Ice-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BIPC | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BIPF | Binary Interaction Parameters |
BLU | Solution Vector |
BMMX | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BNL | NAPL-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BPHI | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BPPR | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BPR | Binary interaction function for the Pitzer Activity Model |
BTGL | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor |
BTGL_VEQ | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor for Vertical Equilibrium |
BTGLB | Gas-Aqueous Scaling Factor at Boundary |
C | Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
C_OBDT | Field-Observation Output Units* (64 characters) |
CA_GL | Gas-Aqueous Contact Angle, deg |
CA_GN | Gas-NAPL Contact Angle, deg |
CA_NL | NAPL-Aqueous Contact Angle, deg |
CARD | Card Name* (64 characters) |
CB | Boundary Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
CBO | Old Time Step Boundary Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
CCL_CRN | Aqueous Cut-Off Concentration for Courant Limit Control |
CDLSF_FC | Stack Frame Limiting Current Density, A/cm2 |
CFMX | Pore-scale to Macro-Scale Factor |
CH_VRSN | User's Guide Version Number |
CHDATE | Date* (10 characters) |
CHDF | Solute Chain Decay Fraction |
CHKN | Characteristic Matrix Length, m |
CHML | Matrix Characteristic Length, m |
CHMSG | Error Message* (132 characters) |
CHREF | Reference Node Variable Abbreviation* (4 characters) |
CHSF | Surface Flux Variable Abbreviation* (4 characters) |
CHTIME | Time* (8 characters) |
CIMTC | Oil Interphase Mass Transfer Coefficients |
CINH | Gas Hydrate Inhibitor Coefficient |
CL_GM | Direction Cosines for Geomechanics |
CLAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
CLKMX | Maximum Clock Time, s |
CLKSEC | Clock Time, s |
CLU | Solution Vector |
CMIN | Minimum Species Concentration, 1/m3 |
CMP | Rock/Soil Compressibility Parameters |
(1,:) Matrix Compressibility, 1/Pa | |
(2,:) Fracture Compressibility, 1/Pa | |
(3,:) Compressibility Reference Pressure, Pa | |
CMPNY | Company Name* |
CMTLN | NAPL-Aqueous Interphase Mass Transfer Coefficients |
CMXX | Binary Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
CNL | Solute Concentration in NAPL, 1/m3 |
CNLO | Old Time Step Solute Concentration in NAPL, 1/m3 |
CNM_OS | Component Name for Oil Shales |
CO | Old Time Step Solute Concentration, 1/m3 |
CPAC | Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Constants |
(1) Constant a | |
(2) Constant b | |
(3) Constant c | |
(4) Constant d | |
CPAI_SP | Specific Heat of Air Inlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPAO_SP | Specific Heat of Air Outlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPFI_SP | Specific Heat of Fuel Inlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPFO_SP | Specific Heat of Fuel Outlet - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPIC_FC | Specific Heat of Inner Casing - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPIC_SP | Specific Heat of Inner Casing Wall - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPIN_FC | Specific Heat of Inner Casing Insulation - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPIN_SP | Specific Heat of Inner Casing Insulation - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPLY_RL | Aqueous Relative Permeability Polynomial Coefficients |
CPLY_SL | Aqueous Saturation Polynomial Coefficients |
CPOC | Oil Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Constants |
CPOC_FC | Specific Heat of Outer Casing - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPOC_SP | Specific Heat of Outer Casing - Supply Pipe, J/kg K |
CPS | Rock/Soil Specific Heat, J/kg K |
CPSF_FC | Specific Heat of Spacer Rings and Frame Plates - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPSP_FC | Specific Heat of Separator Rings and Frame Plates - Fuel Cell, J/kg K |
CPUMX | Maximum CPU Time, s |
CPUSEC | CPU Time, s |
CRMSIT | SAC Destination Site Name |
CRNTG | Gas Courant Number |
CRNTL | Aqueous Courant Number |
CRNTMXC | Maximum Courant Number for Oil Transport |
CRNTMXT | Maximum Courant Number for Solute or Species Transport |
CRNTN | NAPL Courant Number |
CTA | Higher Order Mixing Term for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTAPH | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTAPPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTAPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTC | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTCPH | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTCPPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
CTCPR | Higher Order Mixing Terms for Unsymmetrical Electrolyte Mixings in Pitzer Model |
D2B2P_HT | Table of 2 Phase Second Derivative Beta Values |
D2FK2P_HT | Table of 2 Phase Second Derivative K-Factor Values |
D2FKLE_HT | Table of Lower Phase Envelope Second Derivative K-Factor Values |
D2FKUE_HT | Table of Upper Phase Envelope Second Derivative K-Factor Values |
D2PLE_HT | Table of Lower Phase Envelope Second Derivative Pressures |
D2PUE_HT | Table of Upper Phase Envelope Second Derivative Pressures |
D50 | Mean Particle Diameter (d50), m |
DBH_FC | Diameter of Borehole - Fuel Cell, m |
DBH_SP | Diameter of Borehole - Supply Pipe, m |
DBLTIM | Mass Balance Times, s |
DFEF | Water Vapor Enhanced Diffusion Function Coefficients |
(1,:) Parameter A | |
(2,:) Parameter B | |
(3,:) Parameter C | |
(4,:) Parameter D | |
(5,:) Parameter E | |
DFGA | Gas CO2 or Air Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGAB | Gas CO2 or Air Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGAC | Gas CO2 Diffusion Coefficient Constant , m2/s |
DFGC | Gas Component Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFGCB | Gas Component Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGN | Gas Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGNB | Gas Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGNC | Gas Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGO | Gas Oil Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGOB | Gas Oil Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGOC | Gas Oil Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFGW | Gas Water Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGWB | Gas Water Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFGWC | Gas Water Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGWW | Gas Water Well Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFGWWB | Gas Water Well Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLA | Aqueous Air Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLAB | Aqueous Air Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLAC | Aqueous Air Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFLAW | Aqueous Air Well Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLAWB | Aqueous Air Well Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLC | Aqueous Component Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLCB | Aqueous Component Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLN | Aqueous Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLNB | Aqueous Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLNC | Aqueous Nitrogen Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFLO | Aqueous Oil Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLOB | Aqueous Oil Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLOC | Aqueous Oil Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFLOW | Aqueous Oil Well Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLOWB | Aqueous Oil Well Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLS | Aqueous Salt Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFLSB | Aqueous Salt Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFLSC | Aqueous Salt Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNA | NAPL Alcohol Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNAB | NAPL Alcohol Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNAC | NAPL Diffusion CO2 Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNC | NAPL Component Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNCB | NAPL Diffusion Component Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNN | NAPL N2 Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNNB | NAPL N2 Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNNC | NAPL N2 Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNO | NAPL Oil Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNOB | NAPL Oil Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNOC | NAPL Oil Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DFNW | NAPL Water Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
DFNWB | NAPL Water Diffusion Coefficient on Boundary, m2/s |
DFNWC | NAPL Water Diffusion Coefficient Constant, m2/s |
DHR_FC | Reaction Energy Released per Mass of Fuel, J/kg |
DIAI_SP | Inner Diameter of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIAO_SP | Outer Diameter of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIFI_SP | Inner Diameter of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIFO_SP | Outer Diameter of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DIIC_FC | Inner Diameter of Inner Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DIIC_SP | Inner Diameter of Inner Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DIIN_SP | Inner Diameter of Inner Casing Insulation of Supply Pipe, m |
DIOC_FC | Inner Diameter of Outer Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DIOC_SP | Inner Diameter of Outer Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DISPL | Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DISPL_GM | (1,:) X-Direction Geomechanical Displacement, m |
(2,:) Y-Direction Geomechanical Displacement, m | |
(3,:) Z-Direction Geomechanical Displacement, m | |
DISPT | Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DLU | Jacobian Coefficients Matrix for SPLIB |
DNR | Primary Variable Increments |
DNR_CW | Primary Variable Increments for Coupled Well |
DNR_VE | Primary Variable Increments for Vertical Equilibrium |
DNRSP | Primary Variable Increments for Surface Spill |
DNRW | Primary Variable Increments for Well |
DOAI_SP | Outer Diameter of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOAO_SP | Outer Diameter of Air Outlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOFI_SP | Outer Diameter of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOFO_SP | Outer Diameter of Fuel Outlet of Supply Pipe, m |
DOHF_SP | Outer Diameter of Heater Fuel of Supply Pipe, m |
DOIC_FC | Outer Diameter of Inner Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DOIC_SP | Outer Diameter of Inner Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DOOC_FC | Outer Diameter of Outer Casing of Fuel Cell, m |
DOOC_SP | Outer Diameter of Outer Casing of Supply Pipe, m |
DP_FC | Pressure Primary Variable Increment of Fuel Cell, Pa |
DP_SP | Pressure Primary Variable Increment of Supply Pipe, Pa |
DPLD | Dissolved Oil Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPLGA | Gas CO2 Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPLGS | Salt Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPLLA | Aqueous CO2 Longitudinal Dispersivity, m |
DPMA | Alcohol Dipole Moment, Debye |
DPMO | Oil Dipole Moment, Debye |
DPMW | Water Dipole Moment, Debye |
DPTD | Dissolved Oil Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DPTGA | Gas CO2 Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DPTLA | Aqueous CO2 Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DPTRS | Salt Transverse Dispersivity, m |
DRLTIM | Release Plane Times, s |
DRMEFF | Remediation Efficiency |
DRMTIM | Remediation Time, s |
DT | Time Step, s |
DT_CRN | Courant-Limit Time Step, s |
DT_FC | Temperature Primary Variable Increment of Fuel Cell, C |
DT_RST | Temporary Time Step, s |
DT_SP | Temperature Primary Variable Increment of Supply Pipe, C |
DTAF | Time Step Acceleration Factor |
DTCF | Time Step Cut Factor |
DTI | Inverse Time Step, 1/s |
DTI_CRN | Courant-Limit Inverse Time Step, 1/s |
DTI_RST | Temporary Inverse Time Step, 1/s |
DTMN | Minimum Time Step, s |
DTMX | Maximum Time Step, s |
DTO | Old Time Step, s |
DTSO | Old Time Step for 2nd Order Time Differencing, s |
DXGF | X-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DXGP | X-Direction Internodal Dimension, m |
DXSP | X-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DYGF | Y-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DYGP | Y-Direction Internodal Dimension, m |
DYSP | Y-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DZGF | Z-Direction Grid Cell Dimension, m |
DZGP | Z-Direction Internodal Dimension, m |
DZHC_HT | Mole Fraction Spacing for Hydrate Equilibria Data |
DZPC_HT | Mole Fraction Spacing for Phase Equilibria Data |
ECKE_ER | ECKEChem Error Logical |
ECNM | Exhaust Component Name |
ECPP | Exhaust Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
ELAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
ELC_DCF | Electrolyte Density Function Parameters |
ELC_DUN | Electrolyte Density Function Parameter |
ELC_SCF | Electrolyte Surface Tension without Surfactant, N/m |
ELC_SOL | Electrolyte Name* (64 characters) |
ELC_VCF | Electrolyte Viscosity Function Parameters |
ELC_VUN | Electrolyte Viscosity Function Parameter |
EPSL | Machine Precision, 10-14 |
EQ_C | Stoichometric Coefficient for the Conservation Equation |
EQ_E | Stoichometric Coefficient for the Equilibrium Equation |
EQ_K | Stoichometric Coefficient for the Kinetic Equation |
ETH | Electrostatic function parameter |
ETHP | Electrostatic function parameter |
ETHP2 | Electrostatic function parameter |
FACTV | Fixed Species Activity |
FCNM | Fuel Component Name |
FCPP | Fuel Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
FCS_OS | Fractional Kerogen Source, kg |
FF_CW | Fraction Factor for Couple Well |
(1,:) X-Direction | |
(2,:) Y-Direction | |
(3,:) Z-Direction | |
FK | Equilibrium K Factors |
FK2P_HT | Equilibrium K Factor Table for 2 Phase Region |
FKLE_HT | Equilibrium K Factor Table for Lower Phase Envelope |
FKUE_HT | Equilibrium K Factor Table for Upper Phase Envelope |
FLG_EXT | Logical Flag for Creating an ".ext" File for UCODE |
FLG_UNI | Logical Flag for Creating an ".uni" File for UCODE |
FNBL | Balance File Name* (64 characters) |
FNPL | Plot File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRC | Recharge File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRD | Input File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRL | Release File Name* (64 characters) |
FNRS | Restart File Name* (64 characters) |
FNSF | Surface Flux File Name* (64 characters) |
FNSR | Screen Unit Name* (64 characters) |
FNVD | Remediate File Name* (64 characters) |
FNWR | Output File Name* (64 characters) |
FOPF_FC | Fuel Orifice Plate Frequency for Fuel Cell, 1/m |
FSFLA | Fractional Solubility Factor for Aqueous CO2 |
FUG_LV | Fugacity on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, Pa |
FUG_ST | CO2 Fugacity Coefficient Table |
FUG_TA | CO2 Fugacity Coefficient Table |
FX_CW | CO2 Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
FXA_CW | CO2 Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
FXC_CW | Component Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
FXE_CW | Energy Flux for Couple Well, W |
FXW_CW | Water Mass Flux for Couple Well, kg/s |
GAMMA | Scaling Factor Parameters |
(1,:) Matrix Permeability | |
(2,:) Matrix Porosity | |
(3,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(4,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(5,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(6,:) Fracture Permeability | |
(7,:) Fracture Porosity | |
(8,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(9,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(10,:) Saturation/Relative Permeability Functions Parameter | |
(11,:) Mualem Anisotropy Parameter | |
(12,:) Mualem Anisotropy Parameter | |
(13,:) Mualem Anisotropy Parameter | |
GC_MMP | Gas Composition for Minimum Miscibility Pressure |
GCNM | Gas Component Name |
GCPP | Gas Component Parameters |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole moment | |
(9,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a0 | |
(10,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a1 | |
(11,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a2 | |
(12,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a3 | |
(13,:) Isobaric Molar Specific Heat Coeff., a4 | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(16,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
(23,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, a | |
(24,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, b | |
(25,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, c | |
(26,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, d | |
(27,:) Partial Molar Volume Coefficient, e | |
GPI | Constant, 3.1415926536 |
GRAV | Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRAVX | X-Direction Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRAVY | Y-Direction Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRAVZ | Z-Direction Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVPX | X-Dir. Internodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVPY | Y-Dir. Internodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVPZ | Z-Dir. Internodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVX | X-Dir. Nodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVY | Y-Dir. Nodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
GRVZ | Z-Dir. Nodal Acceleration of Gravity, m/s2 |
Water Component Property Parameters |
(1) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5) Critical Molar Volume cm3/mole | |
(6) Critical Compressibility | |
(7) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8) Epsilon over Boltzmann Constant | |
(9) Liquid Molar Volume, m3/kmol | |
(10) Characteristic Length Parameter, m | |
(13) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, a parameter | |
(14) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, b parameter | |
(15) Peng-Robinson Pure Component, fw parameter | |
(16) Triple Point Temperature, K | |
(17) Triple Point Pressure, Pa | |
(18) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K | |
(19) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient B, J/kmol K2 | |
(20) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient C, J/kmol K3 | |
(21) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient D, J/kmol K4 | |
(23) Peneloux Shift Parameter | |
H_ST | CO2 Enthalpy Table, J/kg |
H_TA | CO2 Enthalpy Table, J/kg |
HAI_FC | Enthalpy of Air Inlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HAI_SP | Enthalpy of Air Inlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HAI_WH | Enthalpy of Air Inlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HAO_FC | Enthalpy of Air Outlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HAO_SP | Enthalpy of Air Outlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HAO_WH | Enthalpy of Air Outlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HAS_FC | Enthalpy of Air on Surface of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HCAW | Henry’s Constant Air-Water, Pa |
HCMWE | Capillary Pressure Head for Water Entry (Triple-Curve), m |
HCNM | Hydrate Component Name |
HCOW | Henry’s Constant Oil-Water, Pa |
Hydrate Component Properties 1-CO2, 2-CH4, 3-N2, 4-Water |
(1,:) Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
(2,:) Normal Boiling Point, K | |
(3,:) Critical Temperature, K | |
(4,:) Critical Pressure, Pa | |
(5,:) Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mole | |
(6,:) Critical Compressibility | |
(7,:) Pitzer Acentric Factor | |
(8,:) Dipole Moment, debyes | |
(9,:) Liquid Molar Volume, m3/kmol | |
(13,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component Parameter a | |
(14,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component Parameter b | |
(15,:) Peng-Robinson Pure Component Parameter fw | |
(16,:) Triple Point Temperature, K | |
(17,:) Triple Point Pressure, Pa | |
(18,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K | |
(19,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K2 | |
(20,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K3 | |
(21,:) Ideal Heat Capacity Coefficient A, J/kmol K4 | |
HDOD | Oven-dried Capillary Head, m |
HDSC | Apparent Capillary Head at Reversal Point, m |
HFI_FC | Enthalpy of Fuel Inlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HFI_SP | Enthalpy of Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HFI_WH | Enthalpy of Fuel Inlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HFO_FC | Enthalpy of Fuel Outlet of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HFO_SP | Enthalpy of Fuel Outlet of Supply Pipe, J/kg |
HFO_WH | Enthalpy of Fuel Outlet of Well Head, J/kg |
HFS_FC | Enthalpy of Fuel on Surface of Fuel Cell, J/kg |
HG | Gas Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGA | Air Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGAB | Air Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HGB | Gas Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HGC | Gas Component Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGCB | Gas Component Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HGD | Dry Gas Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGO | Oil Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGOB | Boundary Oil Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGW | Water Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HGWB | Boundary Water Vapor Enthalpy, J/kg |
HH | Hydrate Enthalpy, J/kg |
HH_O | Old Hydrate Enthalpy, J/kg |
HHB | Boundary Hydrate Enthalpy, J/kg |
HI | Ice Enthalpy, J/kg |
HI_O | Old Ice Enthalpy, J/kg |
HIB | Boundary Ice Enthalpy, J/kg |
HK | Kerogen Enthalpy, J/kg |
HKL | Interfacial Mass Transfer Coefficient in Aqueous Phase, m2/s |
HKNF | Interfacial Mass Transfer Coefficient in Free NAPL, m2/s |
HKNT | Interfacial Mass Transfer Coefficient in Trapped NAPL, m2/s |
HL | Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
HL_LV | Liquid Enthalpy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, Pa |
HL_O | Old Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLA | Aqueous CO2 Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLAB | Aqueous CO2 Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HLB | Boundary Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLF | Solute Half-Life, s |
HLO | Aqueous CH4 Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLOB | Aqueous CH4 Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HLS | Aqueous Salt Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLSB | Aqueous Salt Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HLSP | Aqueous Spill Height/Head, m |
HLW | Aqueous Water Enthalpy, J/kg |
HLW_P | Enthalpy of Liquid Water on Plant, J/kg |
HLWB | Aqueous Water Enthalpy on Boundary, J/kg |
HN | NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
HN_O | Old NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
HNB | Boundary NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
HNSP | Non-aqueous Spill Height/Head, m |
HOLAMB | Ternary Interaction Parameter for the Pitzer Activity Model |
HSP | Precipitated Salt Enthalpy, J/kg |
HSP_O | Old Precipitated Salt Enthalpy, J/kg |
HV_LV | Vapor Enthalpy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, Pa |
I_FC | I-Index for Number of Fuel Cell Interval Nodes |
I_INH | Index for Hydrate Inhibitors |
I_LV | Number of Pressure Entries for Property Tables |
I_OBDT | Index for Field Observation Data |
(1,:) Observation Data Type | |
(2,:) Observation Data Variable | |
(3,:) Observed Data Statistical Index | |
(4,:) Observed Data I Index | |
(5,:) Observed Data J Index | |
(6,:) Observed Data K Index | |
(7,:) Observed Data I Index | |
(8,:) Observed Data J Index | |
(9,:) Observed Data K Index | |
I_SP | I-Index of Node with Supply Pipe Interval |
IACTEX | Index for Gaines-Thomas Convection |
IACTV | Activity Coefficient Option |
IALB | Bare-Soil Albedo Option |
IALB_P | Plant Albedo Option |
IAQU | Index for Aqueous Phase |
IATM_C | Index for Cyclic Atmospheric Conditions |
IBCC | Index for Cyclic Boundary Conditions |
IBCC_GM | LUGR Subgrid Index for Cyclic Boundary Conditions |
IBCD | Index for Boundary Condition Direction |
IBCD_GM | Index for Boundary Condition Direction for Geomechanics |
IBCIN | Boundary Condition Number Pointer |
IBCIN_GM | Boundary Condition Number Pointer for Geomechanics |
IBCLL | I-Index for X-Y-Z Gradient and Seepage Face Boundaries |
IBCM | Index for Number of Boundary Cond. Times |
IBCM_GM | Index for Number of Boundary Cond. Times for Geomechanics |
IBCN | Index for Adjacent Node to Boundary Cond. |
IBCN_GM | Index for Adjacent Node to Boundary Cond. for Geomechanics |
IBCSP | Number of Boundary Condition Reactive Species |
IBCT | Index for Boundary Condition Type |
IBCT_GM | ndex for Boundary Condition Type for Geomechanics |
IBIG | Constant, 32000 |
IBL | Unit Number for Release File |
IC_NCG | Initial Condition Option Index for STOMP-WCMSE |
IC_OPT | Initial Condition Option Indices |
IC_SP | Initial Condition Option for Reactive Species |
ICAIR | Initial Condition Index for Aqueous Dissolved CO2 |
ICBRN | Index for Salt Concentration Initial Condition |
ICC_CW | Index for Cyclic Time Periods for Coupled Wells |
ICCO2 | Index for CO2 Initial Conditions |
ICCOMP | Index for Initial Conditions for STOMP-COMP |
ICD | Number of Characters in Card Name String |
ICNO | Index for Reference Node Header Line |
ICNS | Index for Surface Flux Header Line |
ICNV | Index for Newton-Raphson Convergence |
ICODE | Index for Code’s Operational Mode |
ICRNT | Index for Courant Number Computation |
ICS | Index for Coordinate System Type |
ICSN | Number of Characters in Subroutine String |
ICT | Index for Aqueous Solute Concentration Initial Cond. |
ICTN | Index for NAPL Solute Concentration Initial Cond. |
ICUTTS | Index for Cutting the Time Step |
ID | X-Direction Index of Node |
ID_CW | Indices for Coupled Wells |
ID_VE | Indices for Vertical Equilibrium |
IDD | Index for Species Data in the file comp.dat |
IDF_ELC | Index for Electrolyte Density Function |
IDFLT | Index Indicating Default Value Specified |
IDFLTD | Index Indicating Default Value Used |
IDISP | Index for Hydraulic Dispersion Calculation |
IDMN | Index for Interfacial Averaging Scheme |
(1) Thermal conductivity | |
(2) Aqueous density | |
(3) Gas density | |
(4) Napl density | |
(5) Aqueous viscosity | |
(6) Gas viscosity | |
(7) Napl viscosity | |
(8) Aqueous relative permeability | |
(9) Gas relative permeability | |
(10) Napl relative permeability | |
(11) Intrinsic permeability | |
(12) Water vapor diffusion | |
(13) Oil vapor diffusion | |
(14) Dissolved air diffusion | |
(15) Dissolved oil diffusion | |
(16) Solute diffusion | |
(17) Hydraulic dispersion | |
(18) Dissolved salt diffusion | |
(19) Effective permeability | |
(20) Air gas diffusion | |
IDP | Index for Dual-Porosity Model |
IDSPD | Index for Dissolved Oil Dispersion Calcu. |
IDSPS | Index for Salt Dispersion Calcu. |
IEDL | Index for Empirical Solute Diffusion Coefficient |
IEDLS | Index for Empirical Salt Diffusion Coefficient |
IEL_LK | Index for Exchange Species Link |
IEO | Index for Execution Option |
IEPD | Number of Execution Periods |
IEQ_C | Indices for the Conservation Equation for ECKEChem |
IEQ_E | Indices for the Equilibrium Equation for ECKEChem |
IEQ_K | Indices for the Kinetic Equation for ECKEChem |
IEQ_S | Matrix Pointer for ECKEChem |
IEQA | Index for Air Equation |
IEQALC | Index of Alcohol Equation |
IEQC | Index for Solute Transport Equation |
IEQD | Index for Dissolved-Oil Equation |
IEQDA | Index for Dissolved-CO2 Equation |
IEQDO | Boundary Index for Dissolved-Oil Equation |
IEQGC | Indices for Gas Component Equations |
IEQHA | Index for Hydrate CO2 Equation |
IEQHN | Index for Hydrate N2 Equation |
IEQHO | Index for Hydrate CH4 Equation |
IEQN | Index for Mobile N2 Equation |
IEQO | Index for Oil or Mobile CH4 Equation |
IEQR | Index for Molar Density Balance Equation |
IEQS | Index for Salt/Solute Equation |
IEQT | Index for Energy Equation |
IEQW | Index for Water Equation |
IFK | Index for Fixing K-Factors |
IFLD | Number of Nodes in the X-Directioni |
IFQO | Frequency of Refer. Node Prints (Output) |
IFQS | Frequency of Refer. Node Prints (Screen) |
IGAMMA | (1) Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Scaling Function |
(2) Diffusive Porosity Scaling Function | |
(3) van Genuchten "alpha" or Brooks/Corey "psi" Scaling Function | |
(4) van Genuchten "n" or Brooks/Corey "lambda" Scaling Function | |
(5) Residual Saturation Scaling Function | |
IGAS | Index for Gas Phase |
IHSF | Index for Surface Flux Header |
IJFLD | Number of Nodes in the X-Y plane |
ILES | Index for Linear Equation Solver |
ILU | Index for Jacobian Matrix Pivoting |
IM | Jacobian Matrix Pointer Array |
IM_CW | Coupled-Well Time Periods |
IM_GM | Index for Jacobian Matrix Pointer for Geomechanics |
IMMB | Index for Species Mobility |
IMP_CW | Number of Time Periods in Couple-Well Period |
IMSG | Index for Error Message |
IMTC | Index for Oil Interface Mass Trans. Corr. |
IMTLN | Index for Interface Mass Transfer Function |
IN_VE | Node Number of Vertical Equilibrium Node String |
INAPL | Index for NAPL Phase Liquid or NAPL |
INBS | Index for Internal Boundary Surfaces |
(1,N) Bottom Surface of Node N | |
(2,N) South Surface of Node N | |
(3,N) West Surface of Node N | |
(4,N) East Surface of Node N | |
(5,N) North Surface of Node N | |
(6,N) Top Surface of Node N | |
INCG | Noncondensible Gas Index |
INHNM | Gas Hydrate Inhibitor Name |
INHYD | Index for No Hydrate Rock/Soil |
INMBLT | Number of Global Balance Check Times |
INMREL | Number of SAC Release Plane Time Change, |
INMREM | K-Node Indices Number of SAC Remediation Events |
INPDAT | Input File Creation Date* (132 characters) |
INPTIM | Input File Creation Time* (132 characters) |
INT_FC | Number of Fuel Cell Intervals |
INV_CW | Number of Coupled Well Intervals |
IO_PH | Number of CH4 Mass Fraction Entries in Hydrate Pressure Table |
IO_TH | Number of CH4 Mass Fraction Entries in Hydrate Temperature Table |
IOBDEF | Unit Number for an ".ext" File for UCODE |
IOBDSF | Unit Number for an ".sto" File for UCODE |
IOBDUF | Unit Number for an ".uni" File for UCODE |
IOM | Index for Operational Mode |
IONLY_VE | Index for Only Vertical Equilibrium Strings |
IP_TA | CO2 Property Table Pressure Index |
IPCF | Index for Gas-Aqueous Adsorption Function Option |
IPCGL | Index for Solute Solid-Aqueous Partition Option |
IPCGN | Index for Gas-NAPL Partition Model Option |
IPCL | Index for Solid-Aqueous Partition Model Option |
IPCLN | Index for Solute Aqueous-NAPL Partition Option |
IPCN | Index for Solute Solid-NAPL Partition Option |
IPCR | Index for Tabular Location of Critical Point |
IPCSL | Index for Solute Dependent Solid-Aqueous Part. |
IPCSLD | Index for Dissolved-Oil Sol.-Aqueous Part. Opt. |
IPCSLS | Index for Salt Sol.-Aqueous Part. Opt. |
IPH | Triple Curve Scanning Path Index |
IPH_TW | Outer Casing preheat option |
IPK_OS | Number of Kerogen Pyrolysis Reaction Components |
IPL | Unit Number of the Plot File |
IPLOT | Index for Plot File Variables |
IPLOTGC | Component Index for Plot File Variables |
IPRF | Index for Permeability Reduction Factors |
IPROP_GM | Rock/Soil Properties for Geomechanics |
(1,:) Porosity-Mean Stress Function Type | |
(2,:) Intrinsic Permeability-Porosity Function Type | |
(3,:) Capillary Presssure-Permeability/Porosity Function Type | |
IPTP | Index for Tabular Location of Triple Point |
IPTPS | Index for Surface Tension Correlation Function |
IPV_OS | Component Index of Maximum Volumetric Mole Fraction |
IRC | Unit Number of Recharge File |
IRC_K | Indices for the Kinetic Reaction for ECKEChem |
IRCKN | Indices for the Kinetic-Component Reactive Species for ECKEChem |
IRCKT | Kinetic Reaction Type Index for ECKEChem |
IRD | Unit Number of the Input File |
IREF | Index for Reference Node Variables |
IREF_CW | Index for Coupled Well Reference Nodes |
IREFGC | Component Index for Reference Node Variables |
IRGTBL | Start/Stop Indices for Gas Relative Permeability Table |
IRHOO | Index for Oil Density Function |
IRHOS | Index for Salt Density Function |
IRL | Unit Number of Release File |
IRLK | SAC release plane K-node index |
IRLTBL | Start/Stop Indices for Aqueous Relative Permeability Table |
IRLTBLT | Start/Stop Indices for Aqueous Relative Permeability Tensor Table |
IRMSOL | Index for Remediated Solute |
IRNTBL | Start/Stop Indices for NAPL Relative Permeability Table |
IRPG | Index for Gas Relative Permeability Function |
IRPL | Index for Aqueous Relative Permeability Function |
IRPLT | Index for Aqueous Relative Permeability Tensor Function |
IRPN | Index for NAPL Relative Permeability Function |
IRS | Unit Number of the Restart File |
IRSM_P | Index for the Root Stress Model for Plant Species |
IS_CW | Well Interval Screen Option (1 = Screened, 0 = Unscreened) |
IS_TH | Number of Salt Mass Fraction Entries in Hydrate Table |
ISALT | Index for Salt Type |
ISC | Unit Number of the Screen (I.e., Standard Output) |
ISCALE | Index for Scaling Group |
ISCHR | Index for Saturation-Capillary Pressure Function |
ISF | Unit Number of the Surface File. |
ISFC | Surface Flux Domain Indices |
(1) Bottom | |
(2) South | |
(3) West | |
(4) East | |
(5) North | |
(6) Top | |
ISFD | Index for the Surface Flux Direction |
ISFDOM | Surface Flux Domain Indices |
ISFF | Index for Surface Flux File |
ISFGC | Index for Surface Flux Group |
ISFGP | Number of Surface Flux Inputs for a Surface Flux File |
ISFSN | Normal Surface Flux Orientation Option (1 = Normal) |
ISFT | Surface Flux Type |
ISG | Index for the Surface Flux Type |
ISGNO | Number of Sign. Digits in the Output File |
ISGNP | Number of Sign. Digits in the Plot File |
ISGNS | Number of Sign. Digits on the Screen |
ISIC | Index for Saturation Initial Condition |
ISKP | Index for Skipping Residual Checking on Rock/Soil Types |
ISLC | Indices for Solution Control |
(1) Index for Solute Transport Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(2) Index for Water-Vapor Gas Diffusion Model | |
(3) Index for Tortuosity Model | |
(4) Index for Aqueous-Phase Diffusion Coefficient Model | |
(5) Index for Soil Freezing Conditions | |
(6) Index for Salt Transport Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(7) Index for Osmotic Pressure and Surface Tension Effects | |
(8) Index for Dissolved-Oil Transport Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(9) Index for Fluid Properties | |
(10) Index for Dissolved-Air Trans. Advection/Diffusion Scheme | |
(11) Index for Time Differencing Order | |
(12) Index for Diffusive-Dispersive Dissolved-Oil Transport Scheme | |
(13) Index for Particle Displacing Bubbles | |
(14) Index for SPLIB Summary Output | |
(15) Index for LUGR | |
(16) Index for Density Dependent Solute Transport | |
(17) Index for Courant Number Control | |
(18) Index for Restart Files | |
(19) Index for Scaling Factors | |
(20) Index for Inverse (UCode) | |
(21) Index for Operational Mode Restart | |
(22) Index for IJK Indexing | |
(23) Index for Advective Solute Transport | |
(24) Index for Plants (Root Uptake Evapotranspiration) | |
(25) Index for Poynting Effect | |
(26) Index for Rainfall | |
(27) Index for Aqueous Molar Density Gradient | |
(28) Index for Gas Molar Density Gradient | |
(29) Index for NAPL Molar Density Gradient | |
(30) Index for (Non)isothermal Conditions | |
(31) Index for Equilibrium/First Order Hydrate Saturation | |
(32) Index for (Non)isobrine Conditions | |
(40) Index for No Reactive/Eckechem Transport | |
(41) Index for Nonlinear Solver Option for ECKEChem Start/Stop | |
ISLTBL | Indices for Saturation Function Table |
ISM | Index for Saturation Function Extension |
ISMALL | Constant, -3200 |
ISNR | Index for NAPL Residual Saturation Model |
ISP_E | Species Exchange Site for ECKEChem |
ISP_IEDL | Aqueous Species Molecular Diffusion Model for ECKEChem |
ISP_MN | Mineral Species Index for ECKEChem |
ISP_OW | Overwrite Option for ECKEChem |
ISP_S | Reverse Matrix Pointer for ECKEChem |
ISPLK | Flow Component Link Index for ECKEChem |
ISRDM | Source Domain Indices |
ISRM | Index for the Stomatal Resistance Model for Plant Species |
ISRM_P | Index for Source Time |
ISRT | Index for Source Type |
ISUB_LOG | Index for Subroutine Names |
ISVC | Number of Coupled Unknowns |
ISVF | Number of Flux Variable Indices |
ISVT | Index for Solute Transport Solution |
ISWBCF | Index for Shuttleworth-Wallace Boundary Cond. Failure |
IT_CW | Type Index for Coupled Well |
IT_PH | Number of Temperature Entries in Hydrate Pressure Table |
IT_TA | Index for Temperature Range in the CO2 Property Table |
IT_TH | Number of Temperature Entries in Hydrate Table |
ITERDC | Index for Ternary Phase Diagram, Binodal Curve Type |
ITHK | Index for Thermal Conductivity Model |
ITMP_P | Index of Plant Temperatures |
ITOR | Index for Tortuosity Function |
ITS_CW | Index for Coupled Well State |
IUNK | Exponent on temperature units |
IUNKG | Exponent on mass units |
IUNM | Exponent on length units |
IUNMOL | Exponent on molar units |
IUNS | Exponent on time units |
IV_TA | Index for Saturation Line in the CO2 Property Table |
IVAPO | Index for Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
IVAPS | Index for Alcohol Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
IVD | Unit Number for STOMP Remediation Transfers Report |
IVF_ELC | Index for Electrolyte Viscosity Function |
IVF_TW | Index for Thermal Well Increments |
IVISA | Index for Alcohol Viscosity Function |
IVISO | Index for Oil Viscosity Function |
IVISS | Index for Surfactant Viscosity Function |
IVR | Number of Non-Blank Characters |
IVRSN | Index for Version Number |
IWCC | Index for Cyclic Well Conditions |
IWF_CW | Index for Coupled Well Increments |
IWL | Index for Well Number from Well Node Number |
IWLDM | Well Domain Indices |
IWM | Number of Well Condition Times |
IWN | Index for Node Number form Well Node Number |
IWN_CW | Index for Nodes in Coupled Wells |
IWP_CW | Index of Well Parameters for Coupled Wells |
IWR | Unit Number of the Output File |
IWSI | Index for Well Source Type |
IWT | Index for Well Type |
IXF | Index for Fixed Nodes |
IXP | Matrix Location of Node |
IXP_GM | Index for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
IXREF | Index for Curvilinear Coordinate Factor |
IXW | Index for Well Node Number from Node Number |
IZ | Index for Rock/Soil Type |
IZ_VE | Index for Vertical Equilibrium String Array |
IZ2 | Nodal Index |
IZH_HT | Bounding Concentrations Indices for Hydrate Equilibrium |
IZMC | Petroleum Component with Maximum Concentration |
IZP_HT | Bounding Concentrations Indices for Phase Equilibria |
J_FC | J-Index for Number of Fuel Cell Interval Nodes |
J_SP | J-Index of Node with Supply Pipe Interval |
JBCLL | J-Index for X-Y-Z Gradient and Seepage Face Boundaries |
JD | Y-Direction Index of Node |
JFLD | Number of Nodes in the Y-Direction |
JKFLD | Number of Nodes in the Y-Z Plane |
JLU | Unused Banded Matrix Solver Integer Array |
JM | Jacobian Matrix Pointer |
JM_CW | Location of the Well Equation in the Jacobian |
JPA | Anion Pointer for ECKChem |
JPC | Cation Pointer for ECKChem |
JPN | Neutral Pointer for ECKChem |
K_FC | J-Index for Number of Fuel Cell Interval Nodes |
K_SP | K-Index of Node with Supply Pipe Interval |
KBCLL | K-Index for X-Y-Z Gradient and Seepage Face Boundaries |
KD | Z-Direction Index of Node |
KEXIT | K-Index for SAC Release Plane |
KFLD | Number of Nodes in the Z-Direction |
KIFLD | Number of Nodes in the Z-X Plane |
KLU | Coupled Equations Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KLU_CW | Coupled Well Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KLU_GM | Geomechanics Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KLUC | Transport Equations Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
KSPS | Spill Node Field Index |
MADJ | Adjacent Node Index Pointer |
MBCLL | Index for Boundary Condition Direction |
MD_GM | Row of Diagonal Elements for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
MDC | Row of Diagonal Elements for Banded Sol. |
MDIM | Conjugate Gradient Solver Pointer Array |
MDT | Matrix Band Width |
MEPD | Index for Cyclic Execution Periods |
MFLX | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MK_GM | Number of Geomechanics Equations Unknowns |
MKC | Number of Coupled Equations Unknowns |
MKT | Number of Transport Equations Unknowns |
ML_GM | Lower Half Band Width for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
MLC | Lower Half Band Width |
MLT | Matrix Lower Half Band Width |
MLU | Coupled Equations Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
MLU_GM | Geomechanics Equations Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
MLUC | Transport Equations Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
MNEG | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MNEGB | Boundary Index Pointer |
MNOD | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MPOS | Flux Variable Index Pointer |
MPOSB | Boundary Index Pointer |
MU_GM | Upper Half Band Width for Geomechanics Nodes Array |
MUC | Upper Half Band Width |
MUT | Matrix Upper Half Band Width |
MXSTEP | Maximum Number of Time Steps |
N_CRN | Courant Number Indexed on Solute |
N_CW | Coupled Well Node Pointer |
N_DB | Node Number for Error Messages |
N_FC | Fuel Cell Interval Node Pointer |
N_RST | Sub-time Step Index |
N_SP | Supply Pipe Interval Node Pointer |
N_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Node Pointer |
NA | Pointer to Node of Maximum Residual |
Number of Anion-Anion Terms for ECKEChem | |
NAC | Number of Air Components |
NATM_T | Number of Atmospheric Condition Table Entries |
NBC | Number of Boundary Conditions |
NBC_GM | Number of Boundary Conditions for Geomechanics |
NBHG | Hydraulic Gradient Type Boundary Condition |
NCC | Number of Cation-Cation Terms for ECKEChem |
NCHEM | Number of Chemical Reactions |
ND | Node Number of I, J, K Indices |
NDF_OS | Number of Distribution Fractions |
NDIM | Number of Active Dimensions |
NDREF | Reference Node Type |
NEA_OS | Number of Activation Energies for Each Component |
NEC | Number of Exhaust Components |
NEPD | Number of Execution Periods |
NEQC | Number of Conservation Equations for ECKEChem |
NEQE | Number of Equilibrium Equations for ECKEChem |
NEQK | Number of Kinetic Equations for ECKEChem |
NESITE | Number of Exchange Sites for ECKEChem |
NFC | Number of Fuel Components |
NFD_FC | Number of Fuel Cell Nodes |
NFD_SP | Supply Pipe Interval Nodes |
NFLD | Number of Active Field Nodes |
NGC | Number of Gas Components |
NH_FC | Number of Fuel Cell Nodes ** |
NHEP_HT | Number of Hydrate Equilibrium Table Points |
NHF_HT | Number of Hydrate Formers |
NITER | Number of Iterations |
NLU | Pointer for SPLIB Solver |
NLU_GM | Pointer for SPLIB Solver for Geomechanics |
NLUC | Pointer for SPLIB Solver for Solutes |
NN_VE | Number of Vertical Equilibrium Nodes |
NNN | Index for the Boundary Surface in the X-Direction ** |
NOBDP | Observed Data Point Number |
NOBDS | Observed Data Sample Pointer |
NOBDT | Number of Observed Data Types |
NOTES | Number of Lines of Simulation Notes |
NP_VE | Initial Phase Condition for Vertical Equilibrium |
NPCF | Number of Petroleum Component Fractions |
NPEP_HT | Number of Phase Envelope Table Points |
NPF | Number of Petroleum Fractions |
NPHAZ | Phase Condition |
NPHAZ_VE | Phase Condition for Vertical Equilibrium |
NPHAZW | Phase Condition for Coupled Well Nodes |
NPK_OS | Number of Kerogen Pyrolysis Reactions |
NPLANT | Number of Plants |
NPLY_RL | Number of Aqu. Relative Permeability Polynomial Pieces |
NPLY_SL | Number of Aqueous Saturation Polynomial Pieces |
NPP_HT | Number of Two-Phase Pressure Points |
NPRTM | Number of Print Times |
NQA | Number of Carbon Atoms in Alcohol |
NQO | Number of Carbon Atoms in Oil |
NRCE | Number of Equilibrium Reactions for ECKEChem |
NRCK | Number of Kinetic Reactions for ECKEChem |
NREF | Number of Reference Nodes |
NRIM | Max. Number of Newton Raphson Iterations |
NRIMX | Max. Number of Newton Raphson Iterations |
NROCK | Number of Rock/Soil Types |
NROCK2 | Number of Rock/Soil Types in Zonation File |
NRST | Restart Time Step Number |
NRTSI | Number of Reactive Transport Sequence Iterations |
NS_VE | Number of Vertical Equilibrium Strings |
NSCALE | Number of Scaling Groups |
NSD | Node of Maximum Residual |
NSD_CW | Node of Maximum Residual for Coupled Well Nodes |
NSD_VE | Node of Maximum Residual for Vertical Equilibrium Nodes |
NSF | Number of Surface Flux Domains |
NSFDOM | Surface Flux Domain Index |
NSFGP | Number of Named Surface Flux Files |
NSL_ELC | Number of Electrolyte Solutes |
NSOLSR | Number of Solutes |
NSOLU | Number of Transported Solutes |
NSPC | Number of Conservation Component Reactive Species |
NSPE | Number of Exchanged Species for ECKEChem |
NSPG | Number of Gas Reactive Species |
NSPK | Number of Kinetic Component Reactive Species |
NSPL | Number of Aqueous Reactive Species |
NSPLK | Number of Reactive Species Linked to Flow Components |
NSPN | Number of NAPL Reactive Species |
NSPR | Number of Reactive Species |
NSPS | Number of Solid Reactive Species |
NSR | Number of Sources |
NSTEP | Number of Time Steps |
NSX | X-Direction Lower Surface Number of Node |
NSY | Y-Direction Lower Surface Number of Node |
NSZ | Z-Direction Lower Surface Number of Node |
NSZW | Z-Direction Lower Surface Number of Coupled Well |
NTBL | Node Number of Table Entries |
NTC | Num. of Successive Time Step Reductions |
NTM_TW | Number of Thermal Well Times |
NTMHS_FC | Fuel Cell Heater Times |
NTMHS_SP | Supply Pipe Heater Times |
NTP_HT | Number of Two-phase Temperature Points |
NTSR | Number of Time Steps |
NVPLOT | Number of Plot File Variables |
NVREF | Number of Reference Node Variables |
NWF_CW | Number of Field Nodes with Coupled Wells |
NWLN | Number of Coupled Well Nodes |
NWLS | Number of Coupled Wells |
NWN_CW | Number of Coupled Well Nodes |
NXP | Number of Inactive Nodes |
NXP_GM | Number of Inactive Nodes for Geomechanics |
NZH_HT | Dimension of Hydrate Table |
NZP_HT | Dimension of Phase Envelope Table |
OEC | Osmotic Efficiency Coefficient |
OECB | Boundary Osmotic Efficiency Coefficient |
ONE | Constant, 1 |
P_CW | Coupled Well Pressure |
P_LV | CO2 or CH4 Liquid-Vapor Saturation Pressure, Pa |
P_PH | Pressure Array for CO2 Property Data Table, Pa |
P_TA | Pressure Array of Saturation Line for CO2 Property Data Table, Pa |
P_TH | Pressure Array of Hydrate Equilibrium Temperature File |
P2P_HT | Pressure for Two-Phase Region, Pa |
PAF | Component Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFA | Alcohol Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFO | Oil Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFS | Surfactant Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAFW | Water Pitzer Acentric Factor |
PAI_FC | Air Inlet Pressure for Fuel Cell, Pa |
PAI_SP | Air Inlet Pressure for Supply Pipe, Pa |
PAI_TW | Air Inlet Pressure for Thermal Well, Pa |
PAI_WH | Air Inlet Pressure for Well Head, Pa |
PAIWH | Absolute Air Inlet Pressure at the Well Head, Pa |
PAO_FC | Air Outlet Pressure for Fuel Cell, Pa |
PAO_SP | Air Outlet Pressure for Supply Pipe, Pa |
PAO_TW | Air Outlet Pressure for Thermal Well, Pa |
PAO_WH | Air Outlet Pressure for Well Head, Pa |
PAOWH | Absolute Air Outlet Pressure at the Well Head, Pa |
PARMS_P | Plant Species Parameters |
(1,LPLANT) Maximum Root Depth, m | |
(2,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Minimum Stomatal Resistance, s/m | |
(3,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Light Response Coefficient, W/m2 | |
(4,LPLANT) Null Root Depth, m | |
(5,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Initial Stage Start | |
(6,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Crop Development Start | |
(7,LPLANT) Root Depth Fit Parameter | |
(8,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Mid-Season Start | |
(9,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Late-Season Start | |
(10,LPLANT) Solar Albedo: Late-Season Stop | |
(11,LPLANT) Canopy Height, m | |
(16,LPLANT) Maximum Condensate Depth, m | |
(12,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 1 (Capillary Head), m | |
(13,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 2 (Capillary Head), m | |
(14,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 3 (Capillary Head), m | |
(15,LPLANT) Root Stress-Point 4 (Capillary Head), m | |
(12,LPLANT) Wilting-Point Water Content | |
(13,LPLANT) Norm. Soil Water Content: Critical Point 1 | |
(14,LPLANT) Norm. Soil Water Content: Critical Point 2 | |
(15,LPLANT) Saturated Water Content | |
(12,LPLANT) Cap. Head when Root Uptake Reduced 50%, m | |
(17,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Initial Stage Start | |
(18,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Initial Stage Start Day, s | |
(19,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Crop Development Start | |
(20,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Crop Development Start Day, s | |
(21,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Mid-Season Start | |
(22,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Mid-Season Start Day, s | |
(23,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Start | |
(24,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Start Day, s | |
(25,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Stop | |
(26,LPLANT) Crop Coeff.: Late-Season Stop Day, s | |
(27,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Minimum Temperature, C | |
(28,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Maximum Temperature, C | |
(29,LPLANT) Stomatal Res.: Optimum Temperature, C | |
PATM | Atmospheric Pressure, Pa |
PC | Component Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCB_HT | Cricondenbar Pressure, Pa |
PCCVA | Alcohol Pure Comp. Characteristic Volume, L/mol |
PCCVO | Oil Pure Comp. Characteristic Volume, L/mol |
PCGL | Gas-Aqueous Partition Coefficient, m3/m3 |
PCGN | Gas-NAPL Partition Coefficient, m3/m3 |
PCLN | Aqueous-NAPL Partition Coefficient, m3/m3 |
PCMP | Bulk Compressibility Reference Pressure, Pa |
PCR_HT | Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRA | CO2 Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRO | Oil Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRS | Surfactant Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCRW | Water Critical Pressure, Pa |
PCSL | Solid-Aqueous Partition Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCSLD | Dissolved-Oil Solid-Aqueous Part. Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCSLS | Salt Solid-Aqueous Part. Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCSN | Solid-NAPL Partition Coefficient, m3/kg |
PCT_HT | Cricondenterm Pressure, Pa |
PDXSP | Distance Between Adjacent Nodes in the Plane of the Spill Surface in the X-Direction |
PDYSP | Distance Between Adjacent Nodes in the Plane of the Spill Surface in the Y-Direction |
PERM | Intrinsic Permeability, m2 |
PERMRF | Permeability Reduction Factor |
PERMV | Intrinsic Permeability, m2 |
PF_CW | Well Pressure at the Node Centroid, Pa |
PFI_FC | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Fuel Cell Well Node, Pa |
PFI_SP | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Supply Pipe Well Node, Pa |
PFI_TW | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Thermal Well Node, Pa |
PFI_WH | Fuel Inlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFIWH | Absolute Fuel Inlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFNM | Petroleum Fraction Name |
PFO_FC | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Fuel Cell Well Node, Pa |
PFO_SP | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Supply Pipe Well Node, Pa |
PFO_TW | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Thermal Well Node, Pa |
PFO_WH | Fuel Outlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFOWH | Absolute Fuel Outlet Pressure at Well Head, Pa |
PFPP | Petroleum Fraction Properties |
PG | Gas Pressure, Pa |
PG_VE | Gas Pressure for Vertical Equilibrium, Pa |
PGB | Boundary Gas Pressure, Pa |
PGFX_GM | Gas Pressure on East and West Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PGFY_GM | Gas Pressure on North and South Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PGFZ_GM | Gas Pressure on Top and Bottom Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PGT_VE | Gas Pressure at the Top of the Vertical Equilibrium String Node, Pa |
PGW | Well Gas Pressure, Pa |
PGW_CO | Old Water Vapor Partial Press. at Mean Crop Flow Height, m |
PH | Hydrate Pressure, Pa |
PHB | Boundary Hydrate Pressure, Pa |
PHDL | Aqueous Ponding Height, m |
PHDN | NAPL Ponding Height, m |
PHE_HT | Pressure for Hydrate Equilibrium Table, Pa |
PHE2T_HT | Second Derivative of Pressure for Hydrate Equilibrium |
PI | Ice Pressure, Pa |
PIB | Boundary Ice Pressure, Pa |
PK_OS | (1, M4, IROCK) Arrhenius Factor |
(2, M4, IROCK) Kerogen Activation Energy | |
(M5+2, M4, IROCK) Oil Shale Component Stoichiometric Coefficient | |
PKR_OS | (1, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Source |
(2, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Arrhenius Factor | |
(MX+1, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Activation Energy | |
(MX+2, 8, IROCK) Kerogen Source Fractional Contribution | |
PL | Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
PL_CW | Aqueous Pressure for Coupled Well, Pa |
PL_SO | Old Aqueous Pressure at Ground Surface, Pa |
PL_VE | Aqueous Pressure for Vertical Equilibrium, Pa |
PLANT | Plant Name |
PLB | Boundary Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
PLE_HT | Pressure for Lower Phase Envelope, Pa |
PLFX_GM | Aqueous Pressure on East and West Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PLFY_GM | Aqueous Pressure on North and South Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PLFZ_GM | Aqueous Pressure on Top and Bottom Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PLT_VE | Aqueous pressure at the top of the vertical equilibrium string node, Pa |
PLWB | Well Bottom Pressure, Pa |
PLX_CW | Coupled Well Projections in Local Coordinate System in the X-Direction |
PLY_CW | Coupled Well Projections in Local Coordinate System in the Y-Direction |
PLZ_CW | Coupled Well Projections in Local Coordinate System in the Z-Direction |
PMDD | Mean Particle Diameter, m |
PMN | Minimum Gas Pressure, Pa |
PMX | Maximum Gas Pressure, Pa |
PN | NAPL Pressure, Pa |
PNB | Boundary NAPL Pressure, Pa |
PNFX_GM | NAPL Pressure on East and West Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PNFY_GM | NAPL Pressure on North and South Surfaces for Geomechanics |
PNFZ_GM | NAPL Pressure on Top and Bottom Surfaces for Geomechanics |
POR | Porosity |
(1) Total Porosity | |
(2) Diffusive Porosity | |
(3) Fracture Total Porosity | |
(4) Diffusive Porosity | |
POR_M | Mineral Volume Fraction for ECKEChem |
PORD | Diffusive Porosity |
PORD_O | Old Diffusive Porosity |
PORDB | Boundary Diffusive Porosity |
PORT | Total Porosity |
PORT_O | Old Total Porosity |
PORTB | Boundary Total Porosity |
PORV | Porosity |
(1) Total Porosity | |
(2) Diffusive Porosity | |
POSB | Boundary Osmotic Pressure, Pa |
POSM | Osmotice Pressure, Pa |
PPEL | Lower Phase Envelope Pressure, Pa |
PPEU | Upper Phase Envelope Pressure, Pa |
PRAI_FC | Perimeter of Air Inlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PRAO_FC | Perimeter of Air Outlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PRFI_FC | Perimeter of Fuel Inlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PRFO_FC | Perimeter of Fuel Outlet Chimney for Fuel Cell, m |
PROP_GM | Geomechanical Properties |
(1,:) Young's Modulus, Pa | |
(2,:) Poisson's Ratio |
(3,:) Biot Coefficient | |
(4,:) Volumetric Thermal Expansion Coefficient | |
PRTM | Plot File Print Time, s |
PSIA | Ternary Electrolyte Parameter Psi-a for ECKEChem |
PSIC | Ternary Electrolyte Parameter Psi-c for ECKEChem |
PSO | Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PSOB | Boundary Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PSW | Water Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PSWB | Water Saturated Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PTPA | CO2 Triple Point Pressure, Pa |
PTPS | Surface Tension Function Parameters |
PUE_HT | Pressure for Upper Phase Envelope, Pa |
PVA | Air Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CO2 Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVAB | Boundary Air Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CO2 Boundary Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVC | Gas Component Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVCB | Gas Component Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHA | Hydrate CO2 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHAB | Hydrate CO2 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHN | Hydrate N2 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHNB | Hydrate N2 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHO | Hydrate CH4 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVHOB | Hydrate CH4 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVN | Absolute N2 Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVNB | Absolute N2 Boundary Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVO | Oil Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CH4 Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVOB | Boundary Oil Vapor Pressure, Pa or Absolute CH4 Boundary Vapor pressure, Pa |
PVW | Water Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PVW_VE | Water Vapor Pressure for Vertical Equilibrium, Pa |
PVWB | Boundary Water Vapor Pressure, Pa |
PW | Coupled Well Total Pressure, Pa |
PWB | Coupled Well Bottom Pressure, Pa |
PWGW | Coupled Well Gas Pressure, Pa |
PWLW | Coupled Well Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
PWNW | Coupled Well NAPL Pressure, Pa |
QAI_SP | Heat Flux for Air Inlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QAIAO_SP | Heat Transfer Across the Orifice Throat between the Air Inlet and Air Outlet of Supply Pipe, W/m2 |
QAIFI_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAIFO_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAIIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QAIIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QAISF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QAIW_SP | Heat Transport Along Air Inlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QAO_SP | Heat Flux for Air Outlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QAOFI_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAOFO_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QAOIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QAOIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QAOSF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Air Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QAOW_SP | Heat Transport Along Air Outlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QASSF_FC | Heat Transfer between Air and Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QFI_SP | Heat Flux for Fuel Inlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QFIFO_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QFIIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QFIIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QFISF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Inlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QFIW_SP | Heat Transport Along Fuel Inlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QFO_SP | Heat Flux for Fuel Outlet of Supply Pipe Wall, W/m2 |
QFOIC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between the Fuel Outlet Bulk Fluid and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QFOIN_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Insulation, W/m2 |
QFOSF_FC | Convective Heat Transfer between the Fuel Outlet Bulk Fluid and the Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QFOW_SP | Heat Transport Along Fuel Outlet Supply Pipes, W/m2 |
QFSSF_FC | Heat Transfer between Fuel and Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QHG_FC | Fuel Cell Heater Power, W/m |
QHG_SP | Supply Pipe Heater Power, W/m |
QHS_FC | Heat Source Rate per Fuel Cell Node, W |
QHS_SP | Heat Source Rate per Supply Pipe Node, W |
QIC_FC | Heat Transfer between Fuel cell Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QIC_SP | Heat Transfer between Supply Pipe Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QICOC_FC | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between Fuel Cell Inner Casing and Outer Casing, W/m2 |
QICOC_SP | Black-body Radiative Heat Transfer between Inner Casing and Outer Casing Supply Pipe Walls, W/m2 |
QIN_FC | Heat Transport Along Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QIN_SP | Heat Transport Along Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QINIC_FC | Conductive Heat Transfer between Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation and Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QINIC_SP | Conductive Heat Transfer between Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation and Inner Casing, W/m2 |
QL_W | Coupled Well Aqueous Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QLW | Well Aqueous Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QM_CW | Coupled Well Mass Rate, kg/s |
QMAWH | Initial Air Mass Flow Rate, kg/s |
QMFWH | Initial Fuel Mass Flow Rate, kg/s |
QN_W | Coupled Well NAPL Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QNW | Well NAPL Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QOC_FC | Heat Transport Along Fuel Cell Outer Casing, W/m2 |
QOC_SP | Heat Transport Along l Outer Casing, W/m2 |
QOCGM_FC | Conductive Heat Transfer between Fuel Cell Outer Casing and Geologic Media, W/m2 |
QOCGM_SP | Conductive Heat Transfer between Supply Pipe Outer Casing and Geologic Media, W/m2 |
QOP_FC | Fuel Cell Operating Power, W/m |
QPG_FC | Fuel Cell Power, W/m |
QSF_FC | Heat Transport along Fuel Cell Stack Frame, W/m2 |
QSFIN_FC | Black-body Radiative and Conduction Heat Transfer between Stack Frame and Inner Casing Insulation, W/m2 |
QT_W | Coupled Well Total-Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
QTW | Well Total-Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s |
R_OBDS | Observed Data Time and Value |
R_OBDT | Observed Data Location and Weighting Factors |
RC_E | Equilibrium Reaction Constant Parameters |
RC_K | Kinetic Reaction Constant Parameters |
RCA | Air Gas Constant, 287.0 J/kg K |
RCHDF | Chemical Reaction Decay Factor |
RCHDFL | Chemical Reaction Decay Factor in Aqueous |
RCHDFN | Chemical Reaction Decay Factor in NAPL |
RCNME | Equilibrium Reaction Name for ECKEChem |
RCNMK | Kinetic Reaction Name for ECKEChem |
RCO | Oil Gas Constant, J/kg K |
RCS | Surfactant Gas Constant, J/kg K |
RCU | Universal Gas Constant, 8314.34 J/kg K |
RCW | Water Gas Constant, 461.52 J/kg K |
RDG_OS | Reference Grid Depth, m |
RFIM_P | Intercepted Rainfall on Plant, kg/ m2 ground |
RHAI_FC | Fuell Cell Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAI_WH | Well Head Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAIW_SP | Density of Air Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHAO_FC | Fuell Cell Air Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAO_WH | Well Head Air Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHAOW_SP | Density of Air Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHAS_FC | Fuell Cell Air Side Density, kg/m3 |
RHFI_FC | Fuell Cell Fuel Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFI_WH | Well Head Fuel Inlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFIW_SP | Density of Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHFO_FC | Fuell Cell Fuel Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFO_WH | Well Head Fuel Outlet Density, kg/m3 |
RHFOW_SP | Density of Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, kg/m3 |
RHFS_FC | Fuell Cell Fuel Side Density, kg/m3 |
RHIC_FC | Fuell Cell Inner Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHIC_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHIN_FC | Fuell Cell Inner Casing Insulation Density, kg/m3 |
RHIN_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation Density, kg/m3 |
RHLF | First-Order Reaction Rate Constant, s |
RHLFL | Aqueous First-Order Reaction Rate Constant, s |
RHLFN | NAPL First-Order Reaction Rate Constant, s |
RHO_OS | Density of Oil Shale, kg/m3 |
RHO_ST | CO2 Property Table Values for Density, kg/m3 |
RHO_TA | CO2 Property Table Values for Density, kg/m3 |
RHOC_FC | Fuell Cell Outer Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHOC_SP | Supply Pipe Outer Casing Density, kg/m3 |
RHOCH | Char Density, kg/m3 |
RHOCK | Coke Density, kg/m3 |
RHOF_CW | Coupled Production Well Fluid Density, kg/m3 |
RHOG | Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOG_O | Old Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOG_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGB | Boundary Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGI | Well Gas Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGW | Water Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGW_O | Old Well Water Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHOGWB | Well Boundary Water Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHOH | Hydrate Density, kg/m3 |
RHOH_O | Old Hydrate Density, kg/m3 |
RHOHB | Boundary Hydrate Density, kg/m3 |
RHOI | Ice Density, kg/m3 |
RHOI_O | Old Ice Density, kg/m3 |
RHOIB | Boundary Ice Density, kg/m3 |
RHOK | Kerogen Density, kg/m3 |
RHOKB | Boundary Kerogen Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL | Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL_LV | CO2 or CH4 Saturated Liquid Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL_O | Old Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLB | Boundary Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLI | Density for Invariant Fluids, kg/m3 |
RHOLSP | Surface Node Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLW | Well Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLW_O | Old Well Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOLWB | Well Boundary Aqueous Density, kg/m3 |
RHOMG | Gas Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMGB | Boundary Gas Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOML | Aqueous Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMLB | Boundary Aqueous Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMN | NAPL Molar Density, kmol/m3 |
RHOMNB | Boundary NAPL Molar Density, kmol/m3 NAPL |
RHOMV | Volumetric Molar Density, kmol/m^3 |
RHOMVC | Volumetric Molar Density of Gas Components, kmol/m^3 |
(1,:,:) Oil | |
(2,:,:) H2 | |
(3,:,:) CO | |
(4,:,:) CO2 | |
(5,:,:) CH4 | |
(6,:,:) Component 2 | |
(7,:,:) Component 3 | |
RHON | NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHON_O | Old NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONB | Boundary NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONSP | Surface Node NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONW | Well NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONW_O | Old Well NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHONWB | Well Boundary NAPL Density, kg/m3 |
RHORA | Alcohol Liquid Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORG | Gas Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORL | Aqueous Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORN | NAPL Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHORO | Oil Liquid Reference Density, kg/m3 |
RHOS | Rock/Soil Particle Density, kg/m3 |
RHOSP | Precipitated Salt Density, kg/m3 |
RHOSP_O | Old Precipitated Salt Density, kg/m3 |
RHOV_LV | CO2 or CH4 Saturated Vapor Density, kg/m3 |
RHSF_FC | Fuel Cell Stack Frame Density, kg/m3 |
RHSP_FC | Fuel Cell Separator Rings and Plates Density, kg/m3 |
RICH_FC | Inner Radius of Chimney Fin for Fuel Cell, m |
RISP_FC | Inner Radius of Separator Flange for Fuel Cell, m |
RISR_FC | Inner Radius of Spacer Ring for Fuel Cell, m |
RKG | Gas Relative Permeability |
RKG_VE | Gas Relative Permeability for Vertical Equilibrium |
RKGB | Boundary Gas Relative Permeability |
RKL | Aqueous Relative Permeability |
(1,:,:) X-Direction | |
(2,:,:) Y-Direction | |
(3,:,:) Z-Direction | |
RKL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Aqueous Relative Permeability |
RKLB | Boundary Aqueous Relative Permeability |
(1,:,:) X-Direction | |
(2,:,:) Y-Direction | |
(3,:,:) Z-Direction | |
RKN | NAPL Relative Permeability |
RKNB | Boundary NAPL Relative Permeability |
RLMSG | Real Number Component of Error Message |
RLOAD_GM | Lithostatic Force, N |
RLXF | Relaxation Factor |
ROAP_FC | Fuel Cell Outer Radius of Air Inlet Plenum, m |
ROCH_FC | Fuel Cell Outer Radius of Chimney, m |
ROCK | Rock/Soil Name* (64 characters) |
ROCK2 | Rock/Soil Name in Zonation File |
ROFP_FC | Outer Radius of Fuel Inlet Plenum for Fuel Cell, m |
ROSP_FC | Outer Radius of Separator Flange for Fuel Cell, m |
ROSR_FC | Outer Radius of Spacer Ring for Fuel Cell, m |
RP | Radial Coordinate Radius, m |
RPGC | Gas Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RPLC | Aqueous Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RPLT | Aqueous Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RPNC | NAPL Relative Permeability Function Coefficients |
RS_CW | Coupled Well Mass Balance Residuals |
RS_GM | Geomechanics Mass Balance Residuals |
RS_S | Mineral Specific Area for ECKEChem, m2 |
RSD | Maximum Residual of Equation |
RSD_CW | Maximum Residual of Coupled Well Equation |
RSD_VE | Maximum Residual of Vertical Equilibrium Equation |
RSDL | Residual |
RSDL_FC | Fuel Cell Residual |
RSDL_SP | Supply Pipe Residual |
RSDL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Residual |
RSDM | Maximum Residual of Execution Period |
RSDMX | Maximum Residual |
RWRO | Rain Water Run Off Volumetric Rate, m3/s |
S_ST | CO2 Property Table Values for Saturation |
S_TA | CO2 Property Table Values for Saturation |
S_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Salt Volumetric Concentration, kg/m3 |
SATAC | Alcohol Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
SATOC | Coefficients Oil Saturated Vapor Pressure Function |
SCALNM | Scaling Group Name |
SCH | Char Saturation |
SCHB | Boundary Char Saturation |
SCHR | Soil Moisture Retention Charac. Coefficient |
SCHRV | Soil Moisture Retention Charac. Coefficient |
SCK | Coke Saturation |
SCKB | Boundary Coke Saturation |
SCX_GM | Geomechanical Surface Coordinates, X-Direction |
SCY_GM | Geomechanical Surface Coordinates, Y-Direction |
SCZ_GM | Geomechanical Surface Coordinates, Z-Direction |
SDCL | Solute Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SDCLS | Salt/Surf. Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SDPF | Fracture Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SDPFB | Bound. Fracture Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SDPM | Matrix Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SDPMB | Bound. Matrix Saturation (Dual Porosity) |
SF | Surface Flux Rate and Integral |
SFCSF | Aqueous-Gas Surface Tension Coefficients |
SG | Gas Saturation |
SG_O | Old Gas Saturation |
SG_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Gas Saturation |
SGB | Boundary Gas Saturation |
SGT | Trapped Gas Saturation |
SGT_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Trapped Gas Saturation |
SGTL | Aqueous Trapped Gas Saturation |
SGTN | NAPL Trapped Gas Saturation |
SH | Hydrate Saturation |
SH_O | Old Hydrate Saturation |
SHB | Boundary Hydrate Saturation |
SI | Ice Saturation |
SI_O | Old Ice Saturation |
SIB | Boundary Ice Saturation |
SIG_GL | Gas-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_GN | Gas-NAPL Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_HL | Hydrate-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_IL | Ice-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SIG_NL | NAPL-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SK | Kerogen Saturation |
SK_CW | Skin Factor for Well Interval |
SKB | Boundary Kerogen Saturation |
SL | Aqueous Saturation |
SL_O | Old Aqueous Saturation |
SL_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Aqueous Saturation |
SLB | Boundary Aqueous Saturation |
SLR_VEQ | Vertical Equilibrium Residual Aqueous Saturation |
SLSC | Aqueous Scanning Path Saturation |
SLW | Well Aqueous Saturation |
SLW_O | Old Well Aqueous Saturation |
SMALL | Constant, 1E-20 |
SMDEF | Macrodispersivity Enhancement Factor |
SMDG | Solute Gas Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SMDL | Solute Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SMDLS | Salt Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SMDN | Reactive Species NAPL Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SN | NAPL Saturation |
SN_O | Old NAPL Saturation |
SNB | Boundary NAPL Saturation |
SNR | Residual NAPL Saturation |
SNT | Entrapped NAPL Saturation |
SNW | Well NAPL Saturation |
SNW_O | Old Well NAPL Saturation |
SOLML | Solute Aqueous Solubility Limit, 1/m3 |
SOLUT | Solute Name* (64 characters) |
SP_AREA | Specific Area, 1/m |
SP_C | Reactive Species Volumetric Concentration, mol/m3 |
SP_CBO | Old Reactive Species Volumetric Concentration, mol/m3 |
SP_CI | Initial Species Concentration, mol/m3 node volume |
SP_CMN | Base Mineral Species Concentration, mol/m3 node volume |
SP_CO | Old Boundary Reactive Species Volumetric Conc., mol/m3 |
SP_L | Aqueous Species Parameters |
(1,:) Aqueous Species Charge | |
(2,:) Aqueous Species Atomic Diameter, m | |
(3,:) Aqueous Species Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
SP_MDG | Reactive Species Gas Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SP_MDL | Reactive Species Aqueous Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SP_MDN | Reactive Species NAPL Molecular Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s |
SP_RATE | Mineral Reaction Rate, mol/s |
SP_S | Solid Species Parameters |
(1,:) Solid Species Mass Density, kg/m3 | |
(2,:) Solid Species Molecular Weight, kg/kmol | |
SP_SDCL | Power Function or van Schaik and Kemper Empirical Aqueous Diffusion Model Parameters for ECKEChem |
(1) a Constant |
(2) b Constant | |
(3) c Constant | |
SPHMIN | Specified Minimum Height, m |
SPNMC | Conservation-Component Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNME | Exchanged Species Name |
SPNMG | Gas Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNMK | Aqueous Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNML | Kinetic-Component Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNMN | NAPL Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNMS | Solid Species Name for ECKEChem |
SPNORM | Cosine of Angle Defining Normal to the Surface of each Node |
SRC | Source Quantity |
SRCA | Air Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCD | Dissolved Oil Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCGC | Gas Component Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCIA | Air Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIC | Solute Source Integral, 1/s |
SRCID | Dissolved Oil Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIGC | Gas Component Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIO | Oil Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIS | Salt Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCIT | Energy Source Integral, J |
SRCIW | Water Mass Source Integral, kg |
SRCN | NAPL Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCO | Oil Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCO_W | Well Oil Mass Source Rate, kg/s |
SRCOSP | Oil Spill Volumetric Source Rate, m3/s |
SRCP | SVE Well Parameters |
(1) SVE Well Minimum Gas Pressure, Pa | |
(2) SVE Well Diameter, m | |
SRCS | Salt Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCT | Energy Source, W |
SRCW | Water Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCW_W | Well Water Mass Source, kg/s |
SRCWSP | Oil Spill Water Volumetric Source Rate, m3/s |
SS | Precipitated Salt Saturation |
SS_O | Old Precipitated Salt Saturation |
SSB | Boundary Precipitated Salt Saturation |
STRAIN_GM | Effective Strain |
STRESS_GM | Effective Stress, Pa |
STRESSM_GM | Mean Effective Stress, Pa |
STW | Well Total Liquid Saturation |
STW_O | Old Well Total Liquid Saturation |
SUB_LOG | Log of Subroutine Names |
SUBNM | Subroutine Path* (512 characters) |
SUFA | Surface Tension of Pure Alcohol @ 25 C, N/m |
SUFO | Surface Tension of Pure Oil @ 25 C, N/m |
SUFW | Surface Tension of Pure Water @ 25 C, N/m |
SUGL | Gas-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SUGN | Gas-NAPL Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SUNL | NAPL-Aqueous Interfacial Tension, N/m |
SVN_ID | SVN ID Number |
SWBCD | Shuttleworth-Wallace Boundary Condition Depth, m |
SWSI | Source Well Total Component Mass Injected |
T | Temperature, C |
T_CO | Old Crop Temperature, C |
T_LV | CO2 or CH4 Liquid-Vapor Saturation Temperature, C |
T_O | Old Temperature, C |
T_PH | Temperature Entries in Hydrate Pressure Table |
T_PO | Old Plant Temperature, C |
T_SO | Old Ground Surface Temperature, C |
T_TA | Temperature Array for CO2 Property Data Table |
T_TH | Temperature Array of Hydrate Equilibrium Temperature File |
T_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Temperature, C |
T2P_HT | Temperature for Two-phase Region, K |
TAA | Ternary Electrolyte Theta-a Parameter |
TABS | Table Absolute Temperature, 273.15 K |
TAI_FC | Fuel Cell Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAI_TW | Thermal Well Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAI_WH | Well Head Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAIW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Air Inlet Temperature, C |
TAO_FC | Fuel Cell Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAO_WH | Well Head Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAOW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Air Outlet Temperature, C |
TAS_FC | Fuel Cell Air Side Temperature, C |
TAV_FC | Fuel Cell Average Temperature between Ignition and Peak Power, C |
TB | Boundary Temperature, C |
TBA | Air Normal Boiling Temperature, K |
TBLDDX | Array of Second Derivatives for Spline Interpolation |
TBLDDY | Array of Second Derivatives for Spline Interpolation |
TBLX | Array of Tabulated Values for Spline Interpolation |
TBLY | Array of Tabulated Values for Spline Interpolation |
TBO | Oil Normal Boiling Temperature, K |
TBW | Water Normal Boiling Temperature, K |
TC | Component Critical Temperature, K |
TCB_HT | Cricondenbar Temperature for Hydrates, K |
TCC | Ternary Electrolyte Theta-c Parameter |
TCMP | Reference Temperature for Soil Compressibilty, C |
TCPP | Total Component Properties Array |
TCR | Critical Temperature, K |
TCR_HT | Critical Temperature for Hydrates, K |
TCRA | Alcohol or CO2 Critical Temperature, K |
TCRO | Oil Critical Temperature, K |
TCRS | Surfactant Critical Temperature, K |
TCRW | Water Critical Temperature, K |
TCT | Cricondenterm Temperature, K |
TCT_HT | Cricondenterm Temperature for Hydrates, K |
TDISPL_GM | Total Geomechanical Displacement, m |
TDRA | Alcohol Density Reference Temperature, C |
TDRO | Oil Density Reference Temperature, C |
TENTH | Constant, 0.1 |
TERDC | Ternary Phase Diagram Constants |
(1) Binodal Curve Constant: Ah | |
(2) Binodal Curve Constant: Bh | |
(3) Binodal Curve Constant: Eh | |
(4) Binodal Curve Constant: Fh | |
(5) Intermediate Value | |
(6) Intermediate Value | |
(7) Intermediate Value | |
(8) Solubility Limit of Water in Alcohol Free Liquid Oil | |
(9) Solubility Limit of Water in Alcohol Free Liquid Oil | |
(10) Solubility Limit of Oil in Alcohol Free Liquid Water | |
(11) Solubility Limit of Oil in Alcohol Free Liquid Water | |
TFI_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFI_TW | Thermal Well Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFI_WH | Well Head Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFIW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Fuel Inlet Temperature, C |
TFO_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFO_WH | Well Head Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFOW_SP | Supply Pipe Wall Fuel Outlet Temperature, C |
TFPA | Alcohol Freezing Point Temperature, C |
TFPO | Oil Freezing Point Temperature, C |
TFS_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Side Temperature, C |
TFX_GM | Thermal Stress in the X-Direction, Pa |
TFY_GM | Thermal Stress in the Y-Direction, Pa |
TFZ_GM | Thermal Stress in the Z-Direction, Pa |
THAS_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Air-Side Flow Channel, m |
THE_HT | Temperature for Hydrate Equilibrium Table, K |
THE2P_HT | Second Derivative of Temperature for Hydrate Equilibrium |
THFP_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Frame Plate, m |
THFS_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Fuel-Side Flow Channel, m |
THIRD | One Third |
THKG | Gas Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKGB | Boundary Gas Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKH | Hydrate Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKHB | Boundary Hydrate Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKI | Ice Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKIB | Boundary Ice Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKL | Aqueous Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKLB | Boundary Aqueous Thermal Conductivity, W/m K NAPL |
THKN | NAPL Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKNB | Boundary NAPL Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKOS | Oil Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKOSB | Boundary Oil Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKRA | Reference Air Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKRW | Reference Water Thermal Conductivity, W/m K |
THKS | Thermal Conductivity Model Parameters, W/m K |
THSO_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Separator Overall, m |
THSR_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Spacer Ring, m |
THSW_FC | Fuel Cell Thickness/Height of Separator Walls |
TIC_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Temperature, C |
TIC_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Temperature, C |
TIN_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation Temperature, C |
TIN_SP | Supply Pipe Inner Casing Insulation Temperature, C |
TITLE | Simulation Title* (132 characters) |
TKAI_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Air Inlet, W/m K |
TKAI_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Air Inlet, W/m K |
TKAIW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Air-Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKAO_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Air Outlet, W/m K |
TKAO_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Air Outlet, W/m K |
TKAOW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Air Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKAS_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Air Side, W/m K |
TKFI_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Inlet, W/m K |
TKFI_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Inlet, W/m K |
TKFIW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Inlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKFO_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Outlet, W/m K |
TKFO_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Outlet, W/m K |
TKFOW_SP | Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Outlet Supply Pipe Wall, W/m K |
TKFS_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Fuel Side, W/m K |
TKIC_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Inner Casing, W/m K |
TKIC_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Inner Casing, W/m K |
TKIN_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Inner-Casing Insulation, W/m K |
TKIN_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Inner-Casing Insulation, W/m K |
TKOC_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Outer Casing Wall, W/m K |
TKOC_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Conductivity of Outer Casing Wall, W/m K |
TKSF_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Stack Frame, W/m K |
TKSP_FC | Fuel Cell Thermal Conductivity of Separator Rings and Plates, W/m K |
TLE_HT | Temperature for Lower Phase Envelope, K |
TLOAD_GM | Geomechanical Total Load, N |
TM | Time, s |
TM_CRN | Courant Number Limiting Time Step, s |
TM_RST | Time Step Reset, s |
TM_TW | Thermal Well Time, s |
TMBL | Mass Balance Check Time, s |
TMBP_A | Net CO2 Mass Transferred into the Hydrate, kg/s |
TMBP_N | Net N2 Mass Transferred into the Hydrate, kg/s |
TMBP_O | Net CH4 Mass Transferred into the Hydrate, kg/s |
TMC | Total Component Mass, kg |
TMHA | Hydrate CO2 Mass, kg |
TMHN | Hydrate N2 Mass, kg |
TMHO | Hydrate CH4 Mass, kg |
TMHS_FC | Fuel Cell Heat Source Time, s |
TMHS_SP | Supply Pipe Heat Source Time, s |
TML_CW | Total Mass Injected/Withdrawn Limit for Coupled Well, kg |
TMMX | Maximum Time, s |
TMN | Minimum Temperature, C |
TMOB | Observed Date Output Time, s |
TMPA | Time Step Acceleration Factor |
TMPC | Time Step Cut Factor |
TMPD | Execution Period Initial Time Step, s |
TMPE | Execution Period Stop Time, s |
TMPN | Minimum Time Step, s |
TMPR | Plot/Restart File Print Time, s |
TMPS | Execution Period Start Time, s |
TMPX | Execution Period Maximum Time Step, s |
TMRL | Release Plane Time, s |
TMRM | Remediation Event Time, s |
TMS | Total Salt Mass, kg |
TMSB | Total Salt Mass at the Boundary, kg |
TMX | Maximum Temperature, C |
TOC_FC | Fuel Well Thermal Well Outer Casing Temperature, C |
TOC_SP | Supply Pipe Thermal Well Outer Casing Temperature, C |
TOLN | Log to Ln Conversion Factor |
TOR | Tortuosity Function Constants |
TORG | Gas Tortuosity |
TORGB | Boundary Gas Tortuosity |
TORL | Aqueous Tortuosity |
TORLB | Boundary Aqueous Tortuosity |
TORN | NAPL Tortuosity |
TORNB | Boundary NAPL Tortuosity |
TPV_FC | Fuel Cell Energy Peak, eV |
TRAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Temperature Controller Range, C |
TRIN_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation Temperature Control Range, C |
TRPGL | Gas-Aqueous Trapping Number |
TRPNL | NAPL-Aqueous Trapping Number |
TSF_FC | Stack Frame Temperature, C |
TSPRF | Solute Diffusion Reference Temperature, C |
TTAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Target Temperature, C |
TTIN_FC | Fuel Cell Inner Casing Insulation Target Temperature, C |
TTPA | CO2 Triple Point Temperature, K |
TTPO | CO2 Triple Point Temperature, K |
TUE_HT | Temperature for Upper Phase Envelope, K |
TWH | Initial Inlet Temperature at Well Head, C |
TXSP | Slope of Surface between Adjacent Surface Nodes in the X-Direction, m |
TYSP | Slope of Surface between Adjacent Surface Nodes in the y-Direction, m |
U_ST | CO2 Property Table Values for Internal Energy, J/kg |
U_TA | CO2 Property Table Values for Internal Energy, J/kg |
UAI_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
UAI_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
UAO_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
UAO_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
UAS_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Side, J |
UC | X-Direction Solute Flux, 1/m2 s |
UCN | X-Direction Solute Flux in NAPL, 1/m2 s X-Direction |
UDGA | X-Direction Air Diffusive Mass Flux or X-Direction CO2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGC | X-Direction Gas Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGN | X-Direction N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGO | X-Direction Gas Diffusive Oil Mass Flux or X-Direction CH4 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGW | X-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDGW_W | X-Direction Well Radial Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLA | X-Direction Dissolved Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLA_W | Well Radial Dissolved Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLC | X-Direction Aqueous Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLN | X-Direction Aqueous N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLO | X-Direction Dissolved Oil Diffusive Flux or X-Direction Aqueous CH4 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLO_W | X-Direction Well Radial Dissolved Oil Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDLW | X-Direction Aqueous Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNA | X-Direction NAPL Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNC | X-Direction NAPL Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNN | X-Direction NAPL N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNO | X-Direction NAPL Oil Diffusive Flux or X-Direction NAPL CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDNW | X-Direction NAPL Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
UDS | X-Direction Salt Diffusion Flux, kg/m2 s |
UEG | Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEG_O | Old Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEGA | CO2 Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEGAB | Boundary CO2 Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEGB | Boundary Gas Internal Energy, J/kg |
UEL | Aqueous Enthalpy, J/kg |
UEN | NAPL Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFI_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFI_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFO_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFO_SP | X-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
UFS_FC | X-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Side Enthalpy, J/kg |
UG | X-Direction Darcy Gas Flux, m/s |
UG_W | Well X-Direction Darcy Gas Flux, m/s |
UGA | X-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Gas, kg/s |
UGC | X-Direction Mass Flux of Component in Gas, kg/s |
UGN | X-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in Gas, kg/s |
UGO | X-Direction Mass Flux of CH4 in Gas, kg/s |
UGW | X-Direction Mass Flux of Water Vapor, kg/s |
UL | X-Direction Darcy Aqueous Flux, m/s |
UL_LV | X-Direction Liquid Internal Energy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, J/kg |
UL_W | Well X-Direction Darcy Aqueous Flux, m/s |
ULA | X-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
ULC | X-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Component, kg/s |
ULN | X-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous N2, kg/s |
ULO | X-Direction Mass Flux of CH4 in Aqueous, kg/s |
ULSP | X-Direction Aqueous Surface Spill Flux, kg/s |
ULW | X-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Water, kg/s |
UN | X-Direction Darcy NAPL Flux, m/s |
UN_W | Well X-Direction Darcy NAPL Flux, m/s |
UNA | X-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in NAPL, kg/s |
UNAR | Units for Radiants |
UNC | X-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Component, kg/s |
UNLN | Output/Reference Node Length Units* (64 characters) |
UNN | X-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in NAPL, kg/s |
UNO | X-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in NAPL, kg/s |
UNPLOT | Plot File Variable Index |
UNREF | Reference Node Variable Index |
UNSF | Surface Flux Rate and Integral Units* (64 characters) |
UNSP | X-Direction NAPL Surface Spill Flux, kg/s |
UNTM | Output/Reference Node Time Units* (64 characters) |
UNW | X-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Water, kg/s |
UQ | X-Direction Energy Flux, W/m2 |
US | X-Direction Salt Flux, kg/m2 s |
USER | User Name* (64 characters) |
UV_LV | Vapor Internal Energy on the Liquid-Vapor Saturation Line, J/kg |
VAI_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
VAI_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Inlet, J |
VAI_WH | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Well Head, J |
VAO_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
VAO_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Air Outlet, J |
VAO_WH | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Internal Energy at the Well Head, J |
VAR_CW | Coupled Well Variables |
VAR_CW(1,:,:) Well Time, s | |
VAR_CW(2,:,:) Mass Rate, kg/s | |
VAR_CW(3,:,:) Pressure Limit, Pa | |
VAR_CW(4,:,:) Temperature, C | |
VAR_CW(5,:,:) Aqueous CO2 Relative Saturation or Aqueous CO2 Mass Fraction or Aqueous Saturation or Water Vapor Relative Saturation |
VAR_CW(6:,:) Aqueous Salt Relative Saturation or Aqueous Salt Mass Fraction | |
VAR_CW(7,:,:) CO2 NAPL Mole Fraction or Gas Mass Fraction of Gas + Oil | |
VAR_CW(8,:,:) CH4 NAPL Mole Fraction | |
VAR_CW(8+I,:,:) Petroleum Components I NAPL Mole Fraction | |
VARB | Input Variable Name* (64 characters) |
VAS_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Internal Energy at the Air Side, J |
VC | Y-Direction Solute Flux, 1/m2 s |
VCN | Y-Direction Solute Flux in NAPL, 1/m2 s |
VCRA | Air Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VCRO | Oil Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VCRS | Surfactant Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VCRW | Water Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VDGA | Y-Direction Air Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGC | Y-Direction Gas Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGN | Y-Direction N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGO | Y-Direction Oil Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDGW | Y-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLA | Y-Direction Dissolved-Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLC | Y-Direction Aqueous Component Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLN | Y-Direction Aqueous N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLO | Y-Direction Dissolved-Oil Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDLW | Y-Direction Aqueous Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNA | Y-Direction NAPL Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNC | Y-Direction NAPL Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNN | Y-Direction NAPL N2 Diffusive Mass Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNO | Y-Direction NAPL Oil Diffusive Flux or Y-Direction NAPL CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDNW | Y-Direction NAPL Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
VDS | Y-Direction Salt Diffusion Flux, kg/m2 s |
VFI_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFI_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFI_WH | Y-Direction Well Head Fuel Inlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFO_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFO_SP | Y-Direction Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFO_WH | Y-Direction Well Head Fuel Outlet Enthalpy, J/kg |
VFS_FC | Y-Direction Fuel Cell Fuel Side Enthalpy, J/kg |
VG | Y-Direction Gas Darcy Flux, m/s |
VGA | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Gas, kg/s |
VGC | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Gas Components, kg/s |
VGN | Y-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in Gas, kg/s |
VGO | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Gas, kg/s |
VGW | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Water Vapor, kg/s |
VISCA | Alcohol Viscosity Function Constants |
VISCO | Oil Viscosity Function Constants |
VISCS | Surfactant Viscosity Function Constants |
VISDG | Dry Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISG | Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGB | Boundary Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGI | Initial Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGW | Well Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISGWB | Well Boundary Gas Viscosity, Pa s |
VISL | Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLB | Boundary Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLI | Initial Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLSP | Aqueous Viscosity of Spill Surface Node, Pa s |
VISLW | Well Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISLWB | Well Boundary Aqueous Viscosity, Pa s |
VISN | NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNB | Boundary NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNI | Initial NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNSP | NAPL Viscosity of Spill Surface Node, Pa s |
VISNW | Well NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISNWB | Well Boundary NAPL Viscosity, Pa s |
VISRG | Gas Reference Viscosity, Pa s |
VISRL | Aqueous Reference Viscosity, Pa s |
VISRN | NAPL Reference Viscosity, Pa s |
VL | Y-Direction Water Darcy Flux, m/s |
VLA | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
VLC | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Component, kg/s |
VLN | Y-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
VLO | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Aqueous, kg/s |
VLSP | Y-Direction Water Flux for Spill Surface Node, m/s |
VLW | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Water, kg/s |
VMC | Component Critical Molar Volume, cm3/mol |
VN | NAPL Darcy Flux, m/s |
VNA | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in NAPL, kg/s |
VNC | Y-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Component, kg/s |
VNN | Y-Direction Mass Flux of N2 in NAPL, kg/s |
VNO | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in NAPL, kg/s |
VNSP | Y-Direction NAPL Flux for Spill Surface Node, m/s |
VNW | Y-Direction Mass Flux of Water in NAPL, kg/s |
VOL | Node Volume, m3 |
VQ | Y-Direction Energy Flux, W/m2 |
VS | Y-Direction Salt Flux, kg/m2 s |
VSF_FC | Stack Frame Voltage |
VSLC | (1) Reference Aqueous Pressure, Pa |
(2) Reference-Pressure Z Location, m | |
(3) Reference Temperature, C | |
(4) Reference-Temperature Z Location, m | |
(5) Geothermal Gradient, C/m | |
WAI_FC | Fuel Cell Air Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WAIAO_FC | Air Velocity at the Orifice Throat between the Air Inlet and Air Outlet, m/s |
WAO_FC | Fuel Cell Air Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WBR | Well Bore Radius, m |
WBR_CW | Coupled Well Bore Radius, m |
WBRS | Well Bore Radius for Storage, m |
WC | Z-Direction Solute Flux, 1/m2 s |
WCN | Z-Direction Solute Flux in NAPL, 1/m2 s |
WDGA | Z-Direction Air Vapor or CO2 Gas Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGC | Z-Direction Gas Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGN | Z-Direction N2 Gas Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGO | Z-Direction Oil Vapor or CH4 Gas Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGW | Z-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDGW_W | Well Z-Direction Water Vapor Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLA | Z-Direction Dissolved Air or Aqueous CO2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLA_W | Well Z-Direction Dissolved Air Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLC | Z-Direction Aqueous Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLN | Z-Direction Aqueous N2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLO | Z-Direction Dissolved Oil or Aqueous CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLO_W | Well Z-Direction Dissolved Oil or Aqueous CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDLW | Z-Direction Aqueous Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNA | Z-Direction NAPL Air or CO2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNC | Z-Direction NAPL Component Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNN | Z-Direction NAPL N2 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNO | Z-Direction NAPL Oil or CH4 Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDNW | Z-Direction NAPL Water Diffusive Flux, kg/m2 s |
WDS | Z-Direction Salt Diffusion Flux, kg/m2 s |
WFI_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Velocity, m/s |
WFIFO_FC | Air Velocity at the Orifice Throat between the Fuel Inlet and Fuel Outlet, m/s |
WFMN | Interfacial Average Weighting Factor |
WFO_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Velocity, m/s |
WG | Z-Direction Gas Darcy Flux, m/s |
WG_W | Well Z-Direction Gas Darcy Flux, m/s |
WGA | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Gas, kg/s |
WGC | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Gas Component, kg/s |
WGN | Z-Direction Mass Flux of N2 Gas, kg/s |
WGO | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Gas, kg/s |
WGW | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Water Vapor, kg/s |
WHBTA | Alcohol HBT Accentric Factor |
WHBTO | Oil HBT Accentric Factor |
WHP | Initial Well Head Pressure, Pa |
WIDA | Initial Well Dissolved Air Saturation |
WIDO | Initial Well Dissolved Oil Saturation |
WL | Z-Direction Aqueous Darcy Flux, m/s |
WL_W | Well Z-Direction Aqueous Darcy Flux, m/s |
WLA | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in Aqueous, kg/s |
WLC | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Component, kg/s |
WLN | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous N2, kg/s |
WLO | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in Aqueous, kg/s |
WLVR | Well Head Parameters |
WLW | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Aqueous Water, kg/s |
WN | Z-Direction NAPL Darcy Flux, m/s |
WN_W | Well Z-Direction NAPL Darcy Flux, m/s |
WNA | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Air or CO2 in NAPL, kg/s |
WNC | Z-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Component, kg/s |
WNM_CW | Coupled Well Type: Injection (IW) or Production (PW) or Single Pass (SP) or Double Pass (DP) |
WNN | Z-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL N2, kg/s |
WNO | Z-Direction Mass Flux of Oil or CH4 in NAPL, kg/s |
WNW | Z-Direction Mass Flux of NAPL Water, kg/s |
WQ | Z-Direction Energy Flux, W/m^2 |
WRH | Initial Well Relative Humidity |
WS | Z-Direction Salt Flux, kg/m^2 s |
WTM | Component Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMA | Air or CO2 Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMCH_OS | Char Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMCK_OS | Coke Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMK_OS | Kerogen Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMN | N2 Molecular Weight, kg/kmol |
WTMO | Oil or CH4 Molecular Weight, kg/kgmol |
WTMS | Surfactant Molecular Weight, kg/kgmol |
WTMW | Water Molecular Weight, kg/kgmol |
WWD | Well Total Liquid Depth, m |
WWDL | Well Aqueous Depth, m |
WWDN | Well NAPL Depth, m |
XD_GM | X-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
XDP_GM | Expansion due to Pressure on X-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
XDT_GM | Thermal Expansion in the X-Direction on Geomechanical Surfaces |
XE | X Node Dimension, m |
XGA | Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGA_O | Old Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAB | Boundary Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAW | Well Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAW_O | Old Well Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGAWB | Well Boundary Air Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGC | Gas Component Mass Fraction |
XGCB | Gas Component Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XGN | Gaseous N2 Mass Fraction |
XGNB | Gaseous N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XGO | Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGO_O | Old Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGOB | Boundary Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGW | Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGW_O | Old Well Oil Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWW | Well Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWW_O | Old Well Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XGWWB | Well Boundar Water Mass Fraction in Gas |
XHA | CO2 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHA_O | Old CO2 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHAB | Boundary CO2 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHN | Hydrate N2 Mass Fraction |
XHNB | Hydrate N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XHO | CH4 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHO_O | Old CH4 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHOB | Boundary CH4 Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHW | Water Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHW_O | Old Water Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XHWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Hydrate |
XLA | Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLA_O | Old Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLA_VE | Dissolved CO2 Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLAB | Boundary Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous Well |
XLAW | Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLAW_O | Well Old Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLAWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Air Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLC | Gas Component Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLCA_HT | CO2 Large Cage Occupany Number for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XLCA_PH | CO2 Large Cage Occupany Number from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
XLCA_TH | CO2 Large Cage Occupancy Numberfrom Equilibrium-Temperature File |
XLCA2T_HT | Second Derivative of CO2 Large Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XLCB | Boundary Gas Component Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLCN_HT | N2 Large Cage Occupany Number for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XLCN2T_HT | Second Derivative of N2 Large Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XLCO_HT | CH4 Large Cage Occupany Number for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XLCO_PH | CH4 Large Cage Occupany Number from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
XLCO_TH | CH4 Large Cage Occupancy Numberfrom Equilibrium-Temperature File |
XLCO2T_HT | Second Derivative of CH4 Large Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XLIMX | Maximum Concentration of Inhibitors, % |
XLN | Aqueous N2 Mass Fraction |
XLNB | Aqueous N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XLO | Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLO_O | Oil Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOB | Boundary Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOW | Well Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOW_O | Old Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLOWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Oil Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLS | Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLS_O | Old Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLSB | Boundary Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLW | Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLW_O | Old Well Dissolved Salt Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWW | Well Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWW_O | Old Well Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XLWWB | Well Boundary Water Mass Fraction in Aqueous |
XMAI_FC | Fuel Cell Air Inlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMAI_SP | Supply Pipe Air Inlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMAO_FC | Fuel Cell Air Outlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMAO_SP | Supply Pipe Air Outlet Air Component Mole Fraction |
XMEC_TW | Reaction Stoichiometry for Fuel Component or Air Component or Exhaust Component |
XMFI_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Inlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMFI_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Inlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMFO_FC | Fuel Cell Fuel Outlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMFO_SP | Supply Pipe Fuel Outlet Fuel Component Mole Fraction |
XMG | Gas Mole Fraction |
XMGA | Air Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGAB | Boundary Air Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGC | Gas Component Mole Fraction |
XMGCB | Gas Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMGN | Gas N2 Mole Fraction |
XMGNB | Gas N2 Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMGO | Oil Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGOB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGW | Water Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGWB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGWW | Well Water Vapor Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMGWWB | Well Boundary Water Vapor Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMLA | Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLAB | Boundary Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLAW | Well Dissolved Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLAWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Air Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLC | Aqueous Component Mole Fraction |
XMLCB | Aqueous Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMLN | Aqueous N2 Mole Fraction |
XMLNB | Aqueous N2 Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMLO | Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLOB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLOW | Well Dissolved Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLOWB | Well Boundary Dissolved Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLS | Salt Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLSB | Bound. Salt Mole Frac. in Aqueous |
XMLW | Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMLWB | Bound. Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMNA | Alcohol Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNAB | Boundary Alcohol Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNC | Nonaqueous Component Mole Fraction |
XMNCB | Nonaqueous Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMNN | Nonaqueous N2 Mole Fraction |
XMNNB | Nonaqueous N2 Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMNO | Oil Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNOB | Boundary Oil Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNW | Water Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMNWB | Boundary Water Mole Fraction in NAPL |
XMPCF | Mole Fraction of Petroleum Component Fractions |
XMVC | Volumetric Component Mole Fraction |
XMVCB | Volumetric Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
XMVGC | Equilibrium Dry Gas Component Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMVGW | Equilibrium Water Mole Fraction in Gas |
XMVLC | Equilibrium Dry Gas Component Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XMVLW | Equilibrium Water Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
XNA | Alcohol Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNA_O | Old Alcohol Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNAB | Boundary Alcohol Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNC | NAPL Component Mass Fraction |
XNCB | NAPL Component Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XNN | NAPL N2 Mass Fraction |
XNNB | NAPL N2 Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
XNO | Oil Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNO_O | Old Oil Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNOB | Boundary Oil Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNW | Water Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNW_O | Old Water Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XNWB | Boundary Water Mass Fraction in NAPL |
XOC_OS | Oil Shale Organic Carbon Mass Fraction |
XP | X-Direction Node Centroid Position, m |
XP_CW | Coupled Well X-Direction Node Centroid Position, m |
XPBC | X-Direction Bottom Surface Centroid |
XREF | Generalized Curvilinear Coordinate Factor |
XREFU | Generalized Curvilinear Coordinate Factor |
XSCA_HT | CO2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XSCA_PH | CO2 Small Cage Occupany from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
XSCA_TH | CO2 Small Cage Occupany from Equilibrium-Temperatute File |
XSCA2T_HT | Second Derivative of CO2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSCN_HT | N2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XSCN2T_HT | Second Derivative of N2 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSCO_HT | CH4 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrate Equilibrium Table |
XSCO_PH | Second Derivative of CH4 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSCO_TH | CH4 Small Cage Occupany from Equilibrium-Temperatute File |
XSCO2T_HT | Second Derivative of CH4 Small Cage Occupany for Hydrates |
XSO | Sorbed Oil Mass Fraction |
XSO_O | Old Sorbed Oil Mass Fraction |
XSOB | Boundary Sorbed Oil Mass Fraction |
XSP | Top Active Node X-Coordinate |
XTP_CW | X-Transition Points for Well Interval, m |
XVC | Volumetric Component Mass Fraction |
XVCB | Volumetric Component Mass Fraction at the Boundary |
YD_GM | Y-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
YDP_GM | Expansion due to Pressure on Y-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
YDT_GM | Thermal Expansion on Y-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
YE | Y Node Dimension, m |
YG | Fraction of Solute in Gas |
YGB | Boundary Fraction of Solute in Gas |
YL | Fraction of Solute in Aqueous |
YLB | Boundary Fraction of Solute in Aqueous |
YLS | Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YLS_O | Old Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YLS_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YLSB | Boundary Fraction of Dissolved Salt in Aqueous |
YMGA | Gaseous CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMGN | Gaseous N2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMGO | Gaseous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMGO_PH | Gaseous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
YMGO_TH | Gaseous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Temperature File |
YMHGA | Hydrate Gas CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMHGN | Hydrate Gas N2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMHGO | Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers |
YMHO_PH | Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Pressure File |
YMHO_TH | Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers from Equilibrium-Temperature File |
YMLOW | Well Dissolved Oil Mole Fraction in Aqueous |
YN | Fraction of Solute in NAPL |
YNB | Boundary Fraction of Solute in NAPL |
YP | Y-Direction Node Centroid Position, m |
YP_CW | Coupled Well Y-Projection Array |
YPBC | Y-Coordinate of Centroid |
YSP | Top Active Node Y-Coordinate |
YSPG | Gas Fraction of Component Species NEQ at Node N |
YSPL | Aqueous Fraction of Component Species NEQ at Node N |
YSPN | NAPL Fraction of Component Species NEQ at Node N |
YTP_CW | Y-Transition Points for Well Inteval, m |
ZAIFI_SP | Center Separation: Air-Inlet and Fuel-Inlet Supply Pipe, m |
ZAIFO_SP | Center Separation: Air-Inlet and Fuel-Outlet Supply Pipe, m |
ZAIHF_SP | Center Separation: Air-Inlet and Heater-Fuel Supply Pipe, m |
ZB_VE | Vertical Equilibrium String Gas-Aqueous Interface Elevation |
ZBMIN_VE | Minimum Vertical Equilibrium String Gas-Aqueous Interface Elevation |
ZBTR_VE | Vertical Equilibrium Dissolved CO2 Transition Depth |
ZCRA | Alcohol Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZCRO | Oil Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZCRS | Surfactant Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZCRW | Water Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZD_GM | Z-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
ZDP_GM | Expansion due to Pressure on Z-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
ZDT_GM | Thermal Expansion on Z-Direction Geomechanical Surfaces |
ZE | Z Node Dimension, m |
ZERO | Constant, 0. |
ZFIFO_SP | Center Separation: Fuel-Inlet and Fuel-Outlet Supply Pipe, m |
ZFOHF_SP | Center Separation: Fuel-Outlet and Heater-Fuel Supply Pipe, m |
ZG | Gas Compressibility |
ZGB | Gas Compressibility at the Boundary |
ZHC_HT | Mole Fraction of Hydrate Formers for Hydrate Equilibria |
ZLAB | Micro-Emulsion Volume Fraction |
ZMC | Total Petroleum Component Mole Fraction |
ZMCA | Total Nonaqueous CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
ZMCB | Total Petroleum Component Mole Fraction at the Boundary |
ZMCN | Total Nonaqueous N2 Mole Fraction of Formers |
ZMCO | Total Nonaqueous CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers |
ZMIH_HT | Mole Fraction of Hydrate Formers for Hydrate Equilibria |
(1) Hydrate Gas CO2 Mole Fraction of Formers | |
(2) Hydrate Gas N2 Mole Fraction of Formers | |
(3) Hydrate Gas CH4 Mole Fraction of Formers | |
ZN | NAPL Compressibility |
ZNB | NAPL Compressibility Boundary |
ZP | Z Node Position |
ZP_CW | Z Node Position for Coupled Wells |
ZPBC | Z-Direction Bottom Surface Centroid |
ZPC_HT | Mole Fraction of Hydrate Formers for Phase Equilibria |
ZRA | Component Critical Compressibility Factor |
ZRAA | Alcohol Rackett Compressibility Factor |
ZRAO | Oil Rackett Compressibility Factor |
ZSP | Top Active Node Z-Coordinate |
ZTP_CW | Z-Transition Points for Well Interval, m |
Field variables are defined at node points and are represented with two-dimensional arrays. Examples of field variables include primary unknowns, saturation properties, rock/soil properties, and thermodynamic properties (e.g., temperature, pressure, phase saturation, porosity, density, and viscosity).
The first index of a field variable indicates the time step or increment status. The second index of a field variable indicates the node number. The dimension of the first index depends on the operational mode or equivalently number of coupled flow equations; where the dimension will equal the number of unknowns plus two. Therefore, field variables at each node comprise a number of elements equal to the number of unknowns plus two. Each element for each field variable contains a variant on the field variable. For example, the first element or index contains the value of the field variable at the previous time step. A list of field variable variants is shown in the table below.
Field Variable Indexing Scheme
Index | Description |
1 | Previous time step value |
2 | Current iteration or time step value |
3 | First primary variable incremented |
4 | Second primary variable incremented |
5 | Third primary variable incremented |
6 | Fourth primary variable incremented |
Primary Variable Sequencing Scheme
The primary variable order and corresponding field variable variant indexing depend on the Operational Mode. However, primary variables are always ordered, regardless of the operational mode, according to the following equation sequence: energy, water mass, unique component masses to the operational mode, and salt mass. The primary variable ordering system for each operational mode is listed below. Primary variables are referred to by equation because primary variables for a given equation and operational mode are dependent on the local phase condition. Refer to the STOMP Theory Guide (White and Oostrom, 2000) for a description of primary variables, phase conditions, and variable switching. Consider an example for the STOMP-GT (Geothermal) Operational Mode, which solves the energy, water mass and air mass conservation equations. For this operational mode, there would be four field variable variant indices. Using the aqueous saturation for an unsaturated node as the example field variable, the following variant definitions would apply: the first index would refer to the aqueous saturation at the previous time step, the second index would refer to the aqueous saturation at the current iteration or time step value, the third index would refer to the aqueous saturation with the aqueous pressure incremented, and the fourth index would refer to the aqueous saturation with the gas pressure incremented.
Equation 1: Water
Equation 1: Energy
Equation 2: Water
Equation 1: Water
Equation 2: CO2
Equation 3: Salt
Equation 1: Energy
Equation 2: Water
Equation 3: CO2
Equation 4: Salt
Equation 1: Energy
Equation 2: Water
Equation 3: CO2
Equation 4: CH4
Equation 5: Petroleum Component (s)
Equation 6: Salt
Equation 1: Water
Equation 2: Gas
Equation 3: Oil
Equation 4: Salt
Equation 1: Energy
Equation 2: Water
Equation 3: Mobile CO2
Equation 4: Mobile CH4
Equation 5: Mobile N2
Equation 6: Hydrate CO2
Equation 7: Hydrate CH4
Equation 8: Hydrate N2
Equation 4: Salt
Equation 1: Water
Equation 2: Oil
Equation 1: Water
Equation 2: Air
Equation 3: Oil
Flux variables are defined on node surfaces between node points or on boundary surfaces and are represented with two dimensional arrays. Examples of flux variables include heat fluxes, Darcy phase velocities, and component diffusion/dispersion fluxes. Flux variables are aligned with one of the primary orthogonal coordinate directions. Flux variables names that begin with the character 'U' are aligned with the x- or radial-direction coordinate, those which begin with the character 'V' are aligned with the y- or azimuthal-direction coordinate, and those which begin with the character 'W' are aligned with the z‑direction coordinate. The first index of a flux variable indicates the increment status and the second index indicates the surface number. Unlike field variables, previous time-step fluxes are not stored. Surface numbers do not correspond directly to node numbers. The number of surfaces in any given coordinate direction equals the number of nodes in that direction plus one.
A list of the flux variable variants is shown in the table below. The primary variable order and corresponding field variable variant index depend on the operational mode. In the table, the upper node refers to the node in the east, north, or top direction (positive x-, y-, or z-direction) with respect to the surface. Likewise, the lower node refers to the node in the west, south, or bottom direction (negative x-, y-, or z‑direction) with respect to the surface. Consider an example for the STOMP-WA (Water-Air) Operational Mode, which solves the water mass and air mass conservation equations. For this operational mode, there would be five flux variable variant indices. Using the z-direction aqueous Darcy velocity for an unsaturated node as the example field variable, the following variant definitions would apply: the first index would refer to the aqueous Darcy velocity for the current iteration or time step value, the second and third indices would refer to the Darcy velocity with the aqueous pressure in the “top” and “bottom” nodes incremented, respectively; and the fourth and fifth indices would refer to the Darcy velocity with the gas pressure in the “top” and “bottom” nodes incremented, respectively.
Flux Variable Indexing Scheme
Index | Description |
1 | Current iteration or time step value |
2 | First primary variable in the upper node incremented |
3 | First primary variable in the lower node incremented |
4 | Second primary variable in the upper node incremented |
5 | Second primary variable in the lower node incremented |
6 | Third primary variable in the upper node incremented |
7 | Third primary variable in the lower node incremented |
8 | Fourth primary variable in the upper node incremented |
9 | Fourth primary variable in the lower node incremented |