Energy Conservation Equation

Several STOMP Operational Modes couple energy and mass transport. Energy transfer is similar to mass component transfer, occurring through advection and diffusion of mass as well as thermal diffusion through the fluid and solid phases.


Operational Modes Phases


Table 1. STOMP operational modes that consider heat transfer in liquid (l), gas (g), NAPL (n), and solid (s) phases.

Energy Conservation Equation

The energy conservation equation equates the time rate of change of energy within a control volume with the flux of energy crossing the control volume surface and energy sources associated with mass or heat sources.

Where the energy accumulation term is

and heat transfer can occur in the aqueous (l), NAPL (n), gas (g), hydrate (h), ice (i), solid (s), and precipitated (p) phases under equilibrium conditions, depending on the operational mode.

Thermal Flux

Thermal flux is a combination of advective and diffusive (or conductive) components.

Advective Term

Advective fluxes are represented by the Darcy velocity.

Diffusive Term

Diffusive energy flux associated with diffusive mass components (j)

where a combined diffusion-dispersion coefficient, D, replaces the classical Fickian diffusion coefficient. Diffusive energy flux is also considered via thermal conduction.

Discretized Energy Conservation Equation

Surface integrals are approximated by discretizing the control volume surfaces into node surfaces and summing the contributions to thermal flux over the node surfaces. The energy accumulatoin term (i.e., left-hand-side terms) are summed and integrated over the node volume according to

Discretized Thermal Flux

Defining flux directions parallel to the surface normal allows the surface integrals to be converted to summations over all node surfaces.


This transformation strictly requires an orthogonal grid system for the flux directions to be aligned with the surface normals.  Nonorthogonal systems will yield energy balance errors.

Discretized Advective Term

Darcy fluxes are discretized, in the six coordinated directions, using upwind interfacial averaging (uw) for phase enthalpy, density, and relative permeability and harmonic averaging (h) for the intrinsic permeability and phase viscosity.

These default interfacial averaging schemes can be altered through user input.

Discretized Diffusive Term

Diffusive fluxes are discretized, in the six coordinate directions, using harmonic (h) averaging for the combination of terms which comprise an effective diffusion coefficient.

The thermal conductivity term is computed using a user-defined interfacial average for the effective thermal conductivity, where the default form is harmonic (h) averaging.


Time Discretization

The mass conservation equations are discretized in time using a fully implicit scheme, where the time levels are indicated with superscripts. The primary unknowns for the mass conservation equations are intrinsic properties at node volume centroids (node grid point) for time level t+δt.


The residual equation for energy is then the difference between left-hand-side and right-hand-side.



   In the STOMP simulator, thermal energy is partitioned, according to thermal equilibrium conditions, among the fluid and solid phases. The thermal capacitance of unconnected pore space, represented by the difference between the total and diffusive porosity, is computed as it is filled with liquid water.

  Heat transfer by hydraulic dispersion of flowing fluid phases is neglected.

  Enhanced vapor transport is incorporated through enhancement factors for component diffusion through the gas phase.

  Energy associated with component mass sources are included as internal heat generation sources.

  Reference states for enthalpy and internal energy are component dependent.

  Latent heat transport is considered through vapor transport through the gas phase and equilibrium thermodynamics.

  STOMP-HYDT-KE ignores energy flux associated with component diffusive fluxes.




(In order of appearance)

time, s

volume of element n, m3

energy accumulation term for component j , J/m3
surface of element n, m2
heat flux tensor, W/m2
unit surface normal vector
specific enthalpy of phase γ, J/kg
specific mass source of phase γ, kg/m3 s
specific heat source, W/m3

diffusive porosity

density of phase γ, kg/m3

saturation of phase γ
specific internal energy of phase γ, J/kg
total porosity
effective thermal conductivity, W/Km
temperature, K
Darcy velocity vector of phase γ, m/s
diffusive-dispersive flux of component j for the phase γ, kg/m2 s
relative permeability of phase γ
intrinsic permeability, m2
kinematic viscosity of phase γ, Pa s
pressure of phase γ, Pa
acceleration of gravity, m/s2
unit gravitational direction vector
molecular weight of component j, kg/kg mol
molecular weight of phase γ, kg/kg mol
phase tortuosity for phase γ
diffusion coefficient of component j for phase, m2/s
mole fraction of component j in phase γ
area of surface, m2
phase index
aqueous liquid phase
nonaqueous liquid phase
gaseous phase
hydrate phase
ice phase
precipitated salt phase
solid phase
node surface index 
negative surface (west, south, bottom)
positive surface (west, south, bottom)
component index
upwind weighting scheme
harmonic weighting scheme

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