Coupled Well Card Syntax (e-W)

Coupled wells in eSTOMP-W are used to inject and produce water between wells and the field domain. Specification of coupled wells requires an indication of well type, well trajectory, and time schedules.

Input Data Types

Character string (e.g., van Genuchten, porosity, m^3/s, Roe Superbee)

Integer (no alpha characters, special characters, or punctuation) (e.g., 1, 32, 195634)

Real (decimal points and exponential notation allowed) (e.g., 0, 0.0, 1.e-12, 1.E+3, 2.345)

Keyword (exact formatting required) (e.g., file, ~Solution Control Card, binary file)

Card Title

~Coupled Well Card

Coupled Wells

Number of Coupled Wells, write aqueous flux, write solute flux,


Repeat for the Number of Coupled Wells

Choose One

Choose one Coupled Well Type

Aqueous Injection Well (Water Only)

Aqueous Injection Well, No Solute, X-direction Well Fraction Factor, Y-direction Well Fraction Factor, Z-direction Well Fraction Factor, Maximum Mass Injection Limit, Units(kg),

Aqueous Mass Production (Withdrawl) Well (Water Only)

Aqueous Production Mass Flow Well, No Solute, X-direction Well Fraction Factor, Y-direction Well Fraction Factor, Z-direction Well Fraction Factor, Maximum Mass Extracted, Units(kg),

Aqueous Injection Well with Solute

Aqueous Injection Well, Aqueous Solute Concentration, X-direction Well Fraction Factor, Y-direction Well Fraction Factor, Z-direction Well Fraction Factor, Maximum Mass Injection Limit, Units(kg),

Aqueous Mass Production (Withdrawl) Well with Solute

Aqueous Production Mass Flow Well, Aqueous Solute Concentration, X-direction Well Fraction Factor, Y-direction Well Fraction Factor, Z-direction Well Fraction Factor, Maximum Mass Extracted, Units(kg),

Well trajectory

Number of well segments,


Repeat for the number of well segments

1st X-Transition Point, Units(m), 1st Y-Transition Point, Units(m), 1st Z-Transition Point, Units(m), 2nd X-Transition Point, Units(m), 2nd Y-Transition Point, Units(m), 2nd Z-Transition Point, Units(m), Well Radius, Units(m), Skin Factor, Interval Screen Option,

Coupled Well Time Schedule

Number of time points,


Repeat for the number of time points

Choose One

Choose one Well Type Option

Aqueous Injection Well (Water Only)

Time, Units(s),Injection Mass Rate, Units(kg/s), Maximum Well-Top Pressure, Units(Pa),

Aqueous Injection Well with Solute

Time, Units(s),Injection Mass Rate, Units(kg/s), Maximum Well-Top Pressure, Units(Pa), Solute Concentration, Units(1/m^3),

Aqueous Production (Withdrawal) Well

Time, Units(s),Production (Withdrawal) Mass Rate, Units(kg/s), Minimum Well-Top Pressure, Units(Pa),

Aqueous Production (Withdrawal) Well with Solute

Time, Units(s),Production (Withdrawal) Mass Rate, Units(kg/s), Minimum Well-Top Pressure, Units(Pa), Solute Concentration, Units(1/m^3),

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