Observed Data Card (e-W)

This card allows the user to input observed values at specific location and time. To have this card take effect, at the first line of the Solution Control Card, the phrase “inverse” is needed before the first comma (e.g., Normal w/inverse). eSTOMP will then generate two of the UCODE (Poeter and Hill, 1998) input files, i.e., the universal file out_uc1.uni and the extraction file out_uc1.ext, and an output file out_uc1.sto. These files follow the convention described in Poeter and Hill (1998). It is noted that, to have the out_uc1.uni and out_uc1.ext files work for UCODE, a UCODE Control Card is also needed. Without the UCODE Control Card, the file out_uc1.uni contains only the data portion and is incomplete.

  • Descriptions of the options of the output variables are provided on the Card Options page.

  • Formatting instructions for specifying output variables are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Observed Data Cards for eSTOMP-W are provided on the Card Examples page.


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