Grid Card (W)

This card is used to specify the grid structure used with the STOMP simulator’s integral finite difference formulation. All STOMP grids are structured and orthogonal to nearly orthogonal, with hexahedral grid cells. Grids can be specified with either relative or absolute coordinates. In other words, STOMP does not require the origin to be at 0,0,0. Grids may be specified as map projections (ie., UTM or State Plane) with their corresponding units (meters or feet). However, geographic coordinate systems (ie., latitude-longitude) are not accepted.  Vertical coordinates can be specified as elevation or as relative coordinates. The origin of STOMP grids is in the lower, left hand, front, corner. A number of different ways of specifying grids are available in STOMP.

  • Descriptions of the various grid card options (i.e.,cartesian, cylindrical, and boundary fitted) are provided on the Card Options page.
  • Formatting instructions for specifying the grid are provided on the Card Syntax page.

  • Examples of Grid Cards for STOMP-W are provided on the Card Examples page.

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