Conservation Equations Card Syntax (-R)

Input Data Types

Character string (e.g., van Genuchten, porosity, m^3/s, Roe Superbee)

Integer (no alpha characters, special characters, or punctuation) (e.g., 1, 32, 195634)

Real (decimal points and exponential notation allowed) (e.g., 0, 0.0, 1.e-12, 1.E+3, 2.345)

Keyword (exact formatting required) (e.g., file, ~Solution Control Card, binary file)

Card Title

~Conservation Equations Card

Conservation Equations

Number of Conservation Equations,


Repeat for number of conservation equations

Component Species Name, Number of Species in Conservation Equation,...


Repeat for number of species in the conservation equation

...Species Name,Species Stochiometric Coefficient,...

RETURNs are allowed at any point on the input line

ECKEChem Input Cards

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