Salt Transport Card Syntax (EOR-BO)

STOMP-EOR-BO solves a conservation of salt mass equation that considers the transport of salt through the aqueous phase via advection, diffusion, and hydrologic dispersion.  The Salt Transport Card allows the user to specify longitudinal and transverse dispersivities for salt transport, which are considered to be intrinsic properties of the rock/soil.  Diffusion coefficients for salt transport through the aqueous phase are computed as a function of temperature and pressure by STOMP-EOR-BO.  The current version of the simulator does not allow the user to specify aqueous diffusion coefficients or models for salt diffusion.

Input Data Types

Character string (e.g., van Genuchten, porosity, m^3/s, Roe Superbee)

Integer (no alpha characters, special characters, or punctuation) (e.g., 1, 32, 195634)

Real (decimal points and exponential notation allowed) (e.g., 0, 0.0, 1.e-12, 1.E+3, 2.345)

Keyword (exact formatting required) (e.g., file, ~Solution Control Card, binary file)

Card Title

~Salt Transport Card,

 Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersivities


Repeat for each rock/soil type

Rock/Soil Name,Longitudinal Dispersivity,Units (m),Transverse Dispersivity,Units (m),


IJK, JKI, or KIJ Indexing

Expand for Syntax

If Rock/Soil Name is IJK Indexing, JKI Indexing, or KIJ Indexing then a parameter value can replaced with an external file using the following formatting for ASCII files:

...,file:file name,...

or binary files:

...,binary file:file name,...
The external file will contain parameter values for every grid-cell ordered according to the indexing scheme (i.e., IJK, JKI, or KIJ). Units shown in the input line will be applied to all parameters in the external file.

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