Black-Oil Properties Syntax (EOR-BO)

STOMP-EOR-BO solves conservation equations for oil, gas, water, and salt, over three mobile phases aqueous, nonaqueous-liquid and gas.  The properties of the oil and gas are not computed via a cubic equation of state, as with STOMP-EOR, but are specified explicitly or as parameters to functional forms. Inputs are required for the bubble-point model, oil formation volume fraction model, oil viscosity model, gas Z factor model, and gas viscosity model in specified function forms.  Curve fitting capabilities are not currently included in STOMP-EOR for these functional forms, so the input parameters and model coefficients need to be determined independently.

Input Data Types

Character string (e.g., van Genuchten, porosity, m^3/s, Roe Superbee)

Integer (no alpha characters, special characters, or punctuation) (e.g., 1, 32, 195634)

Real (decimal points and exponential notation allowed) (e.g., 0, 0.0, 1.e-12, 1.E+3, 2.345)

Keyword (exact formatting required) (e.g., file, ~Solution Control Card, binary file)

Card Title (EOR) or (EOR-BO)

~Black-Oil Properties Card,

 Oil Specific Gravity Option

Choose One

Chose one input option


API,Oil API Gravity,Gas Specific Gravity,Oil Bubble-Point Pressure,Units (Pa),

 Water Standard

Water Standard,Oil Specific Gravity,Gas Specific Gravity,Oil Bubble-Point Pressure,Units (Pa),


Bubble-Point Model

Choose One

Chose one input option



Oil Formation Volume Factor Model

Choose One

Chose one input option



Oil Viscosity Model

Choose One

Chose one input option



Gas Z-Factor Model

Choose One

Chose one input option

5-Term Polynomial

5-Term Polynomial,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,

Gas Viscosity Model

Choose One

Chose one input option

3-Term Polynomial

3-Term Polynomial,e1,e2,e3,

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