Initial Conditions Card (GT)

This card is used to establish state conditions at the start of the simulation for all grid cells. For STOMP-GT the user must specify at least the aqueous pressure or aqueous saturation at every grid cell. Unless otherwise specified, the temperature is 20˚C and the gas pressure is 101325 Pa. The temperature and gas pressure are invariant throughout the simulation, but can be set to vary across the domain via the Initial Conditions Card. If the simulation involves passive solutes, the Initial Conditions Card is used to specify solute concentrations at the start of the simulation. Likewise, if the simulation involves reactive species and code implementation includes the ECKEChem module, then the Initial Conditions Card is used to specify initial species concentrations. The default solute and species concentrations are zero. There is no particular order required for parameters on the Initial Conditions Card. State condition errors that arise from specifications on the Initial Conditions Card are generally noted and indicated via the state condition check routine. For restart simulations, the Initial Conditions Card is not required, but can be used to overwrite values stored in the restart file.

  • General concepts for applying initial conditions are provided on the Card Description page.

  • Descriptions of the various classes of initial condition options (i.e., saturation-pressure, state variables, solute variables, species variables, and parameter specifications) are provided on the Card Options page.

  • Formatting instructions for specifying initial conditions are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Initial Conditions Cards for STOMP-GT with and without solutes and geochemistry are provided on the Card Examples page.

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